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Artists Research Project. Links to an external site.
(opens in Google Docs)

This project requires students to learn about several famous artists and the outline ways to introduce the artist and his/her artwork to young children.

Step 1:  Learn about famous artists and their artwork by exploring the gallery of great art and virtually visiting several museums.  The gallery of great art and links to art museums are at the end of the assignment instructions.

Step 2:  Select at least three artists.  For each artist discover biographical information about the artist such as, full name, period alive, where artist lived, etc.   For each artist, view a sampling of the art he/she created.

Step 3:  On a word document,power point presentation, or FakeBook pageLinks to an external site. template include the following:

a. Name of artist

b. Biographical information about artist

c. Photos of at least four pieces of artwork created by artist

a. Each photo must be referenced by identifying where image was located

b. Each photo (artwork) must include a brief summary that outlines why you selected the art

d. Consider ways to introduce each artist to preschool aged children.  On the word document or power point presentation, describe at least one developmentally appropriate method of introduction for each artist.   What would you as the teacher do and say to the children to introduce and teach them a little about the artist and art?

For each artist, describe one creative activity that you can implement with preschool age children that relates to the artist and his/her artwork.   Add the descriptions to the word document or power point presentation.  

(you may find other artists in these museums)

NC Museum of Art, Modern Art Collection:  
to an external site.

National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian 
to an external site.

Museum of Modern Art:  
to an external site.

Peabody Essex Museum of Indigenous Art: 
to an external site.

The Metropolitan Museum of Art: 
to an external site.

The National Gallery of Art:  
to an external site.

Nasher Museum of Art at Duke: 
to an external site.

Cedar Creek Gallery(pottery) : 
to an external site.

Contemporary Art Museum (Raleigh): 
to an external site.



Here are 50 masterpieces that represent a broad span of artists throughout the centuries. If you are in doubt about what art to present to children, you may find this a helpful resource.

Andy Warhol, 
One Hundred Cans

Stuart Davis, 
Hot Still-Scape for Six Colors

Wim Botha, 
Still Life with Discontent

Hung Liu, Mission Girls

Alison Saar, 
Weight 2012

Richard Diebenkorn, 

Kehinde Wiley, 
Barack Obama born 1961

Jasper Johns, 
Three Flags

Mark Rothko, 
Blue, Green and Brown

Jackson Pollock, 

Romare Bearden,
 Jammin’ at the Savoy

Jacob Lawrence, 
Barber Shop

Diego Rivera, 
The Flower Seller

Frida Kahlo, 
Self-Portrait Dedicated to Leon Trotsky

Georgia O’Keefe, 
Oriental Poppies

Berthe Morisot, 

Yoan Capote, 
Immanence 2015

John Singer Sargent, 
Out-of-Doors Study

William Merritt Chase, 
The Beach

Winslow Homer, 
On the Beach

Mary Cassatt, 
Children Playing on the Beach

Andrew Wyeth, 
Christina’s World

Charles Demuth, 
From the Garden of the Chateau

Grand Wood, 
American Gothic

Frederic Church, 
Rainy Season in the Tropics

John Copley, 
Henry Pelham

Rene Magritte, 

Salvador Dali,
 The Persistence of Memory

M. C. Escher,

Piet Mondrian,
 Broadway Boogie Woogie

Joan Miro, 
The Hunter

Wassily Kandinsky,
 Yellow, Red, Blue

Edvard Munch,
 The Scream

Odilon Redon,
 Vase of Flowers, 1914

Marc Chagall,
 I and the Village

Pablo Picasso, 
Three Musicians

Henri Matisse,

Georges Seurat, 
Bathers at Asnieres

Henri Rousseau,
 The Sleeping Gypsy

Vincent Van Gogh,
 Starry Night

Paul Cezanne, 
Hillside in Provence

Pierre Renoir, 
Luncheon of the Boating Party

Edgar Degas,
 Ballet Dancers

Jan Vermeer,
 Girl with a Pearl Earring

Katshusika Hokusai,
 Great Wave Off Kanagawa

Michelangelo Caravaggio,
 The Cardsharps

 The School of Athens

Hubert Van Eyck, 
The Arnolfini Portrait

Leonardo Da Vinci,
 Mona Lisa

John Trumbull, 
The Battle of Bunker Hill

Alexander Calder, 
Little Spider






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