Task: Write a 1000 word essay that reflects on your reading, writing, and thinking processes this term. What have you learned about yourself as a reader, writer, and thinker? Your essay (with all the

Task:  Write a 1000 word essay that reflects on your reading, writing, and thinking processes this term. What have you learned about yourself as a reader, writer, and thinker? Your essay (with all the necessary elements of an essay) should address the two general areas below. The questions listed are suggestions for elements to consider. You don’t […]

1. What is Aristotle’s definition of rhetoric? What are the key parts of Aristotle’s definition? How does that definition help you re-view your writing this term? How could it help you revise your ess

1. What is Aristotle’s definition of rhetoric? What are the key parts of Aristotle’s definition? How does that definition help you re-view your writing this term? How could it help you revise your essays? 250 words  we’re going way back to 350 B.C.E. to Aristotle’s Rhetoric. Don’t worry, you don’t have to read the whole text, […]

Respond to the reflection prompts provided below. Utilize references from the following assigned readings and films to back up your responses: Allen, Brenda J. (2011.) Difference Matters: Communicati

Respond to the reflection prompts provided below. Utilize references from the following assigned readings and films to back up your responses: Allen, Brenda J. (2011.)  Difference Matters: Communicating Social Identity.  Waveland Press, Inc. Chapter 7-8: Ability Matters & Age Matters. Habib, Dan. (2018). Intelligent Lives. Passion River Films. Lee, Barbara K. (2006). Between the Laughter. National Film Board of Canada. […]

Respond to the 2 reflection prompts provided below. Utilize references from the following assigned readings to back up your responses: Allen, Brenda J. (2011.) Difference Matters: Communicating Socia

Respond to the 2 reflection prompts provided below. Utilize references from the following assigned readings to back up your responses: Allen, Brenda J. (2011.)  Difference Matters: Communicating Social Identity.  Waveland Press, Inc. Chapter 6: Sexuality Matters. pp. 115-134. Dines, G., Humez, J. M., Yousman, B., & Yousman, L. B. (Eds.). (2021). Gender, race, and class in media […]

1 initial post, 300 words minimum.Include at least 2 sources/references for your information.Watch the video narratives recommended under the Art 21: Sexuality and Contemporary Art. Pick one artist wh

1 initial post, 300 words minimum. Include at least 2 sources/references for your information. Watch the video narratives recommended under the Art 21: Sexuality and Contemporary Art. Pick one artist whose work you would like to explore further and write a short analysis on this artist and the content of their artwork. Use the the provided […]

1 piece of media-advertising evidence of your choice that illustrates messages about social class.Context surrounding your evidence to support your peers’ interpretation.This week we will be performin

1 piece of media-advertising evidence of your choice that illustrates messages about social class. Context surrounding your evidence to support your peers’ interpretation. This week we will be performing as media and marketing socio cultural researchers! Observe ways in which the media reproduces (or deconstructs) narratives surrounding social class. The best way to approach this […]

ASSIGNMENT 5: Social Class & Intersecting Identities 3 questions. 75-100 words per response.At least 3 references to the texts (at least 1 per response, see MLA Handbook)Include page numbers or a

ASSIGNMENT 5: Social Class & Intersecting Identities 3 questions. 75-100 words per response. At least 3 references to the texts (at least 1 per response, see MLA Handbook) Include page numbers or a time stamp with references (if a video.) Instructions Respond to the 3 reflection prompts provided below. Utilize references from the following assigned readings to back […]

Write a 1000 word argumentative essay using at least two credible texts of your choice from Academic Search. Identify a debatable issue, decide on your own position on the issue, and use the texts to

Write a 1000 word argumentative essay using at least two credible texts of your choice from Academic Search. Identify a debatable issue, decide on your own position on the issue, and use the texts to help develop your discussion. The texts may be used to discuss your view or the opposition’s view. Use the Toulmin model of argumentation to […]

Topic selection for Essay 2 is extremely important. The topic you ultimately settle on must be one that: You care about.Is debatable among reasonable people.Can be researched quickly and easily and do

Topic selection for Essay 2 is extremely important. The topic you ultimately settle on must be one that: You care about. Is debatable among reasonable people. Can be researched quickly and easily and doesn’t require significant research. Is one that you can see and appreciate from multiple perspectives. For Writing Activity 8, identify three possible topics for Essay […]

