Medicaid is State-Based…Should it be?

  Medicaid is partially federally funded and partially state-funded. As we all know, not every State is equal in per capita income, and the number of poor and disabled is equally unbalanced. Under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), Medicaid funding was expanded, yet some states opted out of accepting the additional funding. This, in some […]

Database in health care

  Attached two files , one for the data you will work on in excel file and file discription for the data in PDF As a data scientist please study the data and answer the following questions  1- what is the primerly diagnosis ? 2- What potential risk factors were there? 3- Make a statistical […]

Mentalism Vs. Radical Behaviorism

Column 1: Identify whether the statement is mentalistic or behavioristic for each scenario. Column 2: Explain the reasoning behind your choices. Some of the scenarios are similar and you may reuse your justification in multiple scenarios—but you must restate the explanation for each scenario. Column 3: Provide a behavioristic explanation as an alternative for each […]


Please follow this format: I Was instructed to redo it instead of making corrections. Ple check the AI Remember to start broad then narrow the focus to your topic of your literature review Define & describe ASD · Include information about diagnostic criteria in DSM5 · Common symptoms, areas of need associated with this diagnosis […]

Applied Sciences Midterm Assignment

Reference: Allen, K. What is an Ethical Dilemma Instructions attached Midterm Instructions and Rubric For your midterm, you will write about an ethical dilemma that you have experienced in your professional career. This dilemma will be examined by a classmate of yours for their signature assignment. Create your own WIKI Page (Found in the week […]

M9 Project

Comprehensive Presentation on SWPBIS Create and upload your presentation on this week’s topic. Your presentation should include: 1. Review of ABA and Leadership 2. How leadership can impact how teachers implement ABA practices  3. Leadership and its application to public education Rubric Presentation Deck (R) Presentation Deck (R) Criteria Ratings Pts This criterion is linked to a […]

M10 Project

Comprehensive Presentation on SWPBIS Create and upload your presentation on this week’s topic. Your presentation should include: 1. Overview of the importance of soft skills in behavioral coaching 2. Overview of component soft skills needed for coaching 3. Overview of the behavior consultation model. Include what tools you might use to train within the behavioral consultation […]

PowerPoint Presentation

Research a topic of my choosing and create a PowerPoint presentation for an Information and Digital Literacy Communications course. 

Discussion Five

Consider section 4 of the Ethical Code for Behavior Analysts.  Look at the ethical code and individual elements being discussed for the week. Do a search for a current event or news story that highlights a violation of one of the specific elements addressed during the week.  Because behaviorism addresses all  human behavior across disciplines […]


When business improves for your organization, the company plans to build a facility in Detroit, MI. Research and explain the following in an essay format which includes an introduction and conclusion (not a Q & A format): · The demographic characteristics of the Detroit labor market. Would the company find the diversity and the skill […]


Case Assignment Address the following questions in an essay format which includes an introduction and conclusion (not a Q & A format): · How your employer reduce labor costs and still save as many jobs as possible? · How might up-to-date job analysis information aid your employer in determining how to reduce labor costs? · […]

Case Mod 2 HRM 403

Module 2 – Case GLOBAL TALENT ACQUISITION & DEVELOPMENT Material useful to the assignment: Borsetti, A. (2021). Upskilling and reskilling to adapt to an evolving workforce. BenefitsPRO. Available in the Trident Online Library. Flynn, M., & Dawson, T. (2021). Building the workforce of the future will take more than money. Barron’s (Online). Available in the Trident Online Library. […]

SLP HRM 403 Mod 2

Privacy Policy | Contact Module 2 – SLP GLOBAL TALENT ACQUISITION & DEVELOPMENT Dealing with Repatriates An expatriate is an employee living and working in a different country from where he or she is a citizen. Moving an employee to an overseas assignment for an extended period of time requires careful selection, training, and planning […]


See Attachment Note sheets and transcript for presentation:  Philosophical Underpinnings of Science and ABA- Transcript and Notes Download Philosophical Underpinnings of Science and ABA- Transcript and Notes Reminder: The completion of this video presentation and self-checks is required by each student. It is expected that each student complete these assignments in order to pass the course. See […]


How does he support his main argument (evidence, ancillary arguments, etc.)

