As a nurse practitioner you will develop a plan of wellness for women across the lifespan, inclusive of adolescence, child-bearing years, and beyond. Follow the case of Mary below and develop a wellness plan for each life phase. For each age, include the well visit content, immunizations, preventive screenings and at least one education related […]
Cheapest Medical Cannabis Clinic in the UK | Curaleaf Clinic
Cheapest Medical Cannabis Clinic in the UK | Curaleaf Clinic Looking for the cheapest medical cannabis clinic in the UK? Curaleaf Clinic is your go-to destination for affordable and high-quality medical cannabis treatments. We specialize in providing accessible healthcare solutions to patients in need. At Curaleaf Clinic, we prioritize patient care by offering expert consultations, […]
Duvantin 20mg for Chronic Pain: Does It Really Help?
Hey everyone, I’ve been struggling with chronic pain for a while now, and my doctor recently suggested trying Duvantin 20mg. I’ve heard mixed reviews about its effectiveness. Has anyone here used it for chronic pain? If so, how was your experience? Did it actually help? Visit: https://buymedlife.com/duvanta-20mg
In this assignment you will be analyzing the following Social Security benefits: · life insurance · disability income · Medicare · retirement income To begin, create a table of facts and figures that you have developed showing important information about these benefits. Refer to your table in the text of your essay. Respond to the following: […]
Please read the following for a review of employee benefits: Doyle, A. (2019). Types of employee benefits and perks . Retrieved from (Be sure to click on the links within this source to gain depth about specific benefits.) Glassdoor Team. (2018). 11 Companies with seriously impressive benefits . Retrieved from Hamill, L. (2019). Workplace culture: […]
“Describe a work task you struggled with. Which PDC-HS questions would you answer ‘no’ to, and what changes would you make as a supervisor to improve performance?”
Describe a time when you struggled to perform a task at work. What was the job task? Using the PDC-HS, what questions would you have responded to with a no? If you were your supervisor, what would you have changed in your environment in order to help you perform better?
3. What is your recommendation – should Green Zebra expand to Seattle (3 or more new stores) or Portland (1
3. What is your recommendation – should Green Zebra expand to Seattle (3 or more new stores) or Portland
What is atherosclerosis
You work in a nutrition education office. A client has been diagnosed with atherosclerosis and isn’t sure what they can eat to help manage their condition. Describe atherosclerosis including how diet plays a role in the development of this condition. Provide your client with at least three nutrition-related suggestions that could help them slow the […]
Applied Sciences IDS 3336- Assignment #7
QUESTION 1 – Post a link to any artwork and provide: the name of the piece the name of the artist (if it’s an ancient piece you probably won’t know the name – put Artist Unknown in that case), the date of the piece what civilization or culture it is from (i.e. China, Greece, Senegal, […]
business management help
Reading Material Stavros, J. (2017). Appreciative inquiry brings out the best. Stavros, J. (2017). The 5d cycle of appreciative inquiry. Venter, J. (2010). Appreciative inquiry. Accountancy SA, , 42-44. Zemke, R. (1999). Don’t fix that company! Training, 36(6), 26-33. Whitney, D. K., & Trosten-Bloom, A. (2010). Chapter 1: What is Appreciative Inquiry? The Power of […]
business management help
Reading Material Stavros, J. (2017). Appreciative inquiry brings out the best. Stavros, J. (2017). The 5d cycle of appreciative inquiry. Venter, J. (2010). Appreciative inquiry. Accountancy SA, , 42-44. Zemke, R. (1999). Don’t fix that company! Training, 36(6), 26-33. Whitney, D. K., & Trosten-Bloom, A. (2010). Chapter 1: What is Appreciative Inquiry? The Power of […]
For this assignment, answer the following: What type of queries benefit from parallel processing? What are the benefits of parallel databases? How does Oracle utilize memory to speed up processes?