We’re moving on to argumentation this week, so we’ll start with a reading that argues about the role of reading, writing, and communication in college courses and the world at large. For this Reading

We’re moving on to argumentation this week, so we’ll start with a reading that argues about the role of reading, writing, and communication in college courses and the world at large. For this Reading Discussion, begin by reading Stanley Fish’s essay “What Should Colleges Teach?” Actions In your first post, identify Fish’s argument. What is he arguing […]

Write a 1000 word essay (the heading and Works Cited do not count toward the 1000 word count) that analyzes one text (a “text” is an image, reading, photo, or print ad) from anywhere. Select one imag

Write a 1000 word essay (the heading and Works Cited do not count toward the 1000 word count) that analyzes one text (a “text” is an image, reading, photo, or print ad) from anywhere.  Select one image OR one reading OR one photo OR one print ad, and analyze it in detail.  Focus your attention […]

Respond to the reflection prompts provided below. Utilize references from the assigned readings (below) and films (Race: The Power of an Illusion and Ethnic Notions) to back up your responses: Require

Respond to the reflection prompts provided below. Utilize references from the assigned readings (below) and films (Race: The Power of an Illusion and Ethnic Notions) to back up your responses: Required Readings Difference Matters: Communicating Social Identity. Chapter 4: Race Matters. Optional Readings Gender, race, and class in media (6th ed.). Media, Gender, and Feminism. The Whites of their […]

Discussion focuses on the following artist: Kerry James Marshall Research and select a work of art by your artist that you feel represents the artist’s overall goals and/or is highly significant to th

Discussion focuses on the following artist: Kerry James Marshall Research and select a work of art by your artist that you feel represents the artist’s overall goals and/or is highly significant to the messages/meanings behind their work. Your goal is to analyze this artwork and share your findings with your peers. Try to pick a work […]

Develop a new paragraph of analysis on your primary text for Essay 1. The goal here is to write a paragraph that will can be directly included in Essay 1 Draft 2. For this paragraph, focus on one of t

Develop a new paragraph of analysis on your primary text for Essay 1. The goal here is to write a paragraph that will can be directly included in Essay 1 Draft 2. For this paragraph, focus on one of the rhetorical elements of the text that you did not analyze in Draft 1: Context: What was the historical, social, political, or […]

To begin Reading Discussion 4, read pages 7-18 of Rosina Lippi-Green’s essay “English with an Accent.” Actions The first page of the text is page 7 because it is the first chaper of a book. The read

To begin Reading Discussion 4, read pages 7-18 of Rosina Lippi-Green’s essay “English with an Accent.” Actions The first page of the text is page 7 because it is the first chaper of a book. The reading is challenging, but Lippi-Green’s examples and bold headings will make it easier to understand. For your first post, summarize your understanding […]

“In what ways does society influence our daily experience of gender?” Make photographs throughout the week that you feel provide a visual answer to the question: “In what ways does society influence o

“In what ways does society influence our daily experience of gender?” Make photographs throughout the week that you feel provide a visual answer to the question: “In what ways does society influence our daily experience of gender? Do your best to make sure the photographs are easily readable and are in focus. Please do not post pictures you find on the […]

Write a 1000 word essay (the heading and Works Cited do not count toward the 1000 word count) that analyzes one text (a “text” is an image, reading, photo, or print ad) from anywhere. Select one imag

Write a 1000 word essay (the heading and Works Cited do not count toward the 1000 word count) that analyzes one text (a “text” is an image, reading, photo, or print ad) from anywhere.  Select one image OR one reading OR one photo OR one print ad, and analyze it in detail.  Focus your attention […]

ASSIGNMENT 3: Reflecting on Gender, Art, & Culture 3 questions. 75-100 words min per response.3 references to the texts (at least 1 reference per response.)Follow the guidelines for references fro

ASSIGNMENT 3: Reflecting on Gender, Art, & Culture 3 questions. 75-100 words min per response. 3 references to the texts (at least 1 reference per response.) Follow the guidelines for references from the MLA. Include page numbers or a time stamp (if referencing a video.) Instructions Respond to the 3 reflection prompts provided below. Utilize references from both […]

The assignment for Essay 1 is now available. Read the assignment, along with the Early Stages Of Essay 1 lecture. Using your understanding of the essay assignment, choose a single text (reading, image