Discussion Four

Consider the readings and the Core Principles from the 2022 Ethical Code for Behavior Analysts. Consider section 3 of the ethical code.  Look at the ethical code and individual elements being discussed for the week. Do a search for a current event or news story that highlights a violation of one of the specific elements […]


READ- Thank you for sharing with us why access to quality health care is such a problem and the ways we as providers and a society can help to improve the access. Improving the numbers of nurse practitioners especially those willing to work in rural and low-income areas helps reduce the provider shortage, but even […]


Topic: S. 1339: Pharmacy Benefit Manager Reform Act 1. Analyze the law and generate a concise overview of the key aspects using your own language. Provide the bill number and title. (Alternatively, you can utilize H.R. or S.R. as these are legislation now in the resolution phase). 2. 1. The prescribed medium for this assignment […]

week eight

Harlacher, J. E., & Rodriguez, B.J (2018) Week 8 assignment. Please include the notes Comprehensive Presentation on SWPBIS Create and upload your presentation on this week’s topic. Your presentation should include: 1. Review an Overview of the phased implementation of SWPBIS. 2. Review Structuring Effective Teams 3. Review Sustaining the System (especially increasing staff buy-in) 4. […]

7 Project

This is the book. You don’t have to get a lot of references. Harlacher & Rodriguez (2018). Tier 3.  Also please include the notes. Comprehensive Presentation on SWPBIS Create and upload your presentation on this week’s topic. Your presentation should include: 1. Review Tier 3 team roles and related tasks 2. Review training and coaching […]

Help (Veterinary Research) VET 110

Graded Project – Medical Nursing for Veterinary Technicians Your project must be submitted as a Word document (.docx or .doc file format). Your project will be individually graded by your instructor and therefore may take up to seven days to grade. Be sure that each of your files contains the following information: Your name Your […]

Discussion Three

Consider the professional and ethical codes related to section 2 for Behavioral Analysis.  Look at the ethical code and individual elements being discussed for the week. Do a search for a current event or news story that highlights a violation of one of the specific elements addressed during the week.  Because behaviorism addresses all  human […]

Medicine and Islam

Medicine and Islam have a rich and intertwined history. From ancient times to modern advancements, Islamic civilization has contributed significantly to medical knowledge and practice. Discover the profound influence of Islamic teachings on health and medicine, which continue to shape the healthcare landscape today. Unlock the power of compassion and healing with organ donations in […]


1 paragraph needed 2 Discussion Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Professor’s Name Course Name Due Date READ BELOW Assessment questions and appropriate interventions related to the Neighborhood and Built Environment category focus on individual and community health outcomes. As a nurse practitioner (NP), we can work toward influencing patient’s daily behaviors, environmental exposures, and social interactions […]

business management help

Case Assignment Walvin, J. (1996). Forging the Link: Europe, Africa and the Americas and But Why Slavery? In  Questioning Slavery (pp. 1–18, 19–28) New York: Routledge. More, C. (2000).  Understanding the Industrial Revolution (pp 1-5 of Introduction) . New York: Routledge. Until the end of the 1700s, the economies of all the world’s major civilizations were principally agriculture, […]

business management help

Thompson, E. P.  Time, Work-Discipline and Industrial Capitalism .  Past and Present. No 38 (Dec 1967) pp. 56–97. Peterson, M.J. (2008).  Roots of Interconnection: Communications, Transportation and Phases of the Industrial Revolution . Retrieved on September 24, 2023 from   Kordas, A., Lynch, R.J., Nelson, B., and Tatlock, J. (2022).  World History Volume 2. 6.3 […]

Applied Sciences Assignment 1

EDUU 698 reading reflection instructions and rubric Each week you will write a minimum 2 page summary of your readings and videos. Each summary should include the following: 1. At least two paragraphs summarizing the entirety of the readings. For example, what is the main idea of the readings, when there are multiple chapters or […]

Applied Sciences HOMEWORK

Epstein, D. (2019). Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World. New York: Riverside Books. 


you will consider assessment questions and appropriate interventions related to social determinants of health. Healthy physical, social, and economic environments strengthen the potential to achieve health and well-being. Talk as if you are a nurse practitioner (NP) that must assess all facets of clients’ health during a comprehensive health history. Select an objective related to […]

Discussion 4

Discussion 4 Read: Chapter 5 Chin, J. L. & Trimble, J. E. (2015).  Diversity and leadership. Sage. Discussion: 4 1.   What do diverse leaders bring to an organization? Discuss the benefits and costs of lived experiences associated with sexism and racism faced by women and racial/ethnic minority leaders. How might this influence their exercise of leadership? […]

Discussion Two

Consider section 1 of the Ethical Code for Behavior Analysts.  Look at the ethical code and individual elements being discussed for the week. Do a search for a current event or news story that highlights a violation of one of the specific elements addressed during the week.  Because behaviorism addresses all  human behavior across disciplines […]

Weekly Journal Entry: Exploring CLIengage & TECPDS

  After exploring the CLIengageLinks to an external site. & TECPDSLinks to an external site. websites address the following; What does the acronym CLI and TECPDS stand for? Provide a brief summary of the uses of both websites List 5 benefits of using both websites. How can you start using them now in your profession? How […]

Tier # 2

Comprehensive Presentation on SWPBIS Create and upload your presentation on this week’s topic. Your presentation should include: 1. Overview of Screening sources for Tier 2 2. Sources of data for Tier 2 3. Overview of fidelity monitoring for Tier 2 4. Overview of progress monitoring at the systems level Rubric Presentation Deck (R) Presentation Deck (R) […]


