Review a professional resource (peer-reviewed journal or text ) on Psychological First Aid.
The review must provide the following (hummm…these look like headings in a paper to me; hint, hint):
1. Source reference in APA 7th reference style,
1b. Citations as necessary (this is only an issue if you reference other’s article information in your summary, otherwise it is assumed that the summary is strictly dealing with the single article / text referenced).
2. Summarize the article well,
3. Note strengths and weaknesses of the article,
4. and the Benefit / Negative (pro/con) to the student as a counseling professional.
There is no page limit. Cover all of the required points well / thoroughly and all will go well. I prefer if you can do so with efficiency and brevity, perhaps even eloquence. But I have no minimum or maximum limit of pages (that is an archaic structure that limits self-expression).
Upload a document of your summary in .doc or .docx format