In this assignment youwill make explicit connections between your own theoretical
orientation and your level and context of practice. Be sure to draw on all of your work and
study done up to this point.
The six main bullet points below correspond to the grading criteria for this assignment:
● Explain the development of your individual theoretical perspective.
○ How has your stance evolved?Where did you start, and where are
you ending up?
● Explain how your individual theoretical perspective addresses diversity within
client systems, defined as the intersectionality of multiple factors, cultural and
● Connect components of critical race theory with your theoretical perspective
for practice.
○ Have you successfully integrated components of critical race theory
with your theoretical perspective in the past?
○ Do you see your theoretical perspective or your practice changing
with the integration of critical race theory?
● Describe some of the challenges of implementing your theoretical perspective
in practice.
● Write content clearly and logically, following the rules of grammar, usage, and
○ Grammar refers to the basic rules for how sentences are constructed
and howwords combine tomake sentences (for example, word
order, case, and tense).
○ Usage refers to correct word choice and phrasing, particularly with
regard to themeanings of words and phrases.
○ Mechanics refers to correct use of capitalization, punctuation, and
● Support main points and assertions with relevant and credible evidence,
correctly citing sources using current edition APA format.