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Book: Showalter, J. S. (2020). The law of healthcare administration. (9th ed.)Health Administration Press. ISBN: 978-1-64055-130-5 1. Unit I Discussion Questions: • Discussion Question 1: (10 poi

Book: Showalter, J. S. (2020). The law of healthcare administration. (9th ed.)Health Administration Press. ISBN: 978-1-64055-130-5

1.      Unit I Discussion Questions:

• Discussion Question 1: (10 points) (See Chapter 1, pp. 34-37)

o Prompt: What was the most important development in the history of medicine?

o Requirements: 250 words minimum initial post, 100 words minimum reply

• Discussion Question 2: (10 points) (See Chapter 2, p 60)

o Prompt: Our text mentions the necessity of clear written policies on the admission of

patients. What factors must be addressed? Do you feel a hospital should be required to admit any patient regardless of ability to pay?

o Requirements: 250 words minimum initial post, 100 words minimum reply

2.      Unit II Discussion Questions:.

• Discussion Question 1: (10 points) (See Chapter 2, page 63)

o Prompt: “Courts have reasoned that hospitals have a duty to reserve their beds and facilities for patients who genuinely need them.” (Showalter) Who do you feel this ‘duty’ is owed to?

(Current patients? Future patients? Staff? Shareholders? Community? Others?)

o Requirements: 250 words minimum initial post, 100 words minimum reply

• Discussion Question 2: (10 points) (See Chapter 8, pp. 306-307)

o Prompt: What is the difference between complementary and alternative medical treatment, and how comfortable would you be with a physician who practices alternative healthcare as opposed to traditional practice?

o Requirements: 250 words minimum initial post, 100 words minimum reply

3.      Unit III Discussion Questions:

• Discussion Question 1: (10 points)

o Prompt: What effects (positive and/or negative) might the “conspiracy of silence” have on the quality of medical care?

o Requirements: 250 words minimum initial post, 100 words minimum reply

• Discussion Question 2: (10 points)

o Prompt: In what circumstances is expert testimony unnecessary in medical malpractice?

Have you ever known of or been involved with such a case? Without disclosing identity of

the parties, share that story.

o Requirements: 250 words minimum initial post, 100 words minimum reply

4.      Unit IV Discussion Questions:

• Discussion Question 1: (10 points)

o Prompt: Generally, non-employee members of any board of directors serve without pay. As they could face personal liability in certain situations, why do you think they are willing to essentially donate their time? What various factors might motivate such commitment?

o Requirements: 250 words minimum initial post, 100 words minimum reply

• Discussion Question 2: (10 points)

o Prompt: From an employee’s standpoint, what expectations do you have of the directors of a corporation where you are employed?

o Requirements: 250 words minimum initial post, 100 words minimum reply

5.      Unit V Discussion Questions:

• Discussion Question 1: (10 points)

o Do you personally agree with the common law viewpoint that, ordinarily, a bystander has no duty to come to the aid of a person in need? Do you think that a doctor or nurse or other licensed professional is protected or harmed by such a rule? Explain your response.

o Requirements: 250 words minimum initial post, 100 words minimum reply

• Discussion Question 2: (10 points)

o Does a hospital have a different duty to an indigent person who comes to the emergency

room than to a person who has insurance? Please explain your answer fully.

o Requirements: 250 words minimum initial post, 100 words minimum reply

6.      Unit VI Discussion Questions:

• Discussion Question 1: (10 points)

o What are some of the ways the Federal Trade Commission Act could apply to a healthcare operation?

o Requirements: 250 words minimum initial post, 100 words minimum reply

• Discussion Question 2: (10 points)

o How would you define the geographic and product markets of large healthcare organizations such as Mayo Clinic and Johns Hopkins? What are new competitors’ barriers to entry to those markets?

o Requirements: 250 words minimum initial post, 100 words minimum reply

7.      Unit V Discussion Board

What is one conflict scenario that you may experience in the workplace? How would you apply the problem-solving steps from Chapter 7 in order to resolve this conflict?

 As you respond to your classmates, discuss any verbal and nonverbal communication that may aid or hinder in resolving this conflict scenario. 

8.      HCA 3305-21.02.01-3B25-S2, Health Unit Coordination

Discussion Topic

Please note that there are two posts needed to successfully complete the discussion board assignment. An initial post addressing the discussion board topic is due by end of day Saturday. A response post to at least one other student is due by end of day Tuesday. 

In Chapter 4 of our textbook, McConnell introduces five overarching management functions: controlling, coordinating, directing, organizing, and planning. If you had to pick one function as the most important to the overall success of a manager, which one would you pick, and why? Which one do you believe might be the least important, and why? Provide specific examples.

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