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Assessment 3 PICO(T) Questions and an Evidence-Based Approach


Locating Credible Databases and Research


Evidence-based practice (EBP) uses the best available evidence to guide optimal nursing care to enhance safety and quality. EBP is a significant core of nursing practice as it combines the available evidence literature with the experience of practicing nurses. When optimum results for desired patient outcomes are based on quality care from EBP, without this significant factor, the nurse cannot be an effective leader. Effective leadership in nursing will only be realized through knowledge and expertise obtained by knowing how scholarly resource searches work and which databases and websites can be trusted while effecting changes in practice supported by evidence.

Communication and Collaboration:

Being a baccalaureate prepared nurse, my responsibilities now entail mentoring and orienting newly recruited nurses in the process of research and practice with EBP. Effective communication and collaboration are vital to ensuring that the nurses are well supported in their search for evidence for clinical diagnoses. I would be supportive of the new nurse by researching the diagnosis provided, which is a UTI, through having a mentor relationship where I get the chance to show the new nurse how to use databases for conducting research and how to understand evidence-based practice. Facilitating regular discussions for the nurse to ask questions and receive constructive feedback would be necessary (Dickson et al., 2024). Online training modules or visual aids, such as video tutorials on how to access particular databases, would also go a long way in increasing their knowledge base. All these would help the nurse understand the importance of EBP in achieving better patient outcomes and, at the same time, increase the nurse’s belief in being able to conduct good quality research.

Best Places to Complete the Research:

The UTI diagnosis result can be done by searching the online library and computer lab of the hospital. In this case, it is possible to use the CINAHL, PubMed, Medline, and the Cochrane Library. Through access to nurse workstations, research databases can be accessed directly for convenience and immediacy. It is significant to search through hospital-specific policies and guidelines that may be accessed online so that assurance is placed on following the institutional protocol. Checking the websites of professional organizations, such as the American Nurses Association, may provide one with many resources and guidelines on how to conduct in-depth research.

Sources of Online Information:

The following are the top five sources that evidence on UTI was found to be relevant and reliable: PubMed, a robust database from the National Library of Medicine, containing thousands of peer-reviewed articles, clinical trials, and reviews. CINAHL holds vast resources for nursing and allied health professionals: from scholarly articles to evidence-based care sheets and quick lessons on UTIs. The Cochrane Library is also renowned for its quality systematic reviews; it is a good starting point for locating detailed reviews on treatments and interventions about UTIs. Medline also consists of an extended coverage of biomedical literature, thus availing numerous research opportunities (Bono et al., 2023). The NGC helps access evidence-based clinical practice guidelines that are very important in understanding the standard protocols, as well as recommendations for the management of UTI.

Rationale for Selected Sources:

These resources have been chosen because they provide high-quality, peer-reviewed information, which is necessary to establish sensible clinical decisions. PubMed supplies the broadest range of medical research, being de facto the gold standard for a source of reliable data for clinical evidence (Al Lawati et al., 2023). CINAHL is made for nursing and allied health literature, so it is very relevant to nursing practice. The Cochrane Library holds high standards in assembling systematic reviews; it thus provides the best evidence for clinical practice (Fazly Bazzaz et al., 2021). Medline has broad coverage of biomedical literature, allowing complete research opportunities (Flores-Mireles et a., 2020). The National Guidelines Clearinghouse provides access to evidence-based guidelines, which is essential in assuring best practices in patient care.


Mentoring and effective communication strategies are imperative to insist on EBP-oriented research in practice. Utilizing selected sources and resources in the healthcare setting would assist the nurse in finding more evidence-based, credible evidence to support patient safety, care focused on the patient, and beneficial patient care outcomes. The CRAAP test can be a supplementary tool for appraising the quality of sources, thus ensuring that the best evidence is selected for clinical practice.


Al Lawati, H., Blair, B. M., & Larnard, J. (2023). Urinary tract infections: Core curriculum 2024.
American Journal of Kidney Diseases,

Bono, M. J., Reygaert, W. C., & Leslie, S. W. (2023).
Urinary tract infection. National Library of Medicine; StatPearls Publishing.

Dickson, K., Zhou, J., & Lehmann, C. (2024). Lower Urinary Tract Inflammation and Infection: Key Microbiological and Immunological Aspects.
Journal of Clinical Medicine,
13(2), 315.

Fazly Bazzaz, B. S., Darvishi Fork, S., Ahmadi, R., & Khameneh, B. (2021). Deep insights into urinary tract infections and effective natural remedies.
African Journal of Urology,

Flores-Mireles, A. L., Walker, J. N., Caparon, M., & Hultgren, S. J. (2020). Urinary Tract infections: epidemiology, Mechanisms of Infection and Treatment Options.
Nature Reviews Microbiology,
13(5), 269–284.

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