Assignment – Deadline within 9 days
Literal Grading Scale
Evaluative descriptor
A+ 4.5 Excellent overall.
Demonstrates an excellent grasp of the subject matter.
Excellent capacity for original and creative enquiry.
Excellent ability to critically evaluate, analyse, synthesise and
integrate complex information.
Excellent communication skills.
Exceptional in at least one of the above.
A 4 Excellent overall.
Demonstrates an excellent grasp of the subject matter.
Excellent capacity for original and creative enquiry.
Excellent ability to critically evaluate, analyse, synthesise and
integrate complex information.
Excellent communication skills.
B+ 3.5 Very good overall.
Demonstrates a very good grasp of the subject matter.
Very good capacity for original and creative enquiry.
Very good ability to critically evaluate, analyse, synthesise and
integrate complex information.
Very good communication skills.
Excellent in at least one of the above but overall performance
deemed to be very good.
B 3 Very good overall.
Demonstrates a very good grasp of the subject matter.
Very good capacity for original and creative enquiry.
Very good ability to critically evaluate, analyse, synthesise and
integrate complex information.
Very good communication skills.
C+ 2.5 Good overall.
Demonstrates a good grasp of the subject matter.
Good capacity for original and creative enquiry.
Good ability to critically evaluate, analyse, synthesise and
integrate complex information.
Good communication skills
Very good in at least one of the above but overall performance
deemed to be good.
C 2 Good overall.
Demonstrates a good grasp of the subject matter.
Good capacity for original and creative enquiry.
Good ability to critically evaluate, analyse, synthesise and
integrate complex information.
Good communication skills
D+ 1.5 Satisfactory overall.
Demonstrates a satisfactory grasp of the subject matter but limited
grasp in some areas
Satisfactory capacity for original and creative enquiry.
Satisfactory ability to critically evaluate, analyse, synthesise and
integrate information.
Satisfactory communication skills
D 1 Adequate.
Achievement of all threshold standards but grasp of some subject
areas and graduate attribute development may be more limited.
MF 0.5 Marginal fail.
Performance just below the threshold standard. A reasonable
expectation that a pass is achievable by reassessment without the
need to repeat the module.
F 0.0 Fail.
Performance well below the threshold level. Some limited evidence
of achievement of the outcomes.
NS No assessments submitted.