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Business Finance – Operations Management for proven ster 2 written assignment

2 Written assignment:


Dawson, P., & Andriopoulos, C. (2021).
Managing change, creativity, and innovation (4th ed.). Sage Publishing

Print ISBN: 978-1529734959

eText ISBN: 978-1529764994


Answer the following questions in essay format (you will need six peer-reviewed sources for support) in 4 page APA formatted paper (with a minimum of six [6] peer-reviewed sources): 

Read: Reflective exercise: Creative Accidents and Managing the Process of Creative Work On page 44.

1. In today’s frenetic world, how can one create boundaries that structure one’s working day to ensure that there is room for creative thinking? 

2. Reflect on and discuss the suggestion that problems at the forefront of one’s mind may continue to be processed and resolved within our dreams. 

3. Consider, describe new experiences that you have had over the past 12 months and the extent to which they have stimulated new ideas and ways of thinking. 

4. Do you believe that old experiences can ignite new ideas or stifle creative thinking? Explain. 

5. If creativity is part of the process that enables leaders, managers, and professionals to think and do things differently, how can this be encouraged in the workplace?


Answer the following questions in your own words in a 5 page APA formatted paper: 

Case 7.1- The Hegemonic Power of Management and the Sacking of the Night Shift: Power-Coercive Strategies or Machiavellian Management?  on page 235

Then answer the questions:

1. Explain why, or why not, you believe that management was justified in its decision to sack the night shift?

2. What are the ethical issues that arise from this brief example? 

3. Do you agree with Buchanan and Badham (2008) that managing change is a “blood sport” and that change agents should shed any pretense of innocence, “play the turf game” and aim to win on their own terms? Explain.

4. Are there any general lessons that can be learned from this case study on the hegemonic power of management? (Define and answer through your definition)

Use at least six (6) peer-reviewed resources to justify your responses in a 5-6 page paper. Apply current APA standards for writing style to your work.

No AI allowed; turn-it-in similarity must be under 15%



Performance Indicators 

(Observation descriptors indicating extent to which criterion is met.)





Needs Improvement




No Submission


30% of overall grade

Content indicates synthesis of ideas, in depth analysis, and evidence of original thought and support for the topic. 

Content indicates  original thinking and develops ideas with sufficient and firm evidence. 

Content indicates thinking and reasoning applied with original thought on a few ideas.

Content indicates some thinking and reasoning but most ideas are unoriginal or underdeveloped. 

0 points


25% of overall grade

All evidence supports arguments and is relevant to the topic. The student uses the required number and type of resources identified in the syllabus to support his/her argument. 

Most evidence supports arguments and is relevant to the topic. The student uses 75% of the required number and type of resources identified in the syllabus to support his/her argument. 

Some evidence supports arguments and is relevant to the topic. The student uses 50% of the required number of sources.

Limited evidence to support arguments, with few sources relevant to the topic. The student uses less than 50% of the required number of sources.

0 points


15% of overall grade

Paper has a high degree of attention to logic and reasoning of points. Paper clearly leads the reader to the conclusion and stirs thought regarding the topic. 

Paper is coherent and logically organized with transitions used between ideas and paragraphs to create coherence. Overall unity of ideas is present. 

Paper is somewhat structured and logically organized. Some points remain misplaced and stray from the topic. Transitions evident but not used throughout. 

Paper is limited in logical organization with major errors. 

0 points


15% of overall grade

Few errors in spelling, punctuation, capitalization, sentence structure, and grammar.

Occasional errors in spelling, punctuation, capitalization, sentence structure and grammar, but meaning is not obscured.

Frequent errors of spelling, punctuation, capitalization, sentence structure and grammar; meaning confused or obscured.

Dominated by errors in spelling, punctuation, capitalization, sentence structure and grammar; meaning at times unidentifiable.

0 points


15% of overall grade

Paper meets all formatting guidelines and assignment requirements, including page-length and APA formatting requirements.  Paper is correctly assembled with a professional look. 

The paper follows most formatting guidelines, including page-length and APA formatting requirements.Paper is correctly assembled.  

Paper generally follows formatting guidelines and assignment requirements, including page-length and APA formatting requirements. Paper has some assembly errors

Paper does not follow formatting guidelines and assignment requirements, including page -length and APA format requirements. Paper has major assembly errors

0 points

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