Discussion of Case Study
Using the textbook formats found in the appendix C respond to the following prompts and then provide feedback to two peers: (Please see the attached Appendix C and The Case Study)
Read the Case of Kelly found at the end of the chapter assigned to this module.
1. Given the case information, prepare the following: a full diagnosis, the rationale for the diagnosis, and additional information you would have wanted to know in order to make a more accurate diagnosis.
2. Describe how you would engage with Kelly (Case study); describe the framework you want to keep in the back of your mind that would allow to you connect and engage with her? What are some of the first verbal interventions you would use with her to engage her into recovery.
3. Given your case information and what you have learned regarding risk and resilience, your knowledge of the disorder, and evidence-based practice guidelines, formulate 1 goal for an initial treatment plan for this individual. Use the formats provided in the guidelines below.