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Case Hrm 404 Instrucrtions Mod 1

Module 1 – Case


Case Assignment

Check out this important treasure chest of information for this assignment: Social Media Recruitment

In this assignment you will be creating a social media recruitment plan for your employer. If your current
employer already has a social media recruitment plan, you will create a plan to revise it.

When used properly, social media recruitment plans can be a valuable addition to an HR department’s
hiring strategy. Conduct some research and develop a social media plan to attract new employees.
Keep in mind that your social media plan must be inclusive and therefore formalized to attract
candidates who represent a variety of cultures, ethnicities, and backgrounds with skills and fresh ideas
that will enhance the organization.

Drawing on the background material and conducting any needed additional research, prepare a
speech to give to your CEO that spells out the social media plan for attracting new employees to
three specific positions open at the company. Include a discussion on how the plan will attract a
strong group of candidates who are diverse in thought, education, skills, culture, ethnicity, age, and

Your speech may be an audio or video recording of your persuasive speech or a PowerPoint
presentation with audio that thoroughly discusses your proposed plan.

If you opt to do a 5- to 7-minute audio or video recording of you delivering a speech covering this
assignment, you must upload your final deliverable to YouTube. You will then copy/paste the link
generated by YouTube into an MS Word doc that consists of three pages: a cover page, a page with
the YouTube link, and a reference page. You will then submit this 3-page file into the appropriate
drop box for grading by the posted due date and time. (Prior to the assignment due date, send the
link of your audio to another person to test that it opens.)

If you opt to develop a presentation with PowerPoint, include a cover slide, reference list slide, and
10 or more slides covering the various parts of your social media plan. You should have no more
than five words and a picture in addition to an audio file for each slide. If you want more than one
very short bullet point on your slides, then transition each bullet point one at a time.

Submit this presentation into the appropriate drop box for grading by the posted due date and time.

Be sure to check your Turnitin score via the Practice Dropbox to make sure it is not over 15%.

Assignment Expectations

Demonstrate critical-thinking and analysis of the issue.

In addition to a discussion on how the social media plan is based upon a philosophy of creating a
diverse workforce as discussed above, include at least three of the following five sections in your social
media recruitment plan:

1. Intro to social media recruitment

What are the most popular social media networks for recruiters?


6/27/24, 12:18 PM Case – HRM404 HR Information Systems (2024JUN24FT-1)


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What are the most popular social media networks among job-seekers?

What are some compelling social media recruiting statistics?

What are the advantages to using social media for recruitment?

2. The keys to how the plan will attract a strong group of candidates who are diverse in thought,
education, skills, culture, ethnicity, age, and gender

3. The best social media recruitment tools

4. Two examples of the best social media recruitment campaigns (What makes them the best?)

5. Social Media Recruiting: Networks, sites

How can I use LinkedIn to find candidates?

What are some benefits of using LinkedIn to recruit candidates?

How can I use Facebook to find candidates?

What are some benefits of using Facebook to recruit candidates?

How can I use Twitter to find candidates?

Support your deliverable with 3 sources that you include at the end of your presentation. To earn full
points for this part of the grading rubric, at least one of those references must be a high-quality
reference, which means it must come from a peer-reviewed academic journal or textbook found in the
Trident Online Library.

Cite sources of information utilized to prepare your assignment. Sources used must be valid and
reliable and may come from the course itself or from the library. Look up each reference in an APA
format guideline to format each reference correctly, even those obtained from the Trident Online Library.

See the Trident guide to APA Style, 7th edition. or the Purdue OWL website here:

Proofread your work and make sure it is as professional-appearing as possible.

Your submission will be assessed on the criteria found in the grading rubric for this assignment:

Meets assignment requirements


Writing and assignment organization

Use of sources and mechanics

Timeliness of assignment

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