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Audio Recording

I need someone to do an audio recording for a literacy assignment.

Read-Aloud Criteria: Tips for Developing
a Great Read-Aloud Experience

The more expressively we read, the more fantastic the experience
will be. The more fantastic the experience, the more our kids will
love books, and the more they’ll “pretend” read. And the more they
“pretend” read, the quicker they’ll learn to read. So reading aloud
is not quite enough—we need to read aloud well.

—Mem Fox, Children’s Book Author

Reference: Fox, M. (2001). Reading magic: Why reading aloud to our children will change
their lives forever. Orlando, FL: Harcourt.

Choose an excellent story to read aloud. To help you make your

 Keep in mind that the book should be one that you are reviewing for quality
in Part One of your PowerPoint Presentation.

 Your audio recording of the story should not be longer than 10 minutes.
 Do a practice reading to check the time it takes to read the story at a

normal pace. Many picture books and other books of 32 pages or fewer
should fit within this time limit. You might also read a section or a chapter
of a book. Be sure that the portion you read makes sense to the listener and
lets you do your best job reading aloud.

After you’ve identified an excellent read-aloud story:


 Read the story silently and then read it aloud.
 Be as expressive as possible.
 Be aware of your eyes, your voice, and your facial expressions.
 Use the tone of your voice to portray the words, thoughts, feelings, and

situations in the story.
 Avoid using a cutesy or patronizing voice.
 Vary your pace (pause, quicken) all with the rhythm and the situations of the


Enjoy Yourself
 Remember, there’s no one right way to read any story. Find the way that

captivates you and the children with whom you are sharing the book.
(Important Note: If you do not have a group of children with whom you can
share this book/story, read it aloud as you would if you were sharing it with
a group of children, such as stopping to ask questions, if you choose.)

Record Your Read-Aloud Presentation
Make an audio recording of your read-aloud presentation that will be embedded in
your PowerPoint Presentation document by following these guidelines.

 Identify the slide labeled “Part Two: Read-Aloud Presentation” in the
PowerPoint Presentation Template. The recording of your story should be
embedded on this slide.

 Access the following resource for directions on how to record audio in your
PowerPoint document: Microsoft. (n.d.). Add or delete audio in your
PowerPoint presentation. Retrieved June 21, 2017, from


 Where indicated in the directions, select your version of PowerPoint (i.e.,
2016, 2013, 2010, or 2007; accessing “About PowerPoint” from the menu at
the top of your screen will identify the version).

 Once you are on the page for your version of PowerPoint, follow the
directions to record your story using the PowerPoint audio tool.

 Keep in mind that your recording should not be longer than 10 minutes.
 Be sure to listen to your recording before you save it. You can re-record as

many times as you choose, until you are satisfied with your reading.
 Once you save your recording, an audio icon will appear on your slide. Click

the icon to be sure that the “Play” bar appears and allows you to hear your
recorded story.

Evaluate Yourself
You are encouraged to wait a day or more, if possible, before you evaluate your
read-aloud presentation. Giving yourself time between making your audio recording
and evaluating it can help you to hear yourself reading aloud with “fresh” ears.
When you are ready to evaluate, listen to your recording, and ask yourself:

 How can my read-aloud presentation be improved?
 Do I need more fluctuation in my voice (louder, softer, slower, faster,

higher, lower, more dramatic p-a-u-s-e-s)?

 Would children hear and feel my enthusiasm and interest?
 Have I used plenty of talk, such as asking open-ended questions and inviting

children to make predictions, to encourage children’s interest and
interaction with the story?

 After I’m finished, would they say, “Read it again!”?

Helpful Resources
Prepare for your read-aloud presentation by watching and evaluating for
effectiveness these examples of read-aloud presentations of children’s books:

 Teaching Strategies [Teaching Strategies for Early Childhood]. (2012, June
22). Strategies for reading aloud to young children [Video]. YouTube.
(12 min.)

 Storyline Online [Screen Actors Guild Foundation]. (2014, Jan. 17). I need
my monster read by Rita Moreno [Video]. YouTube.
(12 min.)

 Storyline Online [Entertainment Industry Foundation]. (2017, Jan. 25). Hey,
that’s my monster read by Lily Tomlin [Video]. YouTube.
(12 min.)

 Storyline Online [SAG-AFTRA Foundation]. (2016, Oct. 5). Carla’s sandwich
read by Allison Janney [Video]. YouTube.

aceEquCtY&index=8&list=PL04F0FB771098124D (11 min.)

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