HSCO 508 Interpersonal Communication Plan Assignment Instructions Overview The purpose of the Interpersonal Communication Plan Assignment is to demonstrate course-related knowledge; commitment to establish and maintain healthy, healing, and helping relationships; and ability to communicate effectively, both verbally and nonverbally. You will develop a strategic plan and produce a 9–10 minute video recording of yourself […]
Reply to discussion
Numerous communities implement guidelines that help people achieve health through proper nutrition. The Dietary Guidelines for Decreasing Added Sugars and Added Salt constitute one of the guidelines I know about through institutions World Health Organization (WHO) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). These guidelines instruct people to decrease their added sugar and added […]
Choose one women’s health preventive screening guideline, such as mammogram, Pap smear, bone mineral density scan, or colonoscopy. Outline the current screening recommendations including age and interval with testing instrument/s. Include the source and the governing body for the guideline. Discuss any reasons for potential deviations from routine preventive screening frequency. How would you evaluate […]
1. Describe how the assigned readings, activities, assessments, and clinical experiences in this course helped you to meet Program Outcome 5: Advocates for positive health outcomes through compassionate, evidence-based, collaborative advanced nursing practice. (Extraordinary Nursing) Provide at least two specific examples. (You could talk about having to do virtual scenarios based on real patient situations […]
The Essentials Click on the hyperlink below to explore The Essentials. Use The Essentials as a reference for completing Unit 1 Discussion: The Essentials: Core Competencies for Professional Nursing Education The American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) has implemented a new standard and outline for training registered nurses, advanced practice nurses, and nurse specialists. […]
In this assignment, your quantitative reasoning skills will be assessed. The Quantitative Reasoning rubric will be useful for this purpose. In MGT511 quantitative reasoning skills were assessed at the “introduced” level. In HRM520 they were assessed at the “reinforced” level. Finally, in this course your skills will be assessed at the “emphasized” level. The math […]
For this SLP, you have the opportunity to focus on a private-sector organization doing business in another country (a company that you have not previously examined). Discuss how this organization is approaching the issue of “big data” and analysis of big data. What data is it analyzing and why? How is it transforming the data […]
HSCO 502 Developmental Analysis: Assignment Instructions Overview For this assignment, you will discuss your own development over your lifetime and how it relates to the developmental concepts discussed throughout this course. The purpose of this paper is for you to demonstrate an ability to apply a working knowledge of the theories, terminology, and concepts of […]
What is your favorite strategy for increasing staff work enjoyment, and how will you integrate it into your supervision practice?
Of the multitude of strategies discussed this week for increasing work enjoyment for staff, what is your favorite/most preferred strategy discussed in this module? How will you integrate this strategy into your supervision practice in the future? What will it look like when you implement it with a supervisee/trainee? Are there any practices discussed that […]
Cultural humility
How does cultural humility play a role in assessing verbal behavior given the findings of Masek et al., (2021)? How can this be utilized in your practice as a BCBA? Provide specific examples. The author’s post consisted of 150 – 200 words. The author posted references in APA format and cited an one or more […]
Applied Sciences Health Information Technology Homework
Please see attachment for directions For this exercise, use the file titled AB202022_Ch07_Practice with OPPS Reimbursement and Cost.xlsx Download AB202022_Ch07_Practice with OPPS Reimbursement and Cost.xlsx (Please see attachment to directions). There are four tabs in this file: Example, ED Visit, Rural SCH, and Surgery. The first tab, Example, demonstrates how to calculate reimbursement and cost […]
Utilize available publicly reported data including census information, local chamber of commerce, CMS competitor data, and disease prevalence from the local / state health department, CDC, or community organizations
1. Address the following questions: a. Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are more prevalent in clients who are members of marginalized communities. Identify and discuss two person- centered actions to promote STI self-care management for marginalized clients. 2. Provide evidence from a USA scholarly resource that’s within 5 years from. Cite your source(s) appropriately. Include the following components: a. write 250-300 words in a Microsoft […]
Applied Sciences Health Information Technology homework
Please see attachment. Examining Resource Consumption (Level 4—Analyzing) In the Medicare Skilled Nursing Facility Services Payment System, the case-mix index value represents the level of resource consumption, similar to the relative weight of MS-DRGs in the Medicare Hospital Acute Inpatient Services Payment System. Examine table 6.5 in the textbook. Using the questions below as a […]
Discussion Points For this discussion complete the following: What are the differences between the Analysis Phase and the Design Phase? What types of models are in an SDD (System Design Document)? See System Specification Outline in your text. How do the nonfunctional requirements impact the architecture of a system?
View the following video concerning internal equity: GreggU. (2019, September 30). Internal Consistency [Video]. YouTube. Time for Change in Pay Plans? You are a newly hired HR professional now working for Jeans Inc. Jeans does not have a formal wage structure or rate ranges and does not use compensable factors. Wages are basically set on prevailing […]
Is There a Maximum Rate of Pay? You are the Total Rewards Manager for Front Appliance Company. You are usually a pretty relaxed, friendly, and easy-going manager. Although you are a no-nonsense, competent executive, you are one of the most popular managers in the company. This particular morning, however, you feel a challenge ahead. As […]
Performance Problems and Consequential Strategies
Case study scenario.. Give a precise definition of the problematic conduct that is countable, unambiguous, and succinct. (To build an ideal definition, you might invent some details to fill in the holes.) To identify the causes of the performance issue, do a PDC assessment (study the selected scenario to determine how to answer these questions). […]
Policies Best Practices
What are the impact of the best practices will have on patient interaction with the portal.
