please read all instructions  Major Paper: Theories on Organizational Communication and Management TEXTBOOK(S) AND REQUIRED MATERIALS: Title: Organizational Communication: Balancing Creativity and Constraint Author: Eric Eisenberg, H.L. Goodall Jr, Angela Trethewey, and Marianne Legreco Publisher: Bedford/St. Martin’s Year Published: 2016 Edition: 8th ISBN: 10: 1319052347 or 13: 978-1319052348 For your Research Paper you need to […]

Compose Literature Review

  Using the outline created in Week 7, you will use scaffolding for developing your literature review. To conduct a literature review, you need to critically analyze your Doctoral Project or Dissertation-in-Practice topic from a scientific and objective perspective. You need to clearly identify the strengths and weaknesses of multiple perspectives and synthesize the existing […]


INSTRUCTIONS ATTACHED Due End of Week Three  (Approximately 750 words) Select a work of art from the text (it may be architecture, a sculpture, or a painting) and: 1) First, spend time looking thoroughly at this work of art and write an analysis of it. Make sure to explain what it is (i.e. is it a […]

Workplace motivation

Applying Motivational Theories Herzberg posits that motivation is influenced by hygiene factors (which can demotivate if absent) and motivators (which can boost satisfaction when present). You will provide insights into motivation for a multi-generational workforce. Using the framework of McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y, you will analyze how workplace scenarios align with or challenge […]

business management help

Q1. What is life? Research six specimens from the list below, describe them as living, nonliving, or dead and give support for why each belongs in their respective category. Brown grass Whale sperm HIV virus Fertilized chicken egg Hair from human head Prion Egg from grocery store Skin cell from back of hand Amoeba Blood […]

HUM 2520 MOD 2 DB

  Discussion Questions: Keeping in mind your reading, answer the following questions regarding art and religion/spirituality. How do art and spirituality relate to each other? What is spirituality? Where does it lie:  In the creative process? In the artist? In the artwork? In the viewer?


For this assignment, you will develop a PowerPoint Presentation (8-10 slides) answering the questions listed in Parts 1 and 2 of the assignment. The presentation is to be recorded in your own words, as if you were presenting it to your instructor. You are to use the audio produced by PowerPoint and not an Mp3 […]


 Each student will pick a controversial surveillance incident from the news. Once you pick this surveillance incident, you will lay out for your fellow students an argument from both sides of the incident, i.e. support for the surveillance and a dissent from for the surveillance. In addition, when presenting your dissent, make sure you include […]


Apply all required criteria in the assignment with information that is clear and sufficient in detail. 1. 1. Describe how learning in this course will help you achieve  Program Outcome 2: Create a caring environment for achieving quality health outcomes (Care-Focused). 2. Describe how course assignments or activities will help you achieve ONE of the […]


INSTRUCTIONS- Address the following questions: Consider how the setting in which you see the patient may impact your recommendations for medications, treatments, or follow-up care. How would your recommendations have changed for this patient if she was underinsured? What about if the encounter had occurred at a mobile clinic for unhoused clients?   Include the following […]

Applied Sciences Health Information Technology Homework

Please see attachment Discussion Board #5: NPSG vs. PCP Cycle TOPIC:  From your comprehension of Chapter Nine, explain how the National Patient Safety Goals (NPSGs) interface with the performance improvement cycle during the patient care process.  Use graphics to display interface (e.g. similarities/differences). 200-250 words

HUM 2520

 As you read through the first chapters this week, we find that the Egyptians and Greeks had different goals for their works.  Of the many Greek insights — the freedom to represent more what the artist saw versus what they should see, religious statues decorated with gold and precious stones, the focus on the ideal […]

what is communication

Research Design Worksheet In one sentence, summarize the main issue or topic for your Research Paper. In 1-3 sentences, summarize the key subtopic(s) for your Research Paper. In 400 words or less, explain your interest in the topic and subtopics. Briefly elaborate on the connections you see between these issues and why you think they […]

AU 1

See attachments here are the links: (1)  And  (2)


For this Case Assignment, you will develop a project management plan based on the company you selected to create in Module 1. The basic processes of project planning are typically: 1. Identify the goal of the project. 2. Map out the scope. 3. Develop an outline or plan. 4. Share this initial idea with your […]


(Signature Assignment: Oral Communications, Introduced Level) Required Video: Review the following video and follow it carefully as you prepare your assignment. For this assignment, view the video, which immediately follows. The video explains an exciting new performance appraisal approach where 50% of the appraisal focuses on past performance, and 50% on goal setting for the […]


For this SLP assignment, you will first review the literature provided regarding mind mapping in project management. Then, prepare a mind map of the business venture project you created in this course. Hoz. (2019, August 2).  How to create a mind map [Video] . YouTube.  Huang, S. (2020, May 18).  Mind map tutorial: My secret for […]


