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Case study application (CSA)

Assessment 3: Case study application (CSA)


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Assessment 3 – Case Study Application (CSA)

Assessment 3 – Case Study Application (CSA)

Attached Files:


 STAT6000_Assessment_3_Sem2_2024 StudentAnswerSheet.docx
STAT6000_Assessment_3_Sem2_2024 StudentAnswerSheet.docx – Alternative Formats (47.444 KB)


 STAT6000_Assessment_3_Sem2_2024 InstructionQuestion Sheet.pdf
STAT6000_Assessment_3_Sem2_2024 InstructionQuestion Sheet.pdf – Alternative Formats (656.398 KB)


 Lee 2019 Alcohol_cigarette smoking, alcohol consumption, and risk of colorectal cancer.pdf
Lee 2019 Alcohol_cigarette smoking, alcohol consumption, and risk of colorectal cancer.pdf – Alternative Formats (280.997 KB)


 Magnus 2019 BMJ age and pregnancy history and miscarriage.pdf
Magnus 2019 BMJ age and pregnancy history and miscarriage.pdf – Alternative Formats (389.775 KB)


 Lee 2024 JAMA Screening helicobacteria to prevent gastric cancer.pdf
Lee 2024 JAMA Screening helicobacteria to prevent gastric cancer.pdf – Alternative Formats (377.919 KB)

Read the following Assessment Information/Instructions carefully

This assessment

. This assessment is a two-part written assignment and due 
on Thursday 31st October 2024 by 3pm (AWST).

. This assignment has 
40 total marks and counts towards 50% of your final mark for this unit.

. You need to answer a total of 
questions following the instructions below:

Part I
: you need to answer 
questions by selecting one question from one of the following 5 pairs (total marks =10).

. Pair 1: choose to answer Question 1 or Question 2; and

. Pair 2: choose to answer Question 3 or Question 4; and

. Pair 3: choose to answer Question 5 or Question 6; and

. Pair 4: choose to answer Question 7 or Question 8; and

. Pair 5: choose to answer Question 9 or Question 10.

Part II
: you need to read 
of the three given papers and answer the questions related to the chosen papers (total marks =30).

For an example, you can choose to answer “Question 2, Question 3, Question 6, Question 8, and Question 10” from 

Part I 
and choose to read 2 papers (for example: 
Magnus et al. Role of maternal age and pregnancy history in risk of miscarriage: prospective register-based study. BMJ 2019;364:l869 and 
Lee YC et al. Screening for Helicobacter pylori to Prevent Gastric Cancer: A Pragmatic Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA 2024),
 and answer “Question 2 and Question 3” from 

Part II.

For completing the assignment

· Step 1: Download Instruction and Question Sheet; Student Answer Sheet and relevant articles.

· Step 2: Read this Instruction and Question Sheet carefully. Sign/type the Declaration in the Student Answer Sheet electronically. The assignment will not be marked unless the Declaration is signed (or typed).

· Step 3: Write your answers to all 
7 questions that you chose in the Student Answer Sheet. Each question response should be no longer than 300 words. Bullet points are acceptable.

· Step 4: Save your completed Student Answer Sheet (i.e., your assignment) in Microsoft Word format (other format will not be accepted for marking).


For submitting your assignment (the completed Answer Sheet only)

Step 1: Check your completed Student Answer Sheet with Turnitin (plagiarism detection software) via submission portal “Assessment 3 (Case Study Application)” until the deadline.

Step 2: Make revision according to the Originality Report from Turnitin in Step 1. You need to resubmit a revised assignment to “Assessment 3 (Case Study Application)”. This is 

the final version for marking
 (Note: The Turnitin links will be available between 
3pm AWST Thursday 24th October 2024 and 3pm AWST Thursday 31st October 2024).

Additional note

· Late penalties will be applied in this unit (if a student does not have an approved assessment extension from School: details can be found from unit outline). 
Please do avoid a late submission!

· All forms of plagiarism, cheating and unauthorised collusion are regarded seriously by the University and could result in penalties including failure and possible exclusion from the University.

· Use of generative artificial intelligence (AI) is not permitted for this assessment.


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