Leadership in healthcare organizations

  importance of financial management in health care. Please discuss the following: How would you explain the importance of financial management in healthcare? Describe financial models utilized in the health care industry. Reference  Rubino, L. G., Esparza, S. J., & Chassiakos, Y. (2018). New Leadership for Today’s Health Care Professionals. J 

PP MGT 4301 DB

2 Project Planning MGT 4301 Think back to a team you were a member of. For example, this can be a work team, athletic team, fine arts group, or social club. Identify the leader of that team. What characteristics dictated that leader’s success or failure? Did the team members’ behaviors impact the team’s success? Discuss […]

case study

Question in file named: starbucks.docx DON’T USE AI AT ALL, TURNIT IS GOING TO BE USED TO CHECK ONLY USE FILES AND REFERENCES PROVIDED BUS 4999 FINAL EXAM Starbucks Case Study Case study References: i. Quelch, J. (2008) ‘How Starbucks’ Growth Destroyed Brand Value’ – Harvard Business Review, available at ii. Berr, J. (2018) ‘Is […]

FM FIN 3301 DB

2 Financial Management FIN 3301 DB V How important is corporate governance when it comes to investing in a firm? Does a firm’s social presence need to be considered before an individual decides to invest? Why, or why not? Your entry must be at least 200 words in length. No references or citations are necessary.

Discussion 5

see attached  BMAL 550 Discussion Assignment Instructions Overview This course will have 4 Discussions, each including a thread and a reply. Please follow the steps and instructions below to receive full credit for each thread. Each thread is due by 11:59PM EST Sunday of the assigned Module: Week. Each reply is due by 11:59PM EST […]

Complete the worksheet

Work sheet attached 1.Mr. and Mrs. Ward typically vote oppositely in elections and so their votes “cancel each other out.” They each gain 24 units of utility from a vote for their positions (and lose 24 units of utility from a vote against their positions). However, the bother of actually voting costs each 12 units […]

Case Study Analysis

  View attachment for instructions and incite.  Instructions Instructions: Write a critical analysis essay that compares and contrasts two organizations that you believe fit one of Morgan’s Metaphors. For this assignment lets compare and contrast FEDEX (Machine type) and UPS (Machine type).  Title: Comparing UPS and FEDEX Using Morgan’s Metaphors 5 page minimum not including cover […]

week 4

pfa TASK 1: Reflection and Discussion Forum Week 4 Reflection and Discussion Forum Week 4 Assigned Readings: Chapter 10. Strategy, Risk, Issues, and Crisis Management Chapter 11. Employee Stakeholders and Workplace Issues Initial Postings:  Read and reflect on the assigned readings for the week. Then post what you thought was the most important concept(s), method(s), […]

Business Finance – Management WK 4 Assignment

see attached Required Resources Text Green, M. C., & Keegan, W. J. (2020).  Global marketing (10th ed.) . Pearson. · Chapter 10: Brand and Product Decisions in Global Marketing · Chapter 11: Pricing Decisions · Chapter 12: Global Marketing Channels and Physical Distribution · The full-text version of this ebook is available in your online classroom […]

week 4 db 2

See Attached Required Resources Text Green, M. C., & Keegan, W. J. (2020).  Global marketing (10th ed.) . Pearson. · Chapter 10: Brand and Product Decisions in Global Marketing · Chapter 11: Pricing Decisions · Chapter 12: Global Marketing Channels and Physical Distribution · The full-text version of this ebook is available in your online classroom […]

week 4 db 1

see attached Required Resources Text Green, M. C., & Keegan, W. J. (2020).  Global marketing (10th ed.) . Pearson. · Chapter 10: Brand and Product Decisions in Global Marketing · Chapter 11: Pricing Decisions · Chapter 12: Global Marketing Channels and Physical Distribution · The full-text version of this ebook is available in your online classroom […]

tutor selection

 How does the tutor selection process work on SweetStudy to ensure that students receive high-quality academic assistance?  How does the tutor selection process work on SweetStudy to ensure that students receive high-quality academic assistance?  offers tailored financial, taxation, and business advisory services to individuals and businesses across the UK. Their expert team specializes in tax […]

Business Finance

I need help with this assignment  (instructions in attachmen)