For this Case Assignment, you will develop a project management plan based on the company you selected to create in Module 1. The basic processes of project planning are typically: 1. Identify the goal of the project. 2. Map out the scope. 3. Develop an outline or plan. 4. Share this initial idea with your […]


Many employers do not have a plan to manage and transfer knowledge. Because workforce dynamics have changed, there is a greater need than ever for a knowledge-transfer strategy. Business wisdom is taken from organizations with retirements, resignations, and terminations, leaving companies more likely than not to have less growth capacity and less efficiency, especially in […]


A  • What leadership style, model, or theory worked best to implement the project? Why?  • What ethical theory guided your decision on implementing the project? Why?  • What leadership behaviors were your required to exhibit during this process? What behaviors did you promote among your team or organization?  • How did you integrate inclusive […]


   Q.1 Write Questions and Answers for Podcast Recording Podcast (8-10 Minutes) Topic: The Role of Technology in Modern Corporate Training Host: Mike  Guest: Nancy Course: 6303.E1


READ BELOW- 1. Explain what the data indicates about infections rates based on age, race, and gender.   I live in Illinois and I chose to examine the HIV infection rates. The CDC Atlas Plus website reports the HIV infection rate in Illinois based on race is highest among blacks. Furthermore, the HIV infection rates […]

Applied Sciences ABA Assignment

Uploaded are the pictures of the assignment. Cannot be plagiarised from online sources. This is a behavior analysis class.  Answers do not need to be long. Simple and staright to the point.


In your respective groups (or individually), Develop the use case for the mobile application for your assigned sector.  Research which mobile application development platform your organization will use and justify why you’ve chosen that approach.  Lastly identify which security challenges you are most concerned with for your mobile app use case. Note: Web Applications are […]


Develop Mobile App Vetting (MAV) requirements, a security overlay to depict what threats are being addressed, and research and determine an independent cost estimate for a solution to meet your respective requirements. This assignment is to be done based on your assigned Sector.   Formatting Instructions: 4 pages Double Spaced, 1-inch Margin, Times New Roman, Page […]

Applied Sciences Health information Technology Homework

Please see attachment. TOPIC:  Severity of Illness Case Study, Chapter 8, p. 148 AHIMA Competency IV.1.RM:  Determine diagnosis and procedure codes and groupings according to official guidelines (5)   Review the criteria set in Table 8.3 and the History & Physical Report in Figure 8.10. After this review, determine whether or not with specificity (examples); e.g. […]


READ BELOW- After reviewing data from the CDC, it is clear that sexually transmitted diseases such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis disproportionally distress populations limited by gender, race, and age. Reviewing data from the state of California, it is clear that age groups between 20 and 34 account for the highest proportion of reported cases. […]

ethical consideration

Presentation: Ethical Considerations You have been selected to deliver a video presentation to your organization or a professional group in your discipline. You may use visuals to deliver the message. Use ChatGPT or another AI program to research trending ethical topics in your area of work, study, or preferred career path. Examples include logistics, HR, […]


Business Controversies from a Duty Ethics Perspective  Duty or deontological ethics highlights the inherent rightness of an action, independent of outcomes. It promotes consistent moral behavior. In a rapidly changing world, duty ethics is often referred to as a steadfast moral compass.  Case 4 Resources Text:  2.5 Deontology: Ethics as Duty  (2023) Deontology  (2023)  Text:  […]

6 dis in

General Instructions: Healthy People 2030 goals include reducing sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and their complications and improving access to quality STD care. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (n.d.) estimates that there are more than 20 million new cases of STDs in the U.S. each year. STD rates are disproportionately higher among racial/ethnic […]


Instructions- Review the  Healthy People 2030 Health Care Access and QualityLinks to an external site. objective related to prescription medications. Consider how your treatment plan might change for any patient who does not have insurance coverage for prescriptions.  Choose one medication that could be prescribed for this patient either before or after hospitalization when returning to you for […]

1 paragraph

Read- Thanks for your post. I appreciate you sharing your thoughts this week. I know your preceptor and clinical site is very busy seeing patients. Do you think the providers have enough time to thoroughly explain the screening tests to patients? Why or why not? a. You are to reply to the post above about […]

Tufte Reading Having read Chapteron_Tufte.pdf and using Global Superstore.xls

Tufte Reading Having read Chapters4&5_Visual_Display_Quantitative_Information_Tufte.pdf Download Chapters4&5_Visual_Display_Quantitative_Information_Tufte.pdfand using Global Superstore.xls Download Global Superstore.xls: 1) Make and upload visualization Tufte would take issue with (20 pts) 2) In a few lines, explain what parts of the visualization Tufte would complain about most (15 pts) 3) Revise your visualization to remove or correct those parts (15 pts)

