Capstone Part II: Review of Literature
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Exercise Content
This section should be 4-6 pages long (not including the title and reference page).
-Use proper in-text citations with a properly formatted reference list.
-All papers must be written in the 3rd person.
Use appropriate APA 7th Ed. format along with Syllabus outline
-Scholarly, peer-reviewed, and research articles cited should be within the last five years.
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Question <bdi></bdi>
1. Review of Literature
– Review and discuss literature: Synthesize at least 10 primary research studies and/or systematic reviews; do not include summary articles. This section is all about the scientific evidence rather than someone else’s opinion of the evidence. Do not use secondary sources; you need to get the article, read it, and make your own decision about quality and applicability to your question even if you did find out about the study in a review of the literature. This is a synthesis rather than a study by study review. Address the similarities, differences, and controversies in the body of evidence.
2. Analyze and apply knowledge directly to your PICOT- The studies that you cite in this section must relate directly to your PICOT question.
3. Provide precise body of evidence for your Practice Change
4. Discuss objectives for your practice change
5. Discuss where the problem exists, why it exists, what is the preposition for change
6. Apply all that is relevant to the problem. For example: Pros vs Cons, current state of problem
It should not reflect your opinion, but rather Evidence Based Practice should be applied
-After completing a literature search on interventions addressing your chosen health problem, write a review that evaluates the strengths and weaknesses of all the sources you have found.
-Use appropriate APA 7th Ed. format along with Syllabus outline
-Scholarly, peer-reviewed, and research articles cited should be within the last five years.
Integration of
25 points
Thoroughly selected
and present an
Evidence Based
Practice for the
health problem and
opic Focus
25 points
The health problem
is focused narrowly
enough for the
scope of this
assignment. A topic
statement provides
direction for the
paper. The topic is
consistently well
thought out, offers
detailed insight into
the topic, and
includes cited
evidence to support
the topic. Follows
criteria provided
such as leadership,
budget and
Depth of
Discussion and
25 points
In-depth discussion
and elaboration in all
sections of the
Ties together
information from all
sources. Paper flows
from one issue to
the next with
headings. The
author’s writing
demonstrates an
understanding of the
relationship among
material obtained rom all sources
Mostly, it ties
together information
from all sources
Spelling and
10 points
Fewer than 5
capitalization, or
punctuation errors.
Required word count
has been met.
10 points
Over 5 current
sources, of which at
least 3 are peer-
review journal
articles or scholarly
books. Sources
include both general
background sources
and specialized
sources. Special-
interest sources and
popular literature
and acknowledged
as such if they are
cited. All websites
utilized are
5 points
Fewer than 5
incomplete citations
and/or quotations,
and APA format