
 HIT sounds like IT but differs in various aspects. IT strategies of an organization are aligned with its organizational/business strategies. Differentiate between HIT and IT strategies with respect to their similarities and dissimilarities.  


   1. Compare and contrast the actions of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. Include information about pre & postganglionic fiber length, origin of fibers, location of ganglia, effect on heart rate & blood pressure, effect on digestion, & effect on respiration.

Lorem, lo

   1. Mr. Hom was injured in an accident that completely severed his spinal cord at the level of T12. How would this injury impact him physically? 2. After listening to loud music in your headphones for 2 years, you start to think you can’t hear quite as well as before. Why might this be […]


  Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) is most commonly known for treating the discomfort associated with menopause. However, more broadly, HRT is any form of hormone therapy that involves a patient receiving hormones to supplement or replace naturally occurring hormones in the body. For this discussion post, research different forms of HRT and choose one type to focus on.  […]


Need the full assignment by Saturday, March 9th @ 8:00PM Media Misinformation Source Evaluation Form Date: Click or tap here to enter text. Name: Click or tap here to enter text. 1. Author or Media Producer Part of assessing the credibility of a source is assessing the credibility of the author. Write one or two […]


  Post a response to the following: Describe the historical context of the policy in 2–3 sentences. The goal is to concisely point to an important historical event for context rather than conduct a deeper historical analysis. Identify the population the policy serves. What programs fall under this policy? Explain how the policy aligns with […]


  Based on your analysis of policies, planning, and available training; your experience with the Home Visit interactive video; and a discussion with your supervisor, develop a general safety plan that includes the following: What potential safety risks have you identified in your agency context? community mental health in FL How will you prepare when you […]


UCSD BILD 1: The Cell Melinda T. Owens, Instructor Updated 12-20-21 BILD 1: The Cell Biologist Journal #16 Instructions There are no right or wrong answers! Thinking about the Final Exam… This is undoubtedly a busy time of the quarter for you, with a lot of projects due and exams coming soon. This journal is […]

Biology – Anatomy Homework

Homework  Reflecting on Your Experience Review your work from this course, including your Assignments, Learning Journals and Discussion Question posts, and answer the following questions: · Share your best story of a time you applied something you learned in this course at work. What happened? What did you learn? · How have you grown as […]

can you helppp

i need your help Evaluation of E-Learning Courses The following matrix was designed by Badrul Khan, an expert on e-learning and educational technology, to evaluate online courses. If the question does not apply to the course being evaluated, print Not Applicable (N/A). Pedagogical Dimension · Q1. Does the course provide clear instructional goals (or are […]


  Project Management Actionable Outline: Summarize one (1) project management step that you take in establishing this relationship and the importance of this step.

Evolution PowerPoint

  Create a PowerPoint on evolution. Your presentation must be at least ten minutes in length if presented (just time yourself and read through your slides and information slowly; typically you will spend at least one minute per slide to give your viewer the time to see the images and read the information, so aim for […]

Hands on Lab 5

Hands On Lab 5: Appendicular Skeletal System Submission instructions: Type your answers and copy all pictures directly into this Word document. Submit it via the blackboard submission link in Word format (docx). Introduction: We reviewed the major features of the axial skeleton in the previous lab and will now look at the bones that make […]

hands on lab

Discussion Board 3: Skeleton Story There are 2 parts to this discussion. Details on what is expected in both parts is found below the prompt. Prompt: Comic book characters have all kinds of exciting and rare anatomical and physiological features that define their storyline. Apply what you have learned in Hands On Lab: Skeletal System […]


BILD 1, UCSD Melinda Owens, Instructor Updated 12-20-21 BILD 1: The Cell Biologist Journal #15 Instructions Scientist Spotlight: Dr. Rick Kittles Dr. Rick Kittles is the founding director of the Division of Health Equities at City of Hope National Medical Cancer Center. He was initially a high-school biology teacher before deciding to get his PhD. […]


sjc wdiciqkdvqikwjdqwdwqd ChatGPT To calculate the percent error between your experimental atmospheric pressure calculation (PexpPexp​) and the accepted atmospheric pressure reported by the National Weather Service (NWS) (PNWSPNWS​), you can use the following formula for percent error: Percent Error=∣Pexp−PNWSPNWS∣×100%Percent Error=∣∣​PNWS​Pexp​−PNWS​​∣∣​×100% To apply this formula, you need to have both the experimental atmospheric pressure (PexpPexp​) and the accepted […]


 Pick ONE of the four questions below to answer using both the information learned in Unit 1 and online resources.  


