Instructions In Week 2 you created a one-page sport business plan. Using that idea as the foundation, build a website that can be used to pitch your sport business. The pitch can be created for an inv

Instructions In Week 2 you created a one-page sport business plan. Using that idea as the foundation, build a website that can be used to pitch your sport business. The pitch can be created for an investor, potential partner, new employee, or potential customer. Be sure to identify the audience for your pitch in your […]

Please research three companies and at least one of the athletes they sponsor. My companies are Nike, New Balance, and Adidas Please write a 2-3 page APA formatted paper explaining why the brand and

Please research three companies and at least one of the athletes they sponsor. My companies are Nike, New Balance, and Adidas  Please write a 2-3 page APA formatted paper explaining why the brand and the athlete are a good fit for the marketing objectives of the company. Be sure to assess the risks and benefits […]

This assignment will provide an outline of your sport entrepreneur paper. Provide at least seven references that you will use for your sport entrepreneur paper. Below is a sample outline. PROVIDE 1 TO

This assignment will provide an outline of your sport entrepreneur paper. Provide at least seven references that you will use for your sport entrepreneur paper. Below is a sample outline. PROVIDE 1 TO 2 PARAGRAPHS FOR EACH SUBHEADING BELOW (EACH or Whichever Subheading/Sections you choose to have): Table of Contents Chapter I: Introduction Chapter II: […]

This assignment will provide an outline of your sport entrepreneur paper. Provide at least seven references that you will use for your sport entrepreneur paper. Below is a sample outline. PROVIDE 1 TO

This assignment will provide an outline of your sport entrepreneur paper. Provide at least seven references that you will use for your sport entrepreneur paper. Below is a sample outline. PROVIDE 1 TO 2 PARAGRAPHS FOR EACH SUBHEADING BELOW (EACH or Whichever Subheading/Sections you choose to have): Table of Contents Chapter I: Introduction Chapter II: […]

THIS ASSIGMENT WILL BE SUMMITED TO TURNITIN. Create an annotated bibliography of four sources that could be used for your research project, including at least two articles from scholarly journals. Y

THIS ASSIGMENT WILL BE SUMMITED TO TURNITIN.  Create an annotated bibliography of four sources that could be used for your research project, including at least two articles from scholarly journals.  Your initial submission should include all of the following components: Sources Four sources related to your research question, including at least two from scholarly journal […]

This Week: You will begin the journey to complete your Sport Sales and Promotions Plan this week. Provide a brief introduction of your Sport Sales and Promotions Plan. The introduction should include

This Week: You will begin the journey to complete your Sport Sales and Promotions Plan this week. Provide a brief introduction of your Sport Sales and Promotions Plan. The introduction should include the name of your topic and a brief description of the team, product, or service. Your plan may be based on an existing […]

**the program that is being applied for is Educational Diagnostician I have 2 years of experience as a certified special education teacher***** **please add that my 3rd year will be completed at the

**the program that is being applied for is Educational Diagnostician I have 2 years of experience as a certified special education teacher*****  **please add that my 3rd year will be completed at the end of the 25-26 school year** WCOE Graduate Essay  Please note the admissions committee carefully reviews the essay in response to advanced […]

Assessment Description Over the past 75 years, historical, philosophical, and sociological influences have contributed to the current laws and practices that govern special education. IDEA ensures tha

Assessment Description Over the past 75 years, historical, philosophical, and sociological influences have contributed to the current laws and practices that govern special education. IDEA ensures that free appropriate public education is available to students with exceptionalities nationwide. It specifies legal guidelines that must be followed regarding special education services. As the educational landscape continues […]

Topic: Social Media’s Impact on Self-Esteem and Mental Health. Research question: Does the type of content consumed on social media influence self-esteem and overall mental well being? Step 1: Initia

Topic: Social Media’s Impact on Self-Esteem and Mental Health.  Research question: Does the type of content consumed on social media influence self-esteem and overall mental well being? Step 1: Initial Submission (earn up to 85% of the possible points for the assignment) Your initial submission should include all of the following components: Source First, identify […]