The assignment for Essay 1 is now available. Read the assignment, along with the Early Stages Of Essay 1 lecture. Using your understanding of the essay assignment, choose a single text (reading, image, photo, ad) from anywhere and write an analytical paragraph on that text. Select a text that you think you might want to write Essay 1 on. […]

For Reading Discussion 3, read Part I, pages 49-60 of Vershawn Ashanti Young’s “Nah We Straight: An Argument Against Code Switching. https://openlab.citytech.cuny.edu/fywpd/files/2019/01/young_nah_we_

For Reading Discussion 3, read Part I, pages 49-60 of Vershawn Ashanti Young’s “Nah We Straight: An Argument Against Code Switching. https://openlab.citytech.cuny.edu/fywpd/files/2019/01/young_nah_we_straight.pdf Actions. What is Young’s argument in Part I? How does he support that argument? Words requiredt: Two posts of 250 words 

1. Provide an initial analysis about the artwork. Create a bulleted list of the below terms and include your interpretations of these terms as they relate to the below artwork (250 words total minimum

1. Provide an initial analysis about the artwork. Create a bulleted list of the below terms and include your interpretations of these terms as they relate to the below artwork (250 words total minimum for entire submission, you must use these terms in your submission.) Subject Matter: Refers to the persons, objects , places, and events in a work of […]

ASSIGNMENT 2: Reflecting on Power 250 word min.2 references from the assigned readings (see below) that follow the format for in-text citations as provided in the MLA form. Allen, Brenda J. (2011.) D

ASSIGNMENT 2: Reflecting on Power 250 word min. 2 references from the assigned readings (see below) that follow the format for in-text citations as provided in the MLA form. Allen, Brenda J. (2011.)  Difference Matters: Communicating Social Identity.  Waveland Press, Inc. Chapter 1: Difference and Other Important Matters. Chapter 2: Power Matters. Reflection: Difference Matters. Chapter 2 Reflecting on topics from […]

Using one example of Native American art and one example of African art to support your ideas, explore the effects that European contact and colonialism had on these cultures and their artistic output

Using one example of Native American art and one example of African art to support your ideas, explore the effects that European contact and colonialism had on these cultures and their artistic output. Consider this from as many angles as possible. How did European exploration impact the native population and influence the kind of art […]

Pick 1 work of art. It can be a sculpture, painting, photograph. Study the work of art so you can describe it for your paper.Write a formal analysis about the work of art. Consider the use of: shape,

Pick 1 work of art. It can be a sculpture, painting, photograph.  Study the work of art so you can describe it for your paper. Write a formal analysis about the work of art. Consider the use of: shape, line, color, texture, scale, proportion, balance, contrast, and rhythm. Not all of these visual elements may be important: […]

These discussions are meant for you to jot down your thoughts and analyses of the works of the week. In art, everything is evaluated by your perspective. There is no right or wrong answer to be graded

These discussions are meant for you to jot down your thoughts and analyses of the works of the week. In art, everything is evaluated by your perspective. There is no right or wrong answer to be graded against; instead, you will be graded on how you defend your analysis of the art pieces and the […]

Pick 1 work of art. It can be a sculpture, painting, photograph. Study the work of art so you can describe it for your paper.Write a formal analysis about the work of art. Consider the use of: shape,

Pick 1 work of art. It can be a sculpture, painting, photograph.  Study the work of art so you can describe it for your paper. Write a formal analysis about the work of art. Consider the use of: shape, line, color, texture, scale, proportion, balance, contrast, and rhythm. Not all of these visual elements may be important: […]

Write three complete sentences in your own words describing three ‘big-picture’ ideas of Early Medieval Europe, Romanesque Europe, Gothic Art North of the Alps, and Late Medieval Italy art Early Medie

Write three complete sentences in your own words describing three ‘big-picture’ ideas of Early Medieval Europe, Romanesque Europe, Gothic Art North of the Alps, and Late Medieval Italy art Early Medieval Europe 1. 2. 3.  Romanesque Europe 1. 2. 3.  Gothic Art North of the Alps 1. 2. 3.  Late Medieval Italy art 1. 2. […]

Medieval Europe began as small percolations, tribal groups briefly rising to fill the vacuum of power left after the fall of the Roman Empire. The Christian religion, imported from Rome, emerged as a