  Compare Security Rule provisions for CEs and BAs in both Acts? Identify the organization responsible for monitoring its compliance by providers and explain its mode of operation. Ascertain the value of the Security Rule provisions for electronic health records. Finally, assess implications for noncompliance of the Security Rule provisions by healthcare organizations?


  Strategic Partnership Details: Describe one (1) strategic partnership with an external healthcare provider for an acute care hospital. Include the type of healthcare provider and why you selected them as a partner.  Hospital Department Information: Explain one (1) specific hospital departmental service that would be important to this strategic partnership. Project Management Actionable Outline: Summarize one […]


  Explain the anatomical concepts associated with the special senses. Summarize this module’s key points in 5-6 sentences.   Explain the physiological concepts associated with the special senses. Summarize this module’s key points in 5-6 sentences.   How will you apply the concepts you have learned about the special senses in real life and in your future career?  Which topic within this module has been […]

field 2-2

  Develop two SMART goals   Review the expected behaviors on the Learning Agreement for the two core competencies listed below: Social Work Core Competency 4: Engaging practice informed research and research informed practice Social Work Core Competency 5: Engaging policy practice  that will help you demonstrate the expected behaviors for those competencies. Explain how […]


BIO-110 Lab: Mitosis and Meiosis Submission Instructions Type your answers and paste any required pictures directly into this Word document. Submit it via the Blackboard submission link in Word format (docx). · Answers typed into a new blank document or submitted in the other formats will not be accepted. · If this lab requires pictures, […]


Hands On Lab 10: Vision and Hearing (3 Activities) Submission Instructions: · Type your answers and copy all pictures directly into this Word document. Submit it via the Blackboard submission link in Word format (docx). · Complete two virtual labs in Connect: Virtual Eye Dissection and Eye Accommodation. Introduction: DON’T WORRY ABOUT DOING EYE DISSECTION […]


google – <a href=”   [URL=]google[/URL] [url=]google[/url] [url=[/url] [url=google.com/]google[/url] [link=]google[/link] [link name=google][/link] (( (( google)) [ google] [[ google]] [L=google][/L] “google”: [google]()

Slam Dunk: The Exciting Realm of Basketball Stars

A new digital home has been found for the sport of basketball with the introduction of “Basketball Stars.” The game captures the essence of speed, coordination, and physical prowess. This mobile game by Miniclip gives players all over the world a taste of the intense basketball action without ever having to leave their pockets. The […]


 Assignment 1 – 1 ½ page Please view Case study 7: Sickle cell anemia population screening (attached). There are question prompts to stimulate further thoughts about each case study and there is also additional interesting information about each category at the end of each group of case studies. After the case studies there is information […]


  In the modern era, there are few professions that do not to some extent rely on data. Stockbrokers rely on market data to advise clients on financial matters. Meteorologists rely on weather data to forecast weather conditions, while realtors rely on data to advise on the purchase and sale of property. In these and […]

Explain the anatomical concepts associated with the peripheral nervous system

  Explain the anatomical concepts associated with the peripheral nervous system. Summarize this module’s key points in 5-6 sentences.   Explain the physiological concepts associated with the peripheral nervous system. Summarize this module’s key points in 5-6 sentences.   How will you apply the concepts you have learned about the peripheral nervous system in real life and in your future career?  Which topic within this module has […]


Assignment 1 – 1 page Methylglutaconic aciduria type 7 ( relates to the body ability  to break down certain protein) First explain why you chose this disease. Then present a summary of the information you gathered during your research, including some of the following: · links to your sources of information · the genetic mutations […]

Biology – Ecology Homework

Homework  Leadership Approach Find a current business event from  The Wall Street Journal that represents a leadership challenge. Now, imagine you have been asked to step into the leadership role to manage the challenge. Discuss the steps you would take in the first 90 days of your leadership. Explain your approach by applying learning from the […]


  Good morning all, The sub-specialty within forensic psychology I choose is Military. I choose military because I am currently enlisted in the US Air Force. This topic interests me professional and personally because the military has been a part of my life for the last 23 years. Throughout the years, I have learned the […]

cool site

Hi there, I have been looking for a cool site that would help me enter the world of betting for a long time, <a href=” android</a> , how many nice bonuses I saw, a high level of protection of personal data and financial transactions that guarantees the safety of users, a live chat function where […]

