Article Review Guidelines For each Article Review assignment, read the corresponding article (found on Canvas) and write a brief 2 page summary (double-spaced, 1-inch margins, Times New Roman 12-point
Article Review Guidelines For each Article Review assignment, read the corresponding article (found on Canvas) and write a brief 2 page summary (double-spaced, 1-inch margins, Times New Roman 12-point font) that includes the appropriate APA reference of the article at the top of the page. Your summaries should answer the following questions, using the associated […]
I need help with redoing this assignment. I have attached the assignment itself and along the brainstorming that was to support the assignment. My instructor feedback “Your topic and title don’t mesh
I need help with redoing this assignment. I have attached the assignment itself and along the brainstorming that was to support the assignment. My instructor feedback “Your topic and title don’t mesh together. You should have more references Your hook does not connect with your essay title. Your mapped thesis doesn’t follow your introduction. This […]
In this module, you will be working on and completing your midterm research PowerPoint presentation. This will focus on curriculum for 21st century global learning . NOTE: STUDENTS WHO ARE NOT CERTIF
In this module, you will be working on and completing your midterm research PowerPoint presentation. This will focus on curriculum for 21st century global learning . NOTE: STUDENTS WHO ARE NOT CERTIFIED AND DID NOT COMPLETE THE EDUCATION UNDERGRAD PROGRAM WILL CREATE A CURRICULUM PP ON THE STATE CURRICULUM STANDARDS. Make sure to review all […]
Interview Assignment Individual Presentation: Please prepare 1 PowerPoint slide. On the slide you will: Identify your interviewee by their pseudonym.Identify and discuss one course concept that you’ve
Interview Assignment Individual Presentation: Please prepare 1 PowerPoint slide. On the slide you will: Identify your interviewee by their pseudonym. Identify and discuss one course concept that you’veused in your essay. Here you can take one example from your interviewee’s life and apply this concept to their experience. You will be presenting this slide to the class. course […]
The Bible has been described as “the Word of God in human words – both the divine and the human are true authors”. A focus on the human composition and artistry of biblical ‘texts’ needs to consider
The Bible has been described as “the Word of God in human words – both the divine and the human are true authors”. A focus on the human composition and artistry of biblical ‘texts’ needs to consider their historical, cultural, literary, ‘contexts’, ‘environments’, and the times and settings of their production. This assignment is an […]
in 250 – 300 words, discuss the following: The extent (brevity or development) of your responses can vary. How was the three-world exercise beneficial? Share an insight about interpretation (and inte
in 250 – 300 words, discuss the following: The extent (brevity or development) of your responses can vary. How was the three-world exercise beneficial? Share an insight about interpretation (and interpreting biblical texts) that became evident as a result. How do you envision ‘interpretation’ in general – what does it involve? What ideas, experiences, concerns, […]
Overview In Edtech, the last four chapters are extremely helpful when thinking about how technology could impact learning. (The Digital Change Agent, The Vision, From Vision to Reality, Change and Re
Overview In Edtech, the last four chapters are extremely helpful when thinking about how technology could impact learning. (The Digital Change Agent, The Vision, From Vision to Reality, Change and Resistance and Going for It.) Read pp. 87-114- EdTech Advocate’s Guide Edtech is a great resource so the assignment for this module was created to […]
****learning material
****learning material 10 Top Cooperative Learning Strategies (and some tech tools that could come in handy) Anticipation Guides Need an example of anticipation guide use for easy student engagement? 13 Student Engagement Strategies That Work Be sure to review instructions : ***Midterm Disciplinary Literacy Toolkit Checklist: 1) You will only complete the midterm […]
0verview In this module, you will turn in the first part of your paper. The first part of your paper includes: Introduction, Research Question/Topic and purpose, methodology, and your literature revie
0verview In this module, you will turn in the first part of your paper. The first part of your paper includes: Introduction, Research Question/Topic and purpose, methodology, and your literature review. Remember, regardless of the option you are doing, EVERYONE must have a literature review (these should be published research articles and should not be action research […]
I have a last minute assignment due tomorrow night for my advanced research writing class
I have a last minute assignment due tomorrow night for my advanced research writing class
i have two assignments for my research class and my behav health class Further details to be discussed upon acceptance
i have two assignments for my research class and my behav health class Further details to be discussed upon acceptance
overview Copyright laws and issues are an important aspect for using technology in any setting. It is important to know what we can legally use from the internet and how we can use it. Summary of Copy
overview Copyright laws and issues are an important aspect for using technology in any setting. It is important to know what we can legally use from the internet and how we can use it. Summary of Copyright Law: Copyright law in the U.S. is governed by federal statute, namely the Copyright Act of 1976. The Copyright Act prevents the unauthorized copying […] Summary of assignment • Task: You will follow the guidelines given thro Summary of assignment • Task: You will follow the guidelines given through the various tools from UMGC’s Career Services and write a polished resume for a specific job posting in your field. You will also write a summary of how you applied the PARC (proximity, alignment, repetition, and contrast) principles in your resume. • […] Summary of the Assignment: • Task: In this assignment, you will write a short r Summary of the Assignment: • Task: In this assignment, you will write a short report to the owner of a company to which you have just been hired. • Length: 1400-2000 words, single-spaced • Graphics: You must integrate at least two graphics • Sources: You will integrate at least four sources into the report, […]
Create a PowerPoint presentation (10-20 slides) that supplements your research paper. Submission Instructions: The presentation is to be clear and concise, and students will lose points for improper
Create a PowerPoint presentation (10-20 slides) that supplements your research paper. Submission Instructions: The presentation is to be clear and concise, and students will lose points for improper grammar, punctuation, and misspelling. The presentation should be formatted per current CMOS and 10-20 slides. Incorporate a minimum of 3-5 current (published within last five years) […]
I have 500 word assignment for my advaneed research wrtg class further details to be discussed upon acceptance
I have 500 word assignment for my advaneed research wrtg class further details to be discussed upon acceptance
I have a revision assignment due for my advanced research wrtg class further details to be discussed upon acceptance
I have a revision assignment due for my advanced research wrtg class further details to be discussed upon acceptance
What have you found is the most challenging aspect of qualitative research design? Why? Submission Instructions: Your initial post should be at least 200 words, formatted and cited in current CMOS if
What have you found is the most challenging aspect of qualitative research design? Why? Submission Instructions: Your initial post should be at least 200 words, formatted and cited in current CMOS if you use support from at least 2 academic sources. This is a reflective post, so citing sources is not required.
