Follow the direction and use the template below
Refine Assessment Strategies Through Reflection
Your Name
Arkansas State University
ELSE 5633: Literacy Assessment and Diagnosis of Exceptional Learners
Dr. Jessie King
Due Date
Refine Assessment Strategies Through Reflection
Student’s Profile (What is the background of your identified student with exceptionalities or struggling?)
A. Age of your student.
B. Student Profile (School and Reading Performance & Interviews, etc.)
C. Student’s academic development in the area of reading
D. Academic difficulties.
E. Low reading ability concerns
F. Motivational concerns
G. Outstanding circumstances the student is facing.
Selected or Created Assessments
1. Fluency Assessment
2. Narrative or Informative Text Assessment
3. Cloze Procedure Assessment
Administering Assessments
A. Explain administering the assessments to the identified student needs.
B. Outstanding circumstances the student with exceptionalities or struggling in reading is facing.
C. What is the purpose of the three assessments for the student?
Analyze of the Data Results (State student assessments outcomes from the assessments administered):
B. Narrative or Informative Text Assessment
C. Cloze Procedure Assessment
D. When implementing these assessments again, what will you do differently?
Assessment Outcomes (What information did your assessment outcomes provide for the student’s plan for future instruction?)
A. Assessment results?
B. Why did you choose the three assessments for your targeted student?
C. Observable Evidence to show student outcomes from the assessments administered.
D. What additional areas of content need to be addressed?
Suggestions for lessons/Strategies based on the student’s profile and assessment data result.
A. State the AR Standard(s) for the student with exceptionalities or struggling in reading.
B. Assessments
C. Lessons/Strategies
D. Resources
Reflection (Write a two-page reflection on administering assessments. Fully discuss the topics outlined in the template. Be sure to include the effect on student learning.
A. While implementing your strategy, what difficulties or positive experiences did you encounter?
B. When you implement these assessments again, what will you do differently?
C. What have the assignments taught you about the process of administering assessments aligned with the Response to Intervention and the effect on the exceptional student’s learning?
Scarborough’s Reading Rope provides an outline of how students can become skilled readers. How will you, as a future teacher, support this evidence-based literacy instruction with your students with exceptional students?
What exactly is
The Science of Reading, and how can it inform classroom instruction?
What did you learn from the assignments in this course that you can apply to teaching future students with exceptionalities or struggling?
You must use the 7th Edition APA format.