Biology lab help

Referring to Table 2, what are the identities of both your unknown plasmids? Explain your logic for each identification of eachunknown plasmid. Be sure to include ALL evidence for these conclusions, including number of bands predicted and observed, predicted band sizes, and observed band sizes. Remember to use your data to support your conclusions. Be […]

Biology of a Virus-SARS-COV-2

The above link has four-part animation series that explores the biology of the virus, including the structure of coronaviruses like SARS-CoV-2, how they infect humans and replicate inside cells, how the viruses evolve, methods used to detect active and past SARS-CoV-2 infections, and how different types of vaccinations for SARS-CoV-2 prevent disease.  After watching all […]

Biology – Anatomy Week 10 Assignment: Leadership Development Training

You may create an program that you can think of. Overview Aswe have discussed, an appreciation of leadership theory and style is crucial to effective social work leadership. Reading current literature, discussing important issues with fellow practitioners engaged in leadership roles, and attending formal leadership training seminars or classes are someways to stay up-to-date and […]

anatomy and physiology

For this discussion post, select one specific topic that you have learned about while studying the  cardiovascular system or lymphatic system and compare that topic to a concrete, real-life situation or scenario. You must describe this analogy in detail, with a minimum of five complete sentences.  After you have posted your reply, you must respond […]


February 21, 2024 Lab Project #2 Assignment: The Chief of Obstetrics and Gynecology has requested your help with some research.  She is hoping to initiate single-site robotic hysterectomies at your hospital.  However, administration is requesting details about the procedure, including its safety and how it compares to standard laparoscopic hysterectomy. 1.  Make use of Medline […]


 The Office of National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONCHIT or ONC) was created in 2004 by President Bush administration to oversee HIT implementation followed by the HITECH Act (2009) enacted by President Obama administration to enhance its pace of adoption.  


  Analyze the specifics of the US healthcare system in terms of populations served, policy applied and funding available Apply sound project management principles to support the design of organizational processes.

discussion anatomy

For this discussion post, select one specific topic that you have learned about while studying the  cardiovascular system or lymphatic system and compare that topic to a concrete, real-life situation or scenario. You must describe this analogy in detail, with a minimum of five complete sentences.  After you have posted your reply, you must respond […]

Research Endoc 1

Topic:  Growth Hormone Deficiency Welcome to the Functional Genomics Research Assignments. In this activity, you will explore Physiology and Functional Genomics as it relates to human disease. Objectives: 1) Learn to use literature searches. 2) Understand the complexity and physiological basis of diseases of genetic origin. 3) Explore and understand accepted treatment options. Procedure: For […]

What is the natural ways to improve your memory power?

Exercise, meditation, proper diet are some natural ways to improve and strengthen memory power. Nootropics such as Modafinil, Armodafinil, Modvigil, Artvigil are some effective drugs that helps to improve memory power along with an increase in focus and concentration. [url= this blog[/url] to get a complete guide about ways to improve your memory power. 


PLEASE REVIEW THE INFROMATION BELOW  Cardiovascular disease is the #1 cause of death in the U. S. One reason is the lack of commitment to heart-healthy lifestyle. Your lifestyle is not only your best defense against heart disease, it’s also your responsibility. Follow the instructions below, then click the link above to submit the assignment. This […]


Bio 168 Critical Thinking Assignment Ellen’s Choice Background Ellen was diagnosed with scoliosis as a teenager. The curvature in her spine was severe enough to cause her discomfort and affect her stance and gate. After she was diagnosed, Ellen underwent surgery to correct the exaggerated curvature in her spine. The surgery consisted of a spinal […]

percent yield

When 22.0 g of calcium metal is reacted with water, 5.00 g of calcium hydroxide is produced. Using the following balanced equation, calculate the percent yield for the reaction. Ca(s) + 2 H2O(l) → Ca(OH)2(aq) + H2(g)

anatomy physiology

Hands On Lab: Brain (7Activities) Submission instructions · Type your answers and copy all pictures directly into this Word document. Submit it via the blackboard submission link in Word format (docx). Introduction: The brain is the control center of the body. This lab will help you understand the different parts of the brain and their […]


Assignment 1 1 ½ page Read the following article about ethnic based genetic screening: Genetic Screening: Ethnic Based     Below are links to some examples of genetic traits found in specific populations: Amish, Mennonite, and Hutterite Genetic Disorder Database Jewish Genetic Disease Consortium French Canadian genetic disorders Generation Scotland Sickle Cell Anemia and Malaria […]