Review the videos and links (attached or at the bottom of instructions) in regard to Facial Recognition (FR) and respond to the following scenario. Scenario You are the Vice President of the Facial Re

Review the videos and links (attached or at the bottom of instructions) in regard to Facial Recognition (FR) and respond to the following scenario. Scenario You are the Vice President of the Facial Recognition (FR) product division (software & hardware) for a mid-size U.S. based firm called SafeTronX.  The firm generated $320 million in revenues in […]

Lt Gov-Unlike the Vice President of the United States who has very little power, the Lieutenant Governor of Texas plays a rather large role in the legislative process. Explain the role played by the L

Lt Gov-Unlike the Vice President of the United States who has very little power, the Lieutenant Governor of Texas plays a rather large role in the legislative process. Explain the role played by the Lt Gov. and compare that role to the role played by the VP in the national government.  Why do you think that […]

HEADING Hypothesis: A Proposed Explanation Based on Evidence A hypothesis is a statement or prediction of the relationship among two or more variables that is testable and falsifiable. Hypotheses are

HEADING Hypothesis: A Proposed Explanation Based on Evidence A hypothesis is a statement or prediction of the relationship among two or more variables that is testable and falsifiable. Hypotheses are usually developed based on observation, prior knowledge, or already existing research findings, which, in turn, provide the foundation for a scientific experiment. A hypothesis gives […]

CLASSICAL STUDIES In general terms the project is to describe and assess a modern adaptation of a narrative or a character documented in ancient records of Greek and/or Roman myth. The modern adapt

CLASSICAL STUDIES  In general terms the project is to describe and assess a modern adaptation of a narrative or a character documented in ancient records of Greek and/or Roman myth. The modern adaptation may be in any modern artistic or creative medium including, drama (comedy or tragedy), fiction (novel or short story), poetry, music (any […]

Week 7 Assignment | Final Project – Event Critical Assessment This project/paper incorporates the core concepts learned in this course and demonstrates an understanding of Sports Event Management. Ove

Week 7 Assignment | Final Project – Event Critical Assessment This project/paper incorporates the core concepts learned in this course and demonstrates an understanding of Sports Event Management. Over the course of these eight weeks you must select a sport event to attend and provide a critical assessment of the event. You must have your […]

Several of the assigned articles describe Amazon’s practice of offering private label products for sale directly in competition with very similar products being offered by third party vendors that con

Several of the assigned articles describe Amazon’s practice of offering private label products for sale directly in competition with very similar products being offered by third party vendors that contract with Amazon to sell their products on Amazon’s platform.  In fact, Amazon appears to use the sales data it collects on those vendors selling on […]

Write a publication similar manuscript for my research project which is the preseatation attached. Minimum of 4-5 pages with in text citations and references in AMA format. Use the attached article f

Write a publication similar manuscript for my research project which is the preseatation attached. Minimum of 4-5 pages with in text citations and references in AMA format.Use the attached article for help because this research is a continuation of it with the HGFR dataset so the methods and statistical analysis are similar. DO NOT PLAGIARIZE.

I need help writing a paper in APA format on the following topic: Research one of the following situations and write an analysis of the situation:, Theresa Marie Schindler (Terri Schiavo) Include th

 I need help writing a paper in APA format on the following topic:  Research one of the following situations and write an analysis of the situation:, Theresa Marie Schindler (Terri Schiavo) Include the following in your analysis: Description of the Incident in a clear and concise manner Include the relevant cultural/ethic background of population Discuss […]

The final project for this class is a multimedia presentation to the mayor and city council of a city that is trying to entice a professional team to move to their city (Dallas Cowboys.). You are the

The final project for this class is a multimedia presentation to the mayor and city council of a city that is trying to entice a professional team to move to their city (Dallas Cowboys.). You are the vice president of finance for a consulting firm that has been hired by the mayor and city council […]

The final project for this class is a multimedia presentation to the mayor and city council of a city that is trying to entice a professional team to move to their city (Dallas Cowboys). You are the v

The final project for this class is a multimedia presentation to the mayor and city council of a city that is trying to entice a professional team to move to their city (Dallas Cowboys). You are the vice president of finance for a consulting firm that has been hired by the mayor and city council […]

