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ENG 106: Composition II Learning Unit 2: Instructions
Topic Proposal Assignment Instructions
Type a one (full) page proposal that discusses the topic you would like to research for the Informative
Essay and the Persuasive Essay. Your proposal should include the following:
1. A statement of the narrowed research question you would like to pursue, why you are
interested in the topic, and what background you already have on the topic. (Refer to the
handouts and lectures in this unit for more information regarding topic choices.)
2. A statement of the significance of your topic to your future field of study and/or your
development as a responsible citizen.
3. A brief overview (based on your limited scanning of sources) of what seem to be major issues
within this conflict. In short, explain at least two legitimate sides of this issue.
4. A short (three-source) list of sources you have located, which you believe will provide valuable
input for the topic.
Note: Your proposal should reflect thought and a bit of preliminary research in preparation for choosing
your topic.
© Kameo Cragoe, Kara Beary, and Indian Hills Community College