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Analyze the application of nursing science and theory to the role of the advanced practice nurse.

PC 5-1: Use language that is clear, concise, and organized.


Theories are constructed and developed by nursing theorists to describe and explain phenomena in nursing. Nursing science and development of the profession of nursing relies on this process to expand the understanding of what nursing is and what nursing does. The purpose of this assessment is to explore how a theorist explicates their philosophy and thoughts and then develops their theory based on testing and use in practice. An evaluation of the theory will make clear its usefulness to nursing practice, leadership, and/or education.


In this assessment, you are going to explore how a nurse theorist of your choice created their theory. You will become the theorist immersing yourself in the writings from the earliest mentioned to the most current literature. Writing in the voice of the theorist (taking on the persona of the theorist), you will create the theory through the following four stages.

In the 
first stage, theorizing occurs. This is where you, as the theorist, identify the concepts of what nursing is and is not. Perhaps you questioned what concepts were guiding those in nursing practice and then started to question your role. You started asking yourself, 
“Where am I in nursing, and where the profession is going? Is there some overarching understanding that guides the professional in his or her practice?” This is where you recognize that a theory is needed.

In the 
second stage, syntax is developed. This is where you will define the terms, explain relationships between the terms, and examine their expansion. Syntax development is an evolution. Consider, for example, Jean Watson. She starts by defining the word “caring.” Within the last several years, she has refined her terminology changing the term caring to caritas and identified the relationships between terms. This demonstrates a growth and maturation from decades of research she and other scholars did to produce the theory of caring.

third stage is theory testing. Here, the theorists and other researchers consider whether this theory helps answer questions that arise in nursing. This is where your theory is used by a widening group of researchers. For example, graduate nursing students request to use the tool you developed while testing your theory in an area of nursing.

fourth and last stage is evaluation. This is where the theory is used in practice with the goal of improving healthcare. It is evidenced in the development of policies, procedures and best practice standards that have evolved from theory implementation.

Assessment Details

1. Begin your paper with an introductory paragraph that describes why you chose this theorist. First person voice (I, me, etc.) is acceptable in this paper.

2. Write in the first person voice (I, me, our, etc.) as the theorist. For example: 
I, Dr. Jean Watson, found that caring was a core concept of how I viewed nursing. To me, caring is the essence of nursing.

3. Use the four stages (theorizing, syntax, theory testing, and evaluation) to explain how your theory was developed and used in nursing.

4. In the first (theorizing) stage, provide the historical context that influenced the theorist’s thinking.

5. In the second (syntax) stage, describe the development of the concepts and statements.

6. In the third (theory testing), provide two (2) examples of research examining the theory.

7. In the fourth (evaluation), provide three (3) examples of how the theory has been used in practice and a brief evaluation of the theory.

Assessment Requirements:

Before finalizing your work, you should:

· be sure to read the assessment description carefully (as displayed above);

· consult the grading rubric to make sure you have included everything necessary; and

· utilize spelling and grammar check to minimize errors.

Your writing assessment should:

· minimum of four (5) pages with no more than six (6) pages of content, not including the title and reference pages.

· end your paper with a concluding paragraph conveying a sense of closure.

· have a minimum of five (5) sources of support.

· follow the conventions of Standard English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.);

· be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful;

· display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics; and

· use APA 7th edition format.

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