Business Finance – Operations Management Homework

Homework  Interview Skills Research interview skills and find an article, video, or hiring tool related to this topic, from  The Wall Street Journal or another reputable source. Here are a few other useful links to get you started:   LinkedIn Business ;   HR Digest Magazine ;   The Balance Careers .  Provide a link to the online item that […]

Business Finance – Accounting Homework

Homework  Cash Flow Statement Analysis This week we turn to the last of the major financial statements – the Cash Flow Statement. 1. Locate and post a screenshot of an actual Cash Flow Statement from the company’s latest annual report (which can be found in the investor relations section of the website) for one of the following […]

Can someone do my Week 4 discussion 1 in BUS 637 Entrepreneur/Intrapreneur?

  Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read Carlson’s textbook, Chapters 1 through 3. In addition, it is recommended to watch a Shark Tank episode via television or YouTube. One recommendation is to view Shark Tank Us/ Top 3 Pitches That Were Offered $1M or More! It is also recommended to review the […]


ATTACHED Assignment: Large-Scale Strategic Change: The Semen Indonesia Merger Integration Case ANSWER EACH IN 200 WORDS EACH 5. What observations—supportive and critical—do you have about the way the consultants managed this change? 6. Do you agree with the CEO Soetjipto’s strategy regarding consolidation? What alternatives did he have? 7. Is a large-group intervention an appropriate […]


analyzing core macroeconomics variables delivered in a college level 

discussion 4

see attached  BMAL 550 Discussion Assignment Instructions Overview This course will have 4 Discussions, each including a thread and a reply. Please follow the steps and instructions below to receive full credit for each thread. Each thread is due by 11:59PM EST Sunday of the assigned Module: Week. Each reply is due by 11:59PM EST […]

Business Finance – Management Biblical Assignment

see attached  BMAL550 Bible and Communication Assignment Instructions Overview The Word of God instructs us “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you […]


Factor Models Unless stated otherwise, round your answers to three decimals, and do not round intermediate calculations. Fama-French Three-Factor Model. In this problem, you will analyze the risk-factors associated with some stocks in your portfolio. To limit the amount of work, consider only the three largest holdings in your portfolio by market value. Download the […]


2 PARAGRAPH include reference-SWS Format  Please respond to the following: Health care faces critical staffing shortages. Imagine you are part of the executive management team researching health care shortages. Outline some of the staffing shortages in the market where you live. Are they consistent with national trends? Design a strategy that describes how your organization […]

Leveraging Cost Volume Profit Analysis

2 paragraph include reference- SWS format   Complete the following for this week’s discussion: How do you leverage the information obtained through cost volume profit (CVP) analysis to determine the goods and services provided to consumers? Please justify your response. Be sure to respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts. POSTED later on in […]

Business Finance – Management Assignment3

You will need to follow that link and accept the assignment to create your GitHub classroom repository for this assignment.  Detailed instructions for the tasks to perform for the assignment can be found in your repository once you create it and clone it to you class Development Environment. You should perform the following steps when […]

discussion3 summer

The Americans with Disabilities Act requires that employers make reasonable accommodations for individuals who have disabilities. How might this requirement affect teachers, law enforcement officers, and firefighters? How is it legal for law enforcement to turn away applicants for diseases such as type 2 diabetes? Be sure to respond to at least one of your […]

Module 1-2 capstone

Hi all, I need help with the attached files.  Details contained in both.  One is a higher level overview of the ask, the other is a more specific outline. Please let me know if you have any questions.  Thanks in advance! 

Please see attached – need in 24 hrs

Assessment Deliverable Use the previous year’s financial reports research you completed in Week 3.   Write a 2- to 3-page shareholder analysis in which you address the following: · Evaluate  economic conditions that influence company performance. Consider inflation, reinvestment, interest rate, market, and exchange rate risk. For instance, what was the inflation rate in 2021, […]

Balanced Scorecard Template

Strategic objectives are a measure of attaining your vision and mission. They reflect the vision, mission, and values of the organization, and the outcomes of the internal and external environmental analysis.  This week, you will determine the objectives and metrics now that you have completed your SWOT analysis in preparation for the project plan you […]

Research Memo

Instructions in file attached. Tax Research Memorandum To: File From: Your Name Date: Enter Date Re: Client name and Tax Year. Facts Paraphrase the relevant facts. Remember that this is going to the client’s file and be reviewed and used by someone unfamiliar with the case. Issue & Conclusion #1 Issue: State the most important […]