Develop required statement

The next subsections to focus on drafting are your purpose statement and nature of the doctoral project or dissertation-in-practice. Your focus should be on defining the purpose of your study and providing a summary of the nature of the doctoral project or dissertation-in-practice in the respective subsections. Concentrate on developing clear alignment between the previously […]

Effective Communication (DISCUSSION 1)

  Effective Communication While you are focused on learning terms, phrases, abbreviations, and proper placement into sentences, the eventual goal is for you to become fluent in the language of health professions. Becoming fluent in English medical terms is not sufficient. Healthy People 2020-2030 clearly links health disparities, which include cultural and lingual differences, as […]


Disputes in a unionized workplace Before you start this assignment, be sure that you have read the background readings for this module. Read the following scenario: Jocko and Thomas are both hourly employees working as forklift drivers in a large grocery chain’s central California warehouse. Their workplace is unionized. They work in the same warehouse […]


Disputes in a unionized workplace Before you start this assignment, be sure that you have read the background readings for this module. Read the following scenario: Jocko and Thomas are both hourly employees working as forklift drivers in a large grocery chain’s central California warehouse. Their workplace is unionized. They work in the same warehouse […]


Assignment Overview A  marketing plan is a formal business document that is used as a blueprint or guide for how a company will achieve its marketing goals. A marketing plan differs from a business plan in that it focuses more on market research, attracting customers, and marketing strategies, whereas the business plan covers much more than […]


Examine the following table of ratios for Coca Cola Co. Consider what story these ratios tell you about the financial health of the company. In a 2- to 3-page paper, comment on the following, specifying which ratios you used to draw your conclusions: 1. Trends in profitability 2. Trends in debt 3. Ability of the […]

Scheduled Drugs

  Pharmacology Medical Terminology Corner Each chapter of the text includes medication information related to that system. Pain medications are included. The medical term for pain medication is analgesic. There are several categories of analgesics, all with potential side effects and most with abuse potential. Opiate abuse is a topic you likely are hearing about […]


define science In our lectures as well as readings, we have learned about the complexities involved in American racism.  Using  Black Boy as a reference point, explain the role white supremacy played in American life throughout the mid-twentieth century.  How does Wright learn to navigate the world of white supremacy and what does that say about […]

AN 5

Instructions- Engage peers and faculty by asking questions, and offering new insights, applications, perspectives, information, or implications for practice. Communicate using respectful, collegial language and terminology appropriate to advanced nursing practice.  Communicate with minimal errors in English grammar, spelling, syntax, and punctuation.  Use current APA format to format citations and references and is free of errors. Include […]

Health Information Technology Help

Please see attachment TOPIC:  HCAHPS APA FORMAT   From your reading, Chapter 7, plus BCCC’s library database systems or Google Scholar, search for an article to use as foundational information to assist you in writing (250 word-count) on the development, effectiveness, and quality aspects of the HCAHPS program. Refer to the rubric before submission to […]

Applied Sciences Health Information Tech Homework

Please see attachment Go to  Enter any zip code and locate the data for one hospital. 1.  Select one data element from the “Survey of patient experiences,” one data element from the “Timely & effective care, ” and one data element from the “Complications & deaths” data for your hospital. 2.  Compare your data elements […]

WK 3 Com

Needs to Complete Q.1 HBR Presentation…. Notes: 1. Other are the materials for the references  2. needs to be completed in 18 hrs

six steps of problem solving

How can the 6 steps be combined with Bloom’s taxonomy to solve a problem you are currently experiencing or one you may experience in the future


please answer all questions I.  Answer all questions/criteria with explanations and detail.  a. Preventive care and screenings are essential components to primary practice.  Identify your clinical practicum setting (which is primary care office) and a population that you typically see (We typically treat older adults). Use  HealthyPeople 2030Links to an external site. to describe two preventative […]

EN 111 MOD 4 Comparative

INSTRUCTIONS ATTACHED “Rise of the Machines” Is Not a Likely Future MICHAEL LITTMAN MICHAEL LITTMAN is Royce Family Professor of Teaching Excellence in Computer Science at Brown University. With Dave Ackley, he is the host of the podcast Computing Up. This piece was originally published in Live Science on January AND The Electoral College Embodies […]

EN 111 MOD 2 sum mary

instructions attached Mikia Wilson ENG 111 08/29/2024 M02 Writing Project 1 Summary and Response: Half Draft Regarding the subject of eating, most of us will quickly agree that our upbringing and way of life usually determines what we put into our bodies. But where this consensus usually ends—that is, on the issue of what we […]