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IfSuccessful_Status GA_Status_Icon SAM_Logo
ID FirstName LastName AssignmentGUID UserID
false rohan maharjan {308B14B0-E32E-42D1-BE7D-54EE2E09B8CD} {308B14B0-E32E-42D1-BE7D-54EE2E09B8CD}
ID FirstName LastName ProjectName SubmissionNum MaxScore Score EngineVersion
ID StepNumber Description IfSuccessful StepScore StepMaxScore ErrorText ActionName StepActionOrder
ConsultantID FirstName Last
110345 Jenette Masterson
110347 Victorina Hogg
110349 Marguerite Hathcock
110351 Sid Ortiz
110352 Glenn Testani
110453 Bert Hobaugh
110460 Monty Whetstone
110467 Melodee Trujillo
110468 Domingo Brisker
110479 Sue Heywood
110481 Tennille Steinmetz
111222 Rusty Horrocks
111244 Veola Calder
111267 Norris Huddleston
111289 Teresa Ashalintubbi
111292 Yuonne Keleher
111301 Norman Mccain
111456 Dustin Nuss
111478 Jeanne Guardiola
111499 Debbie Coyle
111767 Talitha Pries
112111 Lorean Huie
112139 Rozanne Pettit
112368 Georgeanna Mcgrane
112456 Brenda Gill
112567 Elfrieda Ortez
112589 Kecia Talamantes
112741 Laine Califano
112987 Taisha Stolle
113123 Hettie Cho
113345 Ozell Moulden
113456 Sharilyn Sipes
113567 Danilo Cost
113678 Mathilda Bonner
113789 Rolland Swinson
113890 Kimiko Felten
114123 Laticia Lewellen
114234 Lexie Riner
114345 Elizabeth Lavalle
114567 Judyful Meininger
SkillCode SkillName
EMPR Employee Relations
HRIS HR Information Software
ICOM Internet Communications
ONBD Onboarding
PMGT Performance Management
RECR Recruiting
SCRE Screening
FROM Skill;
SELECT [FirstName] & ” ” & [LastName] AS StudentName, [_GradingReport].ProjectName, “Submission #” & [SubmissionNum] AS SubmissionCt, [_GradingReport].Score, [_GradingReport].MaxScore, “Score is: ” & [Score] & ” out of ” & [MaxScore] AS Grade, [_GradingReportSteps].[StepNumber] & “. ” & [Description] AS Step, [_GradingReportSteps].[StepScore] & “/” & [_GradingReportSteps].[StepMaxScore] AS StepGrade, [_GradingReportSteps].ActionName, IIf([ifsuccessful]=True,Null,[ErrorText]) AS Feedback, [_GradingReportSteps].IfSuccessful, [_GradingIcons].GA_Status_Icon, [_GradingReportSteps].StepNumber, [_GradingReportSteps].StepActionOrder, [_GradingReportSteps].ID, [_GradingIcons].SAM_Logo, [_GradingReportSteps].Description, [_GradingReport].EngineVersion, [SubmissionCt] & ” | SCORE IS: <b>” & [Score] & “</b> OUT OF <b>” & [MaxScore] & “</b>” AS ScoreReport
FROM _GradingReport, _GradingIcons INNER JOIN _GradingReportSteps ON [_GradingIcons].[IfSuccessful_Status] = [_GradingReportSteps].IfSuccessful;

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