Finance and economics

– 28 multiple choice questions including a few calculation questions relevant to treasury management: capital markets and money markets, short term investing and borrowing  – 35 business economic multiple choice questions including a few calculation questions for friday

MGT CASE 4 -40

I need help with my homework please  This is the situation I plan to talk about in the 5-6 minute video. Please write the 2-3 pages as required in the below instructions to build around my answer. “Throughout all the jobs and positions I’ve held while being active duty and pre-military, I have had the […]

MGT SLP 4 -40

I need help with my assignment please Module 4 – SLP BUILDING WORKPLACE RELATIONSHIPS Assignment Overview View the following video on workplace investigations: Gregg Learning. (2018).  HR basics: Investigations 2e  [Video]. YouTube.  View this video about a breakroom brawl: Urban Vids. (2019).  Massive fight at their workplace  [Video]. YouTube.  SLP Assignment Well, we must say […]

MGT SLP 4 -42

I need help with my assignmetns please Module 4 – SLP PERSUASION For this assignment, review the basic concepts of argument as discussed by Oswald et al. (2022); persuasion as discussed in Schachter (2021) or Nijssen et al. (2023); or Sadamali Jayawardena, Traichon, Quach, Razzaq, & Behl, (2023); and propaganda discussed in Trimble (2021). Make […]

MGT CASE 4 -42

I NEED HELP ASAP PLEASE Module 4 – Case PERSUASION Assignment Overview For this assignment, take a close look at the required readings on the concepts of persuasion. Determine which one of them the six or seven principles is the most useful for you. (One article discusses six and others discuss seven, with unity being […]

Business Finance – Accounting HOMEWORK

Week 2 Discussion  Andrew Alvarado In today’s dynamic market, it is crucial for business units to continually revise their product or service offerings. This continuous revision is important for several reasons,  Market Relevance: Consumer preferences and market trends evolve rapidly. By regularly updating offerings, businesses can stay relevant and meet changing customer demands, ensuring they maintain […]

Course Project

The Course Project for MKTG425 is a sales plan that includes designing a sales organization structure, code of ethics, communications policy, lead generation plan, sales call policy, presentation strategy, training plan, relationship management plan, and internal communications policy. You may do your project on any of the following. An imaginary business that you could start […]


Global Perspective Presentation Convergence or Divergence of Global Political Economy Overview and Insights Political, economic, and legal systems   are like the tripod a country’s existence is standing on. Those systems, although each evolve like their own beast and at various rates, share similar roots. Each society’s structure, history, general belief system, moral structure, and […]

Developing Your Project Scope

  Identify a personal project of your choosing. This could be a family vacation, plans to clean or organize a part of your living space, etc. For the discussion, you will use the tools provided in Chapter 4 of your textbook to provide a brief summary of your project that includes the scope of the […]


Case Study: Med Chem Products Write a three- to four-page report on the Med-Chem Products: Hospital Division case study found at the end of Chapter 13: Sales and Operations Planning.   Be sure to address the following questions in your report. 1. Describe the current system in use as it applies to the operations personnel and marketing […]

Financial Stat

Financial Statements and Taxes Summary For this week’s assignment, you will research and answer the following questions. · Explain the following statement: “Whereas the balance sheet can be thought of as a snapshot of the firm’s financial position at a point in time, the income statement reports on operations over a period of time. · […]


 Analyze the data using pivot tables to address a series of questions 

Game theory

   The order of play tends to matter in sequential games where rivals must predict best reply-responses and counter-responses in order to achieve a desired payoff. Discuss an instance in which you or your firm used game theory and explain why the relationship between the players was a strategic one. Did the use of a […]

Strategic situation between players.

 In business, sports, politics, and many other fields there are probably countless situations akin to the prisoner’s dilemma where players acting in their own self-interest do not produce an ideal outcome. Likewise, some player dynamics also illustrate other game theory concepts like a game of chicken, credible threats/commitments, and other similar concepts. Use at least one […]

Reflection and Discussion Forum Week 3

Question are in the home work section  Chapters are in the other one. Reflection and Discussion Forum Week 3 Chapter are provided. Assigned