Discussion Board Statement: These discussions are meant for you to jot down your thoughts and analyses of the works of the week. In art, everything is evaluated by your perspective. There is no right

Discussion Board Statement:  These discussions are meant for you to jot down your thoughts and analyses of the works of the week. In art, everything is evaluated by your perspective. There is no right or wrong answer to be graded against; instead, you will be graded on how you defend your analysis of the art […]

Watercolor painting is popular because the materials are simple and cleaning up is easy, but it can be challenging because the artist must plan ahead. The key to making a good watercolor is to anticip

Watercolor painting is popular because the materials are simple and cleaning up is easy, but it can be challenging because the artist must plan ahead. The key to making a good watercolor is to anticipate where the white areas will be because once painted, the color cannot be removed. The artist leaves the white paper […]

Art of Activist, Politics, and Propaganda Throughout history, art has often been used vehicle to spread information. Propaganda Art is the deliberate spreading of information and ideas to help a movem

Art of Activist, Politics, and Propaganda Throughout history, art has often been used vehicle to spread information. Propaganda Art is the deliberate spreading of information and ideas to help a movement, institution, or nation. Activist / Political / Propaganda Art is created to raise awareness, support activists or candidates, criticize bad deeds, and make a […]

Unit #4 Assignment (Unessay) : Former Yugoslavia Create an infographic or poster for the given prompt. You must demonstrate that you did the reading, and understood the reading, as well as class discu

Unit #4 Assignment (Unessay) : Former Yugoslavia Create an infographic or poster for the given prompt. You must demonstrate that you did the reading, and understood the reading, as well as class discu Unit #4 Assignment (Unessay) : Former YugoslaviaCreate an infographic or poster for the given prompt. You must demonstrate that you did the […]

Unit #4 Assignment (Unessay) : Former Yugoslavia Create an infographic or poster for the given prompt. You must demonstrate that you did the reading, and understood the reading, as well as class discu

Unit #4 Assignment (Unessay) : Former YugoslaviaCreate an infographic or poster for the given prompt. You must demonstrate that you did the reading, and understood the reading, as well as class discussions.  For the poster which is the unessay, you must engage with the readings in your project statement and self-evaluation to get full points. […]

Write a brief proposal in the form of a memo in which you propose a collection of artifacts of your choice in digital form (paintings, sculptures, literary works, works of architecture, pieces of musi

Write a brief proposal in the form of a memo in which you propose a collection of artifacts of your choice in digital form (paintings, sculptures, literary works, works of architecture, pieces of music, works of oratory or political rhetoric, autobiographies…whatever) which, taken together, constitute a museum exhibit.  The artifacts may be by the same […]

1. Select 4 art works of any genre (paintings, sculpture, murals, architecture, etc.) – that you think best symbolize American society. Discuss how each of the art works you have chosen, ‘ tells a st

1. Select 4 art works of any genre (paintings, sculpture, murals, architecture, etc.) – that you think best symbolize American society.  Discuss how each of the art works you have chosen, ‘ tells a story’ about American society. These may be historical, or contemporary. Questions you may want to think about could incldue:  How does […]

Artist Statement and Student Show Image There are two parts to this assignment. 1. Write an Artist’s Statement of 150 words. The best way to start is to write the most obvious thoughts you have about

Artist Statement and Student Show Image There are two parts to this assignment. 1. Write an Artist’s Statement of 150 words. The best way to start is to write the most obvious thoughts you have about making art. Do not censor yourself. Write what comes to your mind first. After writing two or three sentences, think about […]

Instructions: Find an old family photo to restore (or a photo of a place that is special to you), enhance the photo with at least five to seven different elements that you’ve learned, and create a mag

Instructions: Find an old family photo to restore (or a photo of a place that is special to you), enhance the photo with at least five to seven different elements that you’ve learned, and create a magazine cover page using the photos with some creative ideas behind it. Utilize at least one other photo for a background. You will upload three photos […]

Your assignment is to visit a local art museum and describe your experience. Pay attention to each aspect of your experience and take notes when appropriate. Allow yourself a significant amount of tim

Your assignment is to visit a local art museum and describe your experience. Pay attention to each aspect of your experience and take notes when appropriate. Allow yourself a significant amount of time to look around; two hours will probably be sufficient. For this analysis, you will refer to Assignments #1, 6, 7, and 8 […]

Using the Internet or your phone listen to the following song, one by Metallica smell like a teen Spirit by Nirvana, paranoid, android by radiohead after listening to the above song, answer the follow

Using the Internet or your phone listen to the following song, one by Metallica smell like a teen Spirit by Nirvana, paranoid, android by radiohead after listening to the above song, answer the following question in your discussion post what musical influence do you hear in each of these songs and how would you categorize […]

t week 8 Respond as prompted by your instructor. To receive full credit, your initial response must be 2-3 paragraphs or 150-300 words Some buildings have ornamentation to increase their visual appeal

t week 8 Respond as prompted by your instructor. To receive full credit, your initial response must be 2-3 paragraphs or 150-300 words Some buildings have ornamentation to increase their visual appeal while others have none. Which type of building do you find more appealing? Why? Choose one piece of architecture to support your response. 

