please see attachment
Unit Scaffolding Outline (100 Points)
Develop a unit outline for a standard based instructional
UNIT that scaffolds and builds on complexity according to Blooms Taxonomy. Be sure to select an applicable North Carolina Essential Standard or Common Core Standard that is representative of a “Unit” and has subsequent subsections or clarifying standards that represent “lessons”. The unit can focus on one standard alone if applicable. Use the template below for assignment submission.
Unit Information
1. North Carolina Essential Standard
2. Essential Question(s)
Lesson 1 (30 Points)
1. North Carolina Essential Standard/Clarifying Standard
2. Blooms Level (1 or 2) Learning Objective
3. Appropriate Lesson Activity(s)
4. Lesson Assessment(s)
Lesson 2 (30 Points)
1. North Carolina Essential Standard/Clarifying Standard
2. Blooms Level (3 or 4) Learning Objective
3. Appropriate Lesson Activity(s)
4. Lesson Assessment(s)
Lesson 3 (30 Points)
1. North Carolina Essential Standard/Clarifying Standard
2. Blooms Level (5 or 6) Learning Objective
3. Appropriate Lesson Activity(s)
4. Lesson Assessment(s)
**Add more as necessary to complete unit outline**
Summative Assessment or Culminating Activity (10 Points)
Describe how you will assess the unit’s outcome and success. (Quiz, Project, Test, Writing Sample, Presentation?) How does this assessment address the lesson and unit standards? (150 words or less in a paragraph)