Block Blast
The <a href=” Blast</a> Game is a puzzle game in which players must carefully arrange or remove blocks from a grid in order to accomplish certain goals. There are several varieties of this genre, including as competitive, logic-based, and casual, and it is widely used on mobile devices. Key Elements of Block Blast Games: Mechanisms […]
business management help
In the background materials you had a chance to read about the traditional “top down” approach of job redesign as well as the newer “bottom up” approach of job crafting. Before starting on this assignment, make sure you have thoroughly reviewed the readings and understand the key job redesign and job-crafting strategies. Once you have […]
business management help
Understand the key concepts of job redesign and job crafting. Then think about your own job and workplace and how these concepts apply to your own work life. Once you have finished reviewing the background readings and have carefully thought about how these concepts relate to your own job, write a 2- to 3-page paper […]
Discussion Topic (Veronica0 PART A Top of Form Introduction Some plays are original stories that the playwright invents. But often, plays are adaptations of established stories. For example, The Lion King, a popular and long-running Broadway musical, is based on the animated film by the same title; many believe that the story is loosely based on the […]
Please try not to use AI 1 Discussion #1: A.) Social Determinants of Health -OR- B.) Health Systems Building Blocks (Please select only one of the topics above to address in your Discussion #1 assignment, and follow the instructions for your chosen topic below. Also, in the subject line of your original discussion post, please […]
I. 1. Address the following questions: a. What patterns or triggers did you noticed in the virtual patient’s mood helped you in determining the patient’s final diagnosis? b. What resources are available in your community to assist with concerns such as those faced by your virtual patient? c. What is the DSM-V criteria for diagnosing […]
Link needed for video
Self 4
Mindful Attention Awareness Scale Instructions: The following is a collection of statements about your everyday experience. Using the scale from 1 (almost always) to 6 (almost never), indicate how frequently or infrequently you currently have each experience. Answer according to what really reflects your experience rather than what you think your experience should be. Please […]
Applied Sciences Healthcare Homework
Please see attachments. 1. MS-DRG Calculations (Level 4—Analyzing) For this exercise, use the file titled AB202019_Ch05_Exercises.xlsx Download AB202019_Ch05_Exercises.xlsx, tabs MS-DRG Calculation Example and MS-DRG Calculations. This assignment consists of 10 inpatient acute care admissions: 5 for Community Hospital and 5 for Memorial Hospital. Calculate the MS-DRG reimbursement rate for each admission. Notice the fully adjusted […]
(Signature Assignment: Oral Communications, Emphasized Level) In this assignment, you are in the role of an HR consultant. There is a critical deliverable that your client’s CEO expects from you: This organization’s CEO would like you to convince his staff that his organization needs to begin the process of changing from being a traditional “1980s-style” […]
Prepare a 3-page blog entry where you introduce new HR students to the topic of competencies in HRM. Utilize one or more tables showing facts about competencies in HR and discuss what the table information means. Refer to at least 2 valid sources to strengthen your writing. List them at the end of the blog. […]
For your worst training experience, what elements of BST were missing? What did they do that made you dislike the training?
Describe either your best training experience, OR your worst training experience. For your best training experience, what elements of BST were included? What did they do that made you enjoy the training? For your worst training experience, what elements of BST were missing? What did they do that made you dislike the training? In either […]
Can you help me with my homework. Module V Discussion Subscribe Based on your current and future advanced practice nursing role, why do you believe it important to understand the details of the healthcare delivery system? Post your initial discussion by 11:59 PM ET on Thursday. Posts are a minimum of 250 words, scholarly […]
To do
Everything you need to know is in the images below please read carefully
Course : interpersonal communication
Everything you need for this assignment is in the pictures below
Self assessment 3
Spiritual Well-Being Questionnaire This questionnaire explores your views on the term spiritual. Assess each item against the question “How much is this a component of spirituality?” For each item, respond using the scale from 1 (very little) to 5 (very much). 1 = Very Little 2 = Little 3 = Medium 4 = Much 5 […]
hist ory
what’s comp? Your assignment is to write a 3-4-page research paper on a topic of your choice from U.S. History, within the time span we cover in class (prehistoric times up to the end of the Civil War). Papers should contain the following: · Recognizable formatting (MLA, APA, and Chicago Style are all acceptable; see owl.english.purdue.eduLinks […]
1. Discuss the each of the following possible causes of a child with chronic constipation and the tests/labs needed to rule the diagnosis in or out. a. Constipation present since birth or early infancy. b. Persistently narrow diameter stools. c. Failure to gain weight/weight loss. d. Abdominal distention. 2. Include the following components: a. write […]
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Assignment Readings Rogers, J. (2010). Large group interventions. Facilitating Groups. Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill Education. Pp. 98-104 (Chapter 3) Norum, K. E. (2005). Chapter 15: Future Search conversation. In Dialogue as a Means of Collective Communication (pp. 323-333). Springer Science & Business Media B.V. / Books. Leith, M. (1996). Organizational change and large group interventions. Career Development […]