***both assignments are completed and need changes due to teacher feedback****** *****teacher feedback*******This is just your data collection plan, you won’t write your abstract until you are done –
***both assignments are completed and need changes due to teacher feedback****** *****teacher feedback*******This is just your data collection plan, you won’t write your abstract until you are done – you don’t know the outcome to be able to summarize it yet. Several things, you can’t possibly have results and discussion yet, you haven’t done the […]
I have a assignment for my advances research writing class furher details to be discussed upon acceptance
I have a assignment for my advances research writing class furher details to be discussed upon acceptance
i have a discussion for my a advance research writing class further details to be discussed upon acc
i have a discussion for my a advance research writing class further details to be discussed upon acc
Discussion on Cooperative Learning Strategies – group discussion overview In this module, you will be continuing your research on disciplinary literacy strategies Workshop Part 2 You will be finish
Discussion on Cooperative Learning Strategies – group discussion overview In this module, you will be continuing your research on disciplinary literacy strategies Workshop Part 2 You will be finishing up your discussion on your favorite strategy and where to find it on Cooperative Learning You will also finish researching the provided resources for your toolkit […]
Required Course Texts The NEW Art and Science of Teaching by Robert Marzano ASCD 2017 Module 4: Overview What is understanding? In this lesson, we will be reviewing the ideas of direct instruction, a
Required Course Texts The NEW Art and Science of Teaching by Robert Marzano ASCD 2017 Module 4: Overview What is understanding? In this lesson, we will be reviewing the ideas of direct instruction, and deepening the impact of lessons. Think about this question as you go through the lesson: How can we make learning more […]
Reflection Essay Example Essay: file:///C:/Users/shane/Downloads/Reflection_Essay_Examples%20(1).pdf The paper uses at least 500 words. The essay reflection includes contextual commentary on: pur
Reflection Essay Example Essay: file:///C:/Users/shane/Downloads/Reflection_Essay_Examples%20(1).pdf The paper uses at least 500 words. The essay reflection includes contextual commentary on: purpose of the paper research sources reader reactions The essay reflection discusses the research and writing process and addresses the following questions: How learning goals were affected by the process? How ideas changed over the course […]
i have a revision assignment for my advance research assignment further detail will be discussed upon acceptance
i have a revision assignment for my advance research assignment further detail will be discussed upon acceptance
Need a minimum of 15 pages with a minimum of 10 references on the strategic analysis of Tesla. The assignment is to choose a public traded company struggling with key strategic issues. The goal is to
Need a minimum of 15 pages with a minimum of 10 references on the strategic analysis of Tesla. The assignment is to choose a public traded company struggling with key strategic issues. The goal is to imagine myself as a member of Tesla’s top management team or consultants. An in depth study will be conducted […]
The Multiple-Source Synthesis Essay: Literature Review Topic: The Influence of Social Media on Consumer Behavior in Online Shopping Task: The multiple-source essay asks you to synthesize th
The Multiple-Source Synthesis Essay: Literature Review Topic: The Influence of Social Media on Consumer Behavior in Online Shopping Task: The multiple-source essay asks you to synthesize the arguments of at least 10 sources ·Length: 2000-3000 words ·Format: APA ·Sources: a total of at least 10 sources, all of which should be from scholarly journals or […]
I have a assignment for a research class further details will be discussed o upon acceptance
I have a assignment for a research class further details will be discussed o upon acceptance
I have two discussions for a research class details will be discussed upon acceptance
I have two discussions for a research class details will be discussed upon acceptance
How is public prayer action? We know prayer doesn’t need to be “beautiful” to please God. But should we try? Submission Instructions: • Your initial post should be at least 200 words, formatted, a
How is public prayer action? We know prayer doesn’t need to be “beautiful” to please God. But should we try? Submission Instructions:• Your initial post should be at least 200 words, formatted, and cited in current CMOS with support from at least 2 academic sources.
