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Assessment Plan and Implementation Report

Your client is a 7th Grade ELA teacher.

MEDT 7476: Assessing Learning with Technology-Enhanced Instruction * 1

Assignment 3: Assessment Implementation

Remember to continue where you left off on your copy
of the Assessment Plan and Implementation Report

Template found HERE

For this project, you will now implement the Assessment Plan you developed for
Assignment 2: Assessment Plan with a selected client. I need you to submit this
project not only to the Assignment 3 dropbox (by the Course Plan deadline) but
also to the Key Assessment Dropbox, which is required to receive credit for the

Assessment Implementation Guidelines
You and the person you are coaching (as indicated in your submission for
Assignment 2: Assessment Plan) will follow your assessment plan to create the
assessment and implement the plan.

Your submission to the Assignment Submission Upload must follow the linked
template and include the following four sections:

Implementation Report
Explain what worked well or did not work well with the assessment
implementation. Explain how both the instruction and the assessment went. Use
the questions below to help you write this section:

● Did the lesson/activity go as it was planned? If not, what deviated?
● Were the students/participants able to complete the work as

directed or did they need clarification on anything?
● Did you get the types of responses or performances you expected?
● What should be done to improve the assessment the next time it is


Student Example with Feedback
Provide an example of the assessment along with the performance evaluation tool
for the assessment item. Make sure that teacher feedback is highlighted/provided
on the example.

Report of Impact on Student Learning

MEDT 7476: Assessing Learning with Technology-Enhanced Instruction * 2

After the assessment has been implemented, conduct an analysis of the data.
● First, provide an analysis for the whole group of students. Create a

table or graph or another pictorial display that shows the

● Next provide an analysis for subgroups of students. For example, you
may analyze data for males and females. Refer to the description of
learners provided above. You should analyze data according to the
characteristics you described. For example, if 15% of the students are
Speakers of Other Languages, you should prepare an analysis for
that subgroup of students.

● Provide descriptive statistics such as means or percentages, and
include the number of students in your analyses. Make sure you are
practicing good data literacy (i.e., providing both percentages and

● Write a brief narrative to explain the interpretation of the data for (a)
the whole group and (b) the subgroups.

Future Instructional Plans
Work with the person you are coaching to review the data analysis and
interpretation. Ask the person you are coaching what should be planned for
future instruction. Then write a brief report of the future instructional plans. The
following question must be answered as a part of the report.

● What should be done to revise instruction based on areas where
students/participants did not perform well?

IMPORTANT NOTE: Do not use the actual names of students who were assessed.
Use pseudonyms to ensure confidentiality.

When you have completed everything, you may save all submission items in one
pdf. If this is not feasible, based on your materials, do not worry about it. I am not
counting this as part of your points for the project.

Be sure to upload the project in the Assignment Submission Dropbox (access
through Assessments–>Assignments–>Assignment 3; or through the link I provide
you on the Module 4 Activities page in CourseDen) and to the Key Assessment
Dropbox to receive a grade for the assignment.

MEDT 7476: Assessing Learning with Technology-Enhanced Instruction * 3

Checklist for Assignment 3: Assessment Implementation
Client Information (10 points)

Included client’s name, organization, email address, & certification ID (If

The Actual Assessment & Measurement Tool (60 points)
Included what will be given to the students or participants to implement
the assessment. There must be clear instructions for them to follow.

A blank copy of the measurement tool you created for your client
Implementation Report (50 points)

Explained what worked well or did not work well with the assessment
implementation. Explained how both the instruction and the assessment
went. Addressed all of the points below:

How the lesson went
How the students/participants completed the work
The types of responses/performances identified
How to improve the assessment the next time it is implemented

Student Example with Feedback (30 points)
Provided an example of the assessment along with the performance
evaluation tool for the assessment item. Teacher feedback is
highlighted/provided in the example.

Report of Impact on Student Learning (100 points)
After the assessment has been implemented, conduct an analysis of the

Provided an analysis for the whole group of students. Create a table
or graph or another pictorial display that shows the information.

Provided an analysis for subgroups of students.
Provided descriptive statistics such as means or percentages,
Included a brief narrative explaining the interpretation of the data
for (a) the whole group and (b) the subgroups.

Followed good data literacy in reporting of findings (i.e., figures that
are appropriate and easy to digest, providing both percentage and
number when reporting, etc.)

Future Instructional Plans (50 points)
Provided an evaluation of the lesson based on the outcome data. Identified
areas that should be improved based on the data that was identified in this

MEDT 7476: Assessing Learning with Technology-Enhanced Instruction * 4

Key Assessment Impact on Student Learning Rubric

Impact on Student Learning Rubric
Assessment Implementation Project Unacceptable





Assessment Instrumentation
Technology tools and resources are
implemented for assessing student
learning. Assessment is aligned with
content standards, student
technology standards, and teacher
technology standards.

Analysis of Student Learning
Technology tools and resources are
implemented for collecting and
analyzing student achievement
data. Data for whole group and
subgroups are shown pictorially.
Descriptive statistics are included.

Communication of Findings
Technology tools and resources are
implemented for communication of
findings. Assessment findings are
communicated clearly with
recommendations for improving
instructional practice and student

  • Remember to continue where you left off on your copy of the Assessment Plan and Implementation Report Template found HERE
  • Assessment Implementation Guidelines
  • Checklist for Assignment 3: Assessment Implementation Report
  • Key Assessment Impact on Student Learning Rubric

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