I chose a community that I have a connection to and am familiar with and built the community profile for (graphic attached) Now, Using the information, strategies, and skills learned in this class (see textbook), you will build a present community marketing strategy. The community marketing plan should clearly articulate the
current community situation as well as the target market and strategies for outreach. It should also address performance indicators–how will you know if your community marketing plan is working? Be sure to cite your sources.
6-10 pages. All apa requirements
· Your community marketing plan should summarize and/or reference demographic data and create a compelling story for a community.
· Be careful to make sure that your data sources are reliable and cited.
· The project is encouraged to include photos and other creative graphics/information.
· The community marketing plan should also address (see Chapter 15 of your text): WHO are you marketing to (e.g. identify the audience)? WHY are you marketing to that group/population/industry? WHAT is your message? WHAT strategies will you employ with your marketing plan? (e.g. how will you distribute the message) BE CREATIVE! HOW will you enact those strategies (BE DETAILED). HOW will you know if your plan is working? WHICH indicators will you focus on to determine success? When will you revisit the plan to make any necessary revisions?
· Remember, the marketing plan should be dynamic. It should propose creative solutions that will build awareness. It should be easy to read and follow with clear information and goals.