Share a research question that you hope someday to investigate. Also briefly share if there is a story behind your interest in this research. Is there an element of compassion in your project or stor
Share a research question that you hope someday to investigate. Also briefly share if there is a story behind your interest in this research. Is there an element of compassion in your project or story? Submission Instructions: Your initial post should be at least 200 words, formatted, and cited in current CMOS with support from […]
Marvin Gaye’s Whats Going on 1.) What do you think the song is saying to its audience? Provide examples from the lyrics to reinforce the overall message. 2.) What emotions does the song evoke? Expl
Marvin Gaye’s Whats Going on 1.) What do you think the song is saying to its audience? Provide examples from the lyrics to reinforce the overall message. 2.) What emotions does the song evoke? Explain. 3.) Can you think of a song within the last five years that evokes a similar response? Explain.
Text chapter 3-7 The Action Research Guidebook: A Process for Pursuing Equity and Excellence in Education 3rd Ed. By Richard Sagor Concise Rules of APA Style 7th Ed. By The American Psycholo
Text chapter 3-7 The Action Research Guidebook: A Process for Pursuing Equity and Excellence in Education 3rd Ed. By Richard Sagor Concise Rules of APA Style 7th Ed. By The American Psychological Association This is a long module. Use this module to focus on your research and writing. The first part of your paper is […]
This week: 1)You will read about ESL strategies to use in your toolkit which will enhance learning for English Language Learners. 2) Explore ESL and ELL strategies and add appropriate ones to your Too
This week: 1)You will read about ESL strategies to use in your toolkit which will enhance learning for English Language Learners. 2) Explore ESL and ELL strategies and add appropriate ones to your Toolkit. Explore ESL and ELL strategies and add to your toolkit – EXPLORE THEM ALL AND THEN CHOOSE FOR YOUR TOOLKIT – […]
Submit the first draft of your exegetical research paper. This should include an annotated list of sources. This means you will provide a very brief description of each of your 5 most important source
Submit the first draft of your exegetical research paper. This should include an annotated list of sources. This means you will provide a very brief description of each of your 5 most important sources. Also, write a 1-page reflective description of your process, so far, in preparing the paper. The reflection should be in the […]
Argument Map: Students will prepare and present an argument map with at least five peer-reviewed sources. An argument map is the framework of a research paper. The map is a critical component of the r
Argument Map: Students will prepare and present an argument map with at least five peer-reviewed sources. An argument map is the framework of a research paper. The map is a critical component of the research paper. Research Paper: Students will identify one topic of interest in leadership studies and write a research paper on the topic. Papers should be […]
In Chapter 3 of your The New Art and Science of Teaching, I only want you to read and review the ELEMENTS and then the Strategies in each Table. Think about which ones you are already using or or
In Chapter 3 of your The New Art and Science of Teaching, I only want you to read and review the ELEMENTS and then the Strategies in each Table. Think about which ones you are already using or or could use for more diversity and as an effective way to allow students to ” think” about […]
Drafting an Exegetical Paper Assignment Begin research and outline an exegetical paper on the parable of the Good Samaritan (description attached). Write a 1-page (approximately 250 words) reflection
Drafting an Exegetical Paper Assignment Begin research and outline an exegetical paper on the parable of the Good Samaritan (description attached). Write a 1-page (approximately 250 words) reflection on your own writing habits. Identify any barriers and how you have overcome challenges in writing. Include this at the beginning of the same document as the resources […]
I have a assignment for my advanced research wrtg class due further details to be discussed upon acceptance
I have a assignment for my advanced research wrtg class due further details to be discussed upon acceptance
Hello I have 2 discussion due for a advanced research writing class . further details will be discussed
Hello I have 2 discussion due for a advanced research writing class . further details will be discussed
The Six-Source Essay: Expanded Synthesis TOPIC: The Influence of Social Media on Consumer Behavior in Online Shopping (Psychology) Summary of assignment • Task: The six-source essay asks you
The Six-Source Essay: Expanded Synthesis TOPIC: The Influence of Social Media on Consumer Behavior in Online Shopping (Psychology) Summary of assignment • Task: The six-source essay asks you to synthesize the arguments of six sources • Length: Minimum of 1300 words. The instructor will give you comments on the first draft and let you know […]
The Six-Source Essay: Expanded Synthesis TOPIC: The Influence of Social Media on Consumer Behavior in Online Shopping Summary of assignment • Task: The six-source essay asks you to synthesize the
The Six-Source Essay: Expanded Synthesis TOPIC: The Influence of Social Media on Consumer Behavior in Online Shopping Summary of assignment • Task: The six-source essay asks you to synthesize the arguments of six sources • Length: Minimum of 1300 words. The instructor will give you comments on the first draft and let you know if […]