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Literature Review for Topic Identified

Exercise Instructions

Objective: The objective of this assignment is to develop a comprehensive literature review abstract list based on the topic you selected and submitted last week, aligning with your submitted PICOT question.

This literature review will consist of at least three academic sources that support and enhance your research topic in nursing.


Selection of Sources:

Scholarly Sources: Choose a minimum of three scholarly sources that are directly relevant to your research topic.

Credibility: Ensure each source is credible and comes from reputable academic journals or publications. Verify the reliability and scholarly nature of the sources.

Literature Review Abstract List:

Detailed Abstracts: For each selected source, create a detailed abstract that includes the following components:

Complete APA 7 Citation: Provide the full citation for each source, adhering to APA 7 formatting guidelines. Ensure accuracy in authors, publication year, title, journal name, volume, issue, and page numbers.

Purpose: Summarize the main objective or research question of the study. Clearly state the aim and significance of the research.

Design: Describe the research design and methodology used in the study. Include information on the study type (e.g., randomized controlled trial, cohort study), sample size, data collection methods, and analysis techniques.

Results: Present the key findings or results of the study. Highlight the main outcomes, statistical significance, and any relevant data presented in the research.

Recommendations: Outline the recommendations made by the authors. Explain how these recommendations relate to and support your research topic and PICOT question. Discuss the practical implications and potential impact on nursing practice.

Literature Review Table:

Organization: Organize the abstracts into a literature review table for easy reference and comparison. Use a clear and logical structure to present the information.

Required Components: Ensure your table includes all required components: citation, purpose, design, results, and recommendations. Consider using headings and subheadings to enhance readability.

Connection to Your Research:

Support for Research Topic: Clearly explain how each source supports your chosen research topic. Discuss the relevance and importance of the evidence in the context of your PICOT question.

Identify Gaps: Highlight any gaps in the literature that your research aims to address. Identify areas where further research is needed and how your study will contribute to filling these gaps.

Guidance for Research Process: Discuss how the findings from these sources will inform and guide your research process. Explain how the evidence will shape your study design, methodology, and expected outcomes.

Additional Guidelines:

Sample Literature Review Table: Refer to the sample literature review table provided to ensure proper format and structure. Use it as a guide to organize and present your abstracts effectively.

Assignment Rubric: Review the assignment rubric thoroughly to understand the grading criteria and expectations. Ensure your submission meets all requirements outlined in the rubric.

Academic Databases and Internet: Utilize academic databases and the Internet to find relevant sources and references. Access reputable databases such as PubMed, CINAHL, and Cochrane Library to gather high-quality evidence.

APA 7 Standards: Ensure all citations and references are formatted according to APA 7 standards. Adhere to proper in-text citation and reference list formatting to maintain academic integrity and consistency.

See sample below:

Ensure you provide an APA 7 reference page,. Review the rubric to ensure you know the evaluation criteria.

APA Citation of Scholarly Source [to include https and/or DOI number]





Van Patten & Bartone (2019). The impact of mentorship, preceptors, and debriefing on the quality of program experiences.
Nurse Education in Practice, 35, 63-68.

The purpose is to outline factors associated with positive nurse residency experience.

Quantitative descriptive study using a cross-sectional design.

The study found that the mean for predictor variables indicated that nurses found the residency experience to be positive along with their preceptor and debriefing experiences. The intercorrelations between the continuous study variables (preceptorship and debriefing) with residency experiences were statistically significant.

It was recommended to that:-

a more detailed examination of the specific dimensions of mentorship, preceptors, and debriefing nurses be conducted.

a study with a qualitative or mixed method design be done to generate themes that explain the perspectives of participants with regard to their residency experiences.

Shinners, J., Africa, L., Mallory, C., & Durham, H. (2021). Versant’s Nurse Residency Program: A Retrospective Review. Nursing Economics, 39(5), 239-246.

The purpose of this study was to analyze data outcomes

from over 6,700 NGNs who

completed the Versant Nurse


This retrospective

study was conducted between 2009 and


Results revealed

organizational commitment,

nurse-work satisfaction, and

conditions of work effectiveness

have the greatest impact on

turnover intent. Evidence reflects that a specific

length of residency immersion

time does not have better

outcomes than others.

While the entire program is 1 year

in length, it was recommended that programs should be adjusted based on competency profile for

the specialty and the learning

needs of the NGN.

Gierach, M., White, L., Miller, T., (2024). Orientation of new graduate registered nurses post pandemic: A follow-up study.
The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 55(7), 345–350.

The purpose of this study was to identify changes during the orientation processes since the COVID-19 pandemic.

This is a non-experimental descriptive study

This study showed 75% of 16 respondents said that the availability of support and resources afforded to the new graduate nurses has changed since the pandemic, 69% stated that greater attention has been paid to mental health/supported needed by the new graduates.

The pandemic impacted orientation practices in that inexperienced nurses precepting new graduate nurses. Another finding was that COVID-19 brought on habits that were not evident prior to the pandemic, such as nurses being left to just survive.

It was recommended that a successful transition to practice could be supported by academic institutions infusing specific topics and providing supportive work environment. Also, leadership should allot more time in conducting meaningful conversations, debriefing, and checking with the new graduates, which promotes well-being and develops trust.

Smith, S., Buckner, M., Jessee, M., Robbins, V. Horst, T., Ivory, Catherine H. (2021). Impact of COVID-19 on New Graduate Nurses’ Transition to Practice Loss or Gain? Nurse Educator, 46(4) 209-214. DOI: 10.1097/NNE.0000000000001042

The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of COVID-19 and preparedness for professional practice of new graduate nurses.

The design used was a mixed methods descriptive study.

The study identified the need for preceptor support, guidance, teaching and continued practice of skills.

It was recommended that further studies be conducted on the impact of COVID-19 on new graduate nurses in their clinical experiences, competency, confidence, resiliency, and retention.

Ensure you provide an APA 7 reference page,. Review the rubric to ensure you know the evaluation criteria.

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