INSTRUCTIONS ATTACHED HIT 1200 Module 3 Assignment Objective: Explain the correlation of data elements, data sets, databases, indices, data mapping, and data warehousing. AHIMA Entry Level Competency: Domain III. Informatics, Analytics, and Data Use · III.6 Describe the concepts of managing data. Directions: Please fill out the questions in this assignment document according to the […]

Tier 3 questions

Chapter 4: Harlacher & Rodriguez (2018). Tier 3.  1. Why is it crucial to have Tier Three interventions in school behavior management, and what specific types of students do they target? 2. Elaborate on the concept of individualization in Tier Three interventions and how it differs from Tier Two interventions. 3. What primary outcomes should […]

Tier 3

Comprehensive Presentation on SWPBIS Create and upload your presentation on this week’s topic. Your presentation should include:  1. A general overview of Tier 3 2. The rationale for Tier 3 behavioral support 3. Review common Tier 3 practices (FBA, BIP, and interventions) Rubric Presentation Deck (R) Presentation Deck (R) Criteria Ratings Pts This criterion is […]

Research topic

 Part 1, the Literature Evaluation Table, you will locate and organize information from 10-12 peer-reviewed articles for your literature review. In Part 2, the Literature Analysis, you will analyze the articles you selected and write a review of the literature. Use the information from your Literature Evaluation Table to ensure the inclusion of key information […]

Discussion One

Consider the readings and the Core Principles from the 2022 Ethical Code for Behavior Analysts.  Do a search for a current event or news story that highlights a violation of one of the specific elements addressed during the week.  Because behaviorism addresses all  human behavior across disciplines and environments, you may search broadly. Post the […]

Financial challenges

 inancial challenges have made it difficult for me to afford extra academic help. Finding a valid Pro promo code on was crucial for me to continue using services. The clear instructions and the verified nature of the promo code provided a discount that made a real difference. Thanks to NoCramming, I can afford the help […]

SLP HRM 403 Mod 1

Module 1 – SLP INTRODUCTION TO GLOBALIZATION; CULTURAL INTELLIGENCE SLP Assignment Overview What is cultural intelligence? Cultural intelligence (CQ), which refers to the capability to adapt and function successfully in culturally diverse environments, has been linked to positive individual-level outcomes in culturally diverse contexts, including performance, interaction quality, interpersonal trust, work engagement, and innovation. Motivated […]

Case HRM 403 Mod 1

Module 1 – Case INTRODUCTION TO GLOBALIZATION; CULTURAL INTELLIGENCE Assignment Overview Material useful to the assignment: Ahammad, M. F., Glaister, K. W., Sarala, R. M., & Glaister, A. J. (2018). Strategic Talent Management in Emerging Markets. Thunderbird International Business Review, 60(1), 5-8. Available in the Trident Online Library. Glaister, A. J., Karacay, G., Demirbag, M., & Tatoglu, […]

Clinical Reflection Report

Please see the attached file for instructions. Below are my clinical rotations and what I learned. I am a Respiratory Tech Student. So pretend to be with me and come up with a great Clinical Reflection Report  1st Rotation: UMMS (Univeesity of Maryland Medical Center) Spring 2023 – Intro basic treatment to patients on floors […]

personal identity statement

 Compare and contrast the roles and interrelationships of professionals, organizations, and services offered in the field of health information management for determining a personal role within the field


INSTRUCTIONS ATTACHED Overview: For this assignment, you will be analyzing primary and secondary data sources.  Instructions: 1. For this paper, you are required to compose an APA paper spanning 1-2 pages (with a minimum of one full page), encompassing the following components: 1. Introduction paragraph 2. Overview of the primary data source and its content […]

Director’s Resource Template

    Use the figures in Director’s   Resource 5-6 (pg. 142)  to determine how many children will be in each   group for the next six months. If licensing requires one adult for every   4 infants, one for every 8 toddlers, and one for   every 12 preschoolers, use the information provided to   determine what effect will the changing […]


1. How have your attitudes changed about selecting appropriate medications based on patient presentation and unique patient factors? 2. How confident do you feel about selecting an appropriate pharmaceutical agent for a patient with a specific diagnosis in the primary care setting? What resources are needed, if any, to help you feel more confident? 3. […]

Final Project

Competency-Based Training by What is Competency Based Training? Competency-based training entails facilitating the development of specified, well thought, and applied competence. Vare et al. (2019) imply that competence means that one has the needed skills and capabilities to complete a task in accordance with a set design to achieve a specific outcome. When implementing a […]

Article Critique

Article Critique This assignment requires you to READ the assigned article and write an article critique. In this critique you will share the key points of the article so your reader can get a clear picture of what the article is about. You will also identify and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the article. […]


Topic Review the literature on the Good Behavior Game (GBG), focusing on its historical development, fundamental principles, empirical evidence of its effectiveness, implementation variations, and impact on various populations. Then, write a paper summarizing and synthesizing your findings in at least ten pages, excluding the title page and references. You must find at least ten […]