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PSY 121: Developmental Psychology Learning Unit 9: Assignment
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Erickson’s Psychosocial Development Across the Life Span
SLO: Human Development – The student will examine and draw conclusions on human development
across the lifespan.
Directions: Interview someone whom you think is either in Erikson’s integrity vs. despair or generativity
vs. stagnation stage. Explain to the person that you are conducting the interview as an assignment to
compare a person’s experiences to developmental stages created by theorist Erik Erikson. Some
questions are personal, do not pressure the interviewee to answer questions they may not be
comfortable discussing. Feel free to elaborate on or include additional questions during your interview.
Ask the interviewee the following questions:
1. As a baby, do you suspect your needs were taken care of (ex. changed, bathed, fed, held)?
Overall, do you sense that things seem to work out in the end or is the world a dangerous place?
2. As a young child, were you encouraged to be independent and do things on your own like
dressing yourself, tying your own shoes, cleaning up after yourself, or were things usually done
for you?
3. What type of discipline did your caregivers use with you? Were they strict? Did they hold
elevated expectations of you? How did they communicate with you? How did they express love
towards you? Did they share consequences for your behaviors, and did you understand them?
Were your caregivers predictable or inconsistent? Explain.
4. As a child, were you involved in school, sports, community activities, and clubs? What were your
responsibilities at home? Did you have chores? Babysit siblings?
5. As a teen, would you give yourself a label? Jock? Nerd? Outcast? Popular? Etc.… How did you
come to decide on your future lifestyle, career, or occupation?
6. If you have been involved in a long-term romantic partnership, at what age did you engage in
your first committed relationship? Have you had multiple committed relationships throughout
your life?
7. How do you find purpose and fulfillment in your life? Will you help future generations? If so,
8. When you reflect on your life, do you have a sense of satisfaction that you lived in a way that
brought fulfillment to your life or do you wish you had made different choices?
9. From your knowledge and experiences, what advice would you offer to younger generations
about life?
10. What do you do to care for your body, mind, and heart?
PSY 121: Developmental Psychology Learning Unit 9: Assignment
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From your interviewee’s responses, draft an essay (Times New Roma, 12 fonts, double-spaced, 1-inch
margins) explaining how the interviewee passed through each of Erikson’s stages. Your essay needs to
be 2-3 pages, with a title page, an introduction, body, and conclusion. In the body of your essay discuss:
How did they successfully work through each crisis? Did they regress at some points? Explain. What type
of parenting style (authoritarian, authoritative, neglectful, indulgent) did your interviewee’s caregivers
use? Give examples. How do you think that parenting style affected their development? Toward the end
of their life, do you believe your interviewee will experience more integrity or despair? Explain your
answer. What was your learning form completing this activity?
Submit to the appropriate location in the unit.
© Deb Vos, Jennifer Hess, and Indian Hills Community College