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Module 3 – Case
Database Applications
Assignment Overview
Computer supported collaborative work (CSCW) was developed to support teams by providing team members with powerful and convenient ways to schedule their interactions, communicate with each other, and record and update group output. Much of the early research in this area was focused on understanding the complex relationships between the social aspects of teamwork and the technical features of CSCW and looking for ways to improve the quality both of the teamwork and the groupware. Groupware has evolved with technology improvements including cloud computing and networking enabling everywhere, anytime group collaboration.
Here are some videos on the cloud-based collaboration tools and hacking concerns:
Collaboration tools for virtual project teams
from LinkedIn Learning
Salesforce Essential Training
from LinkedIn Learning
Working and Collaborating Online
from LinkedIn Learning
Case Assignment
Having read about computer-supported collaborative work groups, describe the latest software to support these collaborative groups. Describe how information is shared across the groups and how cloud based databases support this collaborative work. Focus your response on global corporations and how they manage projects where members of the collaborative work group could be separated by many time zones with different cultures and different languages.
Your paper should be between three and five pages. Develop your supporting argument carefully using material in this module and other sources you can find to support specific points in your argument; try to avoid making assertions for which you can find no support other than your own opinion.
Your paper is to be structured in the following manner.
· Begin this paper by indicating the issues you have identified with cloud based collaborative computing in the enterprise.
· Discuss the benefits of cloud based collaborative computing for the enterprise.
· Cite appropriate sources.
· Finally summarize your findings.
Assignment Expectations
Length: Follow the number of pages required in the assignment excluding cover page and references. Each page should have about 300 words.
Your assignment will be evaluated based on the Rubric.
You are required to make effective and appropriate use of in-text citations to the assigned readings and other source material to support your arguments. Please use the Trident
Introduction to APA
guide for proper formatting and style.
Module 3 – Resources
Database Applications
Required Reading
Remote Team Management:
Managing Virtual Teams
from LinkedIn Learning
Building Connection and Engagement in Virtual Teams:
Building Connection and Engagement in Virtual Teams
from LinkedIn Learning
Case Assignment
Collaboration tools for virtual project teams
from LinkedIn Learning
Salesforce Essential Training
from LinkedIn Learning
Working and Collaborating Online
from LinkedIn Learning
SLP Assignment
Microsoft SQL Server 2022 Essential Training
from LinkedIn Learning
Cybersecurity Careers: Become a Chief Information Security Officer (CISO)
from LinkedIn Learning
Optional Reading
Edwards, H. K., & Varadharajan, S. (2020).
Analysis of the effectiveness of global virtual teams in software engineering projects.
Proceedings of the 36th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, The Computer Society.
Microsoft Research Blog. (2011).
Enabling cross-lingual conversation in real time.
Hastings, R. (2009). Groupware.
Library Technology Reports, 45(4), 28-30. Available in the Trident Online Library.