Hi, i need help with my assignment please 🙂
Module 2 Case -BUS 303: ***Note…I understand the portion I need to add to connect my personal work experience to the essay. I will add on top of your work***
Module 2 – Case
Case Overview
The Power of Social Media and Public Relations
Many organizations use social media as part of marketing and public relations campaigns to keep the company ahead of the competition and in the minds of current and future customers. Social Media companies are growing rapidly and buying out other companies to enhance offerings to their customers and eliminate the competition. For this Case Assignment, we will be exploring the offerings of Social media companies and what they provide to organizations.
Case Required Readings
20 Facebook Tools for Marketing Optimization
How to Use Instagram Stories for Business
3 ways to use Twitter Fleets to boost your business
14 Blogging Instagram Tips and Tools to Master the Gram
Case Assignment
Use the readings list above and search EBSCOHost or ProQuest Databases to find additional information regarding the benefits of Organizational Social Media Accounts. For this 3 full-page (excluding title and references pages) paper to include 3 scholarly sources, provide the following:
Start by using the
APA 7th Template
for this Assignment.
Provide background on your current or a former company where you have worked.
Select three social media companies that the selected company has used to reach and build its customer base. Cite sources and support your work.
Compare and contrast the three social media companies:
What services are available to organizations?
How well do these services help to support and promote organizational awareness? Cite sources and support your work.
Conclude with your opinion of which one would be the best fit for your organization.
Assignment Expectations
The minimum length requirement for this assignment is 3 full pages (excluding Title and Reference pages). Include 3 scholarly sources.
Provide an APA-formatted title page. Use the
APA 7th Assignment Template
Include an introduction, a body using 3 scholarly sources cited to support your work, and a conclusion that aligns with your purpose statement, summarizes each section, and then wraps up into a final thought.
Provide an APA7-formatted References Page. See
APA 7 “References”
Upload your paper to the Case Dropbox before the assignment due date.
Proofread your work.
Also, see the guides below for APA and Student Support Services:
Grading Note:
At Trident University International, rubrics are used for grading. These rubrics specify the points available for each component of an assignment. Points are earned based on the level of the work submitted. The rubric in the Case Dropbox is used for this Case Assignment.
Background Information:
Module 2 – Background
Required Reading
Case Required Readings
20 Facebook Tools for Marketing Optimization
How to Use Instagram Stories for Business
3 ways to use Twitter Fleets to boost your business
14 Blogging Instagram Tips and Tools to Master the Gram
SLP Required Readings
Pros and Cons of an Instagram Business Account
5 Ways to Grow Your Business Through Blogging
Discussion Required Readings
LinkedIn co-founder: These tweaks will make your job application stand out
10 Ways to Use LinkedIn’s New Tools To Boost Your Outreach
Four Tips to Network on LinkedIn
LinkedIn’s Career Explorer helps you identify new kinds of jobs based on the skills you have (2020)