Film Still “Cindy Sherman’s Untitled Film Stills is a suite of 70 black-and-white photographs made over the course of three years in which the artist posed in the guises of various generic female film

Film Still “Cindy Sherman’s Untitled Film Stills is a suite of 70 black-and-white photographs made over the course of three years in which the artist posed in the guises of various generic female film characters, among them, ingénue, working girl, vamp, and lonely housewife. Staged to resemble scenes from 1950s and 60s Hollywood, film noir, B movies, and European art-house films, the printed images mimic in […]

Art Discussion Post Some buildings have ornamentation to increase their visual appeal while others have none. Which type of building do you find more appealing? Why? Choose one piece of architecture t

Art Discussion Post Some buildings have ornamentation to increase their visual appeal while others have none. Which type of building do you find more appealing? Why? Choose one piece of architecture to support your response.  Please reference Chapter 13 of Living With Art Mark Getlein response must be 2-3 paragraphs or 150-300 words

Art Discussion Post What sculptural works exist in your local area? What purposes do they fulfill? How do you respond to them? A — please respnond regarding “Keeper of the Plains” created in 1994 mad

Art Discussion Post What sculptural works exist in your local area? What purposes do they fulfill? How do you respond to them? A — please respnond regarding “Keeper of the Plains” created in 1994 made of Bronze  as a Gift from Richard W. Moore, Jr. by Harold Holden, a native of Enid, Oklahoma, s. In Keeper […]

Unit IV Journal The principles of designs (unity and variety, balance, emphasis and subordination, scale and proportion, and rhythm) are organizing principles artists use to arrange their composition.

Unit IV Journal The principles of designs (unity and variety, balance, emphasis and subordination, scale and proportion, and rhythm) are organizing principles artists use to arrange their composition. The way an artist may use the principles can have a dramatic effect.  Find two artworks that make contrasting use of the principles of design. For example, […]

Unit IV Journal The principles of designs are organizing principles artists use to arrange their composition. The way an artist may use the principles can have a dramatic effect. Find two artworks t

Unit IV Journal The principles of designs are organizing principles artists use to arrange their composition. The way an artist may use the principles can have a dramatic effect.  Find two artworks that make contrasting use of the principles of design. For example, you might find one work that has a lot of unity and […]

“Cindy Sherman’s Untitled Film Stills is a suite of 70 black-and-white photographs made over the course of three years in which the artist posed in the guises of various generic female film characters

“Cindy Sherman’s Untitled Film Stills is a suite of 70 black-and-white photographs made over the course of three years in which the artist posed in the guises of various generic female film characters, among them, ingénue, working girl, vamp, and lonely housewife. Staged to resemble scenes from 1950s and 60s Hollywood, film noir, B movies, and European art-house films, the printed images mimic in format, scale, and […]

Art Discussion Post: Why are mosaic and tapestry discussed in a chapter on painting? In what ways are these art forms similar to painting? How do they depart from painting? ”please reference chapter 7

Art Discussion Post: Why are mosaic and tapestry discussed in a chapter on painting? In what ways are these art forms similar to painting? How do they depart from painting? ”please reference chapter 7 in Living with Art Mark Gatlein, to receive full credit, your initial response must be 2-3 paragraphs or 150-300 words”

Non-traditional Drawing This week you learned how artists use various materials to create drawings and how they employed paper as a medium. For this assignment you will be asked to create a drawing us

Non-traditional Drawing This week you learned how artists use various materials to create drawings and how they employed paper as a medium. For this assignment you will be asked to create a drawing using non-traditional materials. Think outside the box. You can use different materials you can find in your home. For example, makeup, condiments, […]

Art Discussion Post Do you agree that drawing is the most direct product of creativity and the purest expression of the artist’s mind? Give an example. Please reference Chapter 6 Living with Art Ma

Art Discussion Post Do you agree that drawing is the most direct product of creativity and the purest expression of the artist’s mind? Give an example.  Please reference Chapter 6 Living with Art Mark Gatlein Respond as prompted by your instructor. To receive full credit, your initial response must be 2-3 paragraphs or 150-300 words.