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“This is a very different conception of caring than the often-cited notion of ‘gentle nurturing and altruistic concern,’ which research has shown can lead to benign neglect under the guise of letting students make their own way and move at their own pace (Foster, 1997; Kleinfeld, 1975).
Culturally responsive caring is action oriented in that it demonstrates high expectations and uses imaginative strategies to ensure academic success for racially, ethnically, culturally, and linguistically diverse students. Culturally responsive caring is a moral imperative, a social responsibility, and a pedagogical necessity. It requires that teachers use their knowledge and strategic thinking to decide how to act in the best interests of their students. This is ‘what binds individuals to their society, to their communities, and to each other’ (Webb, Wilson, Corbett, & Mordecai, 1993, pp. 33–34).”
Vividly imagine & describe what culturally responsive caring will look like in your classroom.