Medieval Europe began as small percolations, tribal groups briefly rising to fill the vacuum of power left after the fall of the Roman Empire. The Christian religion, imported from Rome, emerged as a unifying force. Christian scriptoria became the center of European learning. Cathedral-building programs and, later, pilgrimage routes bolstered the economy. Using specific examples of […]

I need help writing an essay for my final. I’ve listed the assignment instructions below and I’ll try to attach the actual assignment instructions. We have to do at least 2 pages. Just include a Intro

I need help writing an essay for my final. I’ve listed the assignment instructions below and I’ll try to attach the actual assignment instructions. We have to do at least 2 pages. Just include a Introduction, 3 Body paragraphs and a conclusion answering the highlighted questions.  Choose 5 questions to answer from the following questions below […]

Religious architecture is often rich in ornament, but it is never purely decorative. In this unit, you will consider different types of religious architecture, paying particular attention to how the a

Religious architecture is often rich in ornament, but it is never purely decorative. In this unit, you will consider different types of religious architecture, paying particular attention to how the architecture serves religious rituals. Using at least one example from chapter nine and one from chapter ten: https://ng.cengage.com/static/nb/ui/evo/index.html?deploymentId=5917662334006063880982234690&eISBN=9781337696890&id=2072399724&snapshotId=3947716& https://ng.cengage.com/static/nb/ui/evo/index.html?deploymentId=5917662334006063880982234690&eISBN=9781337696890&id=2072399725&snapshotId=3947716& Compare and contrast Byzantine and Islamic architecture. […]

I need help with this essay. It’s due tomorrow morning. It’s a Dance Performance Essay. I’ve provided pictures of the assignment instructions and also pictures of Chapter 13 to help more understand ho

I need help with this 3 page essay. It’s due tomorrow morning. It’s a Dance Performance Essay. I’ve provided pictures of the assignment instructions and also pictures of Chapter 13 to help more understand how the essay has to be written. And a link below to the video performance I want the essay written about.  

select a different piece of art or architecture from this week’s reading to write about. See Attachment for the architecture What is the best way to present this ancient piece of art?What presentatio

select a different piece of art or architecture from this week’s reading to write about. See  Attachment for the architecture What is the best way to present this ancient piece of art? What presentation will give today’s viewers the clearest and most honest picture of the past? Should we present an old piece of art […]

Select one piece of Etruscan art and describe which formal elements or processes appear to have been inspired by ancient Greek art. Be as specific as you can.Include a photograph of your Etruscan sele

Select one piece of Etruscan art and describe which formal elements or processes appear to have been inspired by ancient Greek art. Be as specific as you can. Include a photograph of your Etruscan selection so your classmates can see exactly which piece of architecture you are writing about. Explain how your Etruscan selection breaks […]

You will curate and create a digital/virtual exhibition featuring artistic and cultural artifacts, organized according to a common theme or way of considering these works. The exhibition may be creat

You will curate and create a digital/virtual exhibition featuring artistic and cultural artifacts, organized according to a common theme or way of considering these works.  The exhibition may be created using digital vehicle with which they are familiar.   Four to five artifacts; A substantive narrative overview addressing the theme and purpose of the exhibit; A […]

Several issues arise in this week’s unit surrounding the roles of the archaeologist, the museum, and the art and antiquities market. The Egyptian government is locked in battle with several western mu

Several issues arise in this week’s unit surrounding the roles of the archaeologist, the museum, and the art and antiquities market. The Egyptian government is locked in battle with several western museums over the repatriation of prized treasures removed from their country under questionable circumstances. Ancient Cycladic figures are often difficult to authenticate because archaeologists […]

PS1 paper using TABULA method (15 points) based on field trip to PS1. Apply that TABULA Method (PDF on BB) to one artwork of your choice. Follow each step in writing, with about 1-2 paragraphs per st

PS1 paper using TABULA method (15 points)  based on field trip to PS1. Apply that TABULA Method (PDF on BB) to one artwork of your choice. Follow each step in writing, with about 1-2 paragraphs per step. This will add up to a written paper between 6-12 paragraphs in length. Make sure to check your […]

Discussion Board Statement: These discussions are meant for you to jot down your thoughts and analyses of the works of the week. In art, everything is evaluated by your perspective. There is no right

Discussion Board Statement:  These discussions are meant for you to jot down your thoughts and analyses of the works of the week. In art, everything is evaluated by your perspective. There is no right or wrong answer to be graded against; instead, you will be graded on how you defend your analysis of the art […]