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Assignment Directions: Based on your weekly lessons (Weeks 1-3), Create a comprehensive PowerPoint presentation outlining the steps involved in planning a competitive total rewards program, including

Assignment Directions:

Based on your weekly lessons (Weeks 1-3),

Create a comprehensive PowerPoint presentation outlining the steps involved in planning a competitive total rewards program, including employee compensation and benefits.

Slide 1: Title Slide

  • Title: Planning a Competitive Total Rewards Program
  • Student Name
  • Course Name/Number
  • Date

Slide 2: Introduction to Total Rewards

  • Definition of Total Rewards
  • Importance of Total Rewards in Attracting and Retaining Talent
  • Overview of the Presentation Structure

Slide 3: Understanding Organizational Goals

  • Importance of Aligning Total Rewards with Organizational Objectives
  • Types of Organizational Goals (e.g., Financial, Strategic)

Slide 4: Assessing Employee Needs

  • Importance of Understanding Employee Preferences and Needs
  • Methods for Assessing Employee Needs (e.g., Surveys, Focus Groups)
  • Example: Results from Employee Needs Assessment

Slide 5: Designing Compensation Strategies

  • Factors to Consider in Designing Compensation Strategies (e.g., Market Data, Internal Equity)
  • Types of Compensation (e.g., Base Salary, Variable Pay)

Slide 6: Creating Benefits Programs

  • Types of Employee Benefits (e.g., Health Insurance, Retirement Plans)
  • Importance of Offering Competitive Benefits

Slide 7: Implementing Recognition and Rewards

  • Importance of Recognition and Rewards in Total Rewards Programs
  • Types of Recognition and Rewards (e.g., Employee of the Month, Performance Bonuses)

Slide 8: Communicating Total Rewards

  • Importance of Transparent Communication About Total Rewards
  • Strategies for Communicating Total Rewards to Employees
  • Example: Communication Plan for Introducing Total Rewards Program

Slide 9: Evaluating Total Rewards Program Effectiveness

  • Methods for Evaluating Total Rewards Program Effectiveness (e.g., Employee Satisfaction Surveys, Turnover Rates)
  • Importance of Regularly Reviewing and Adjusting Total Rewards Programs
  • Example: Metrics Used to Evaluate Total Rewards Program Success

Slide 10: Conclusion

  • Recap of Key Points Covered in the Presentation
  • Importance of Planning a Competitive Total Rewards Program
  • Encouragement for Further Exploration of Total Rewards Strategies

Slide 11: References

  • List of References and Sources Used in the Presentation

Submission Instructions:

Submit a PowerPoint slide presentation. The PowerPoint must include speaker notes displaying what would be said during the presentation. Use a minimum of three to five references, with at least one citation for each reference in APA style format required. Be sure to include a cover slide and wrap your presentation up with a closing slide and a slide of the references utilized in your research.

In order to minimize lengthy wording on the slides, students will be graded on their use of the Notes section of the slides in formulating the narrative portion of the presentation. This approach will allow the use of bullet points on the slides but demonstrate the depth and scope of the research conducted in the Notes section. A minimum of 75 words in the Notes Section for each content slide is required for full credit for this assignment.

IMPORTANT:  Finally, see the weighted grading rubric in the Gradebook section for specific details on how your assignment will be graded.

Academic IntegrityAssignment Rubric

This assignment aligns with the following:

  • Course Objective 3
  • Learning Objectives 3.1, 3.3

Resources & Supports

  • Office 365: You have free access as an APUS student. Sign in with your MyCampus Email credentials.
  • Submitting and Confirming a Submission: Watch this 3-minute video if you need guidance on submitting your assignment.
  • Students are encouraged to go online to Purdue OWL, or Excelsior OWL, which have online writing labs for students with APA Resources

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