Week 3 Assignment | Event Audit Site Approval You must submit a detailed description of your site selected for your Final Project: Event Audit. Your submission should be submitted in a Word Document a

Week 3 Assignment | Event Audit Site Approval You must submit a detailed description of your site selected for your Final Project: Event Audit. Your submission should be submitted in a Word Document and include the following: 1. Name of Event 2. Dates of Event & Dates you will attend 3. Site of Event 4. […],problems%2C%20and%20they%20solve%20probl,problems%2C%20and%20they%20solve%20problems.&text=Regardless%20of%20the%20specific%20goal,and%20needs%20of%20the%20reader. Discuss your challenges and successes with your writing abilities. How have you overcome these challenges? Discuss any resources or strategies you have successfully used. Review writing tips in the College Success Resources link and/or the Academic Writer link in the navigation menu of the course. Share at least one writing tip or […]

Microsoft Word 3 Page research paper (literature review) on the Obesity epidemic/problem in the United States Double Spaced 12 point font, times new roman, 1″ margins At least 3 scholarly articles mus

Microsoft Word 3 Page research paper (literature review) on the Obesity epidemic/problem in the United States Double Spaced 12 point font, times new roman, 1″ margins At least 3 scholarly articles must be researched, cited, and incorporated into paper. -Paper layout should be as follows: Title Page, Introduction, Literature Review, Conclusion, References -Articles should not be […]

When conducting research, it is necessary to know the difference between qualitative and quantitative research methods. This assignment has two parts. Complete Parts 1 and 2 below. Part 1: Identifyin

When conducting research, it is necessary to know the difference between qualitative and quantitative research methods. This assignment has two parts. Complete Parts 1 and 2 below.  Part 1: Identifying Qualitative and Quantitative Research Characteristics Locate 1 qualitative and 1 quantitative research article on a topic in your program of study (e.g., DBA, DHA, DM, […]

Using the 2020 IOC list of Recognized Sports (non-Olympic sports), or those that are not in the Olympic Games: Which sport would you argue for inclusion, or to be dropped from the next Summer or Winte

Using the 2020 IOC list of Recognized Sports (non-Olympic sports), or those that are not in the Olympic Games: Which sport would you argue for inclusion, or to be dropped from the next Summer or Winter Olympics? Describe in detail (2 pages minimum) why you would add/drop that sport and what the advantages and disadvantages […]

Write an essay of no less than 1500 words in times new roman, font 12, discussing the major theme/themes in both Mariama Ba’s So Long A Letter and Ousmane Semebene’s Film Fast Kine. Themes of betrayal

Write an essay of no less than 1500 words, MLA format in times new roman, font 12, discussing the major theme/themes in both Mariama Ba’s So Long A Letter and Ousmane Semebene’s Film Fast Kine. Themes of betrayal, abandonment, colonialism and post colonial ruling, women rights, and traditions vs modernity are all prevalent throughout the […]

Write an essay of 500-600 words (double spaced) in which you take a position on the following question: You have just won an elected seat to the city council of your hometown. You must soon vote on a

Write an essay of 500-600 words (double spaced) in which you take a position on the following question: You have just won an elected seat to the city council of your hometown.  You must soon vote on a proposal to increase the minimum wage from $10 to $20 per hour.  Certain community advocates are in favor the […]

For the homework on instruments, students will write a report with a minimum of 300 words. When writing the report, be sure you address the following questions: Why did you select the trumpet from amo

For the homework on instruments, students will write a report with a minimum of 300 words. When writing the report, be sure you address the following questions: Why did you select the trumpet from among all the rest? What are the qualities and features of the trumpet that captivate your interest? Describe the role that […]

InstructionsCritical Reflection #3 Reference /article for step 1 People are well aware of the importance of having other people in their lives. When they are asked what makes them happy, people of all

InstructionsCritical Reflection #3 Reference /article for step 1 People are well aware of the importance of having other people in their lives. When they are asked what makes them happy, people of all ages indicate that having friendships and good relationships with others is what they care about the most (Baumeister & Leary, 1995). And, as […]