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case study


SBAR report to physician about a critical situation


I am calling about <patient name and location>.
The patient’s code status is <code status>
The problem I am calling about is ____________________________.

I am afraid the patient is going to arrest.

I have just assessed the patient personally:

Vital signs are: Blood pressure _____/_____, Pulse ______, Respiration_____ and temperature ______

I am concerned about the:

Blood pressure because it is over 200 or less than 100 or 30 mmHg below usual
Pulse because it is over 140 or less than 50
Respiration because it is less than 5 or over 40.
Temperature because it is less than 96 or over 104.


The patient’s mental status is:

Alert and oriented to person place and time.
Confused and cooperative or non-cooperative
Agitated or combative
Lethargic but conversant and able to swallow
Stuporous and not talking clearly and possibly not able to swallow
Comatose. Eyes closed. Not responding to stimulation.

The skin is:
Warm and dry
Extremities are cold
Extremities are warm

The patient is not or is on oxygen.
The patient has been on ________ (l/min) or (%) oxygen for ______ minutes (hours)
The oximeter is reading _______%
The oximeter does not detect a good pulse and is giving erratic readings.


This is what I think the problem is: <say what you think is the problem>
The problem seems to be cardiac infection neurologic respiratory _____
I am not sure what the problem is but the patient is deteriorating.
The patient seems to be unstable and may get worse, we need to do something.


I suggest or request that you <say what you would like to see done>.

transfer the patient to critical care
come to see the patient at this time.
Talk to the patient or family about code status.
Ask the on-call family practice resident to see the patient now.
Ask for a consultant to see the patient now.

Are any tests needed:
Do you need any tests like CXR, ABG, EKG, CBC, or BMP?

If a change in treatment is ordered then ask:
How often do you want vital signs?
How long to you expect this problem will last?
If the patient does not get better when would you want us to call again?

This SBAR tool was developed by Kaiser Permanente. Please feel free to use and reproduce these materials in the spirit of patient safety,
and please retain this footer in the spirit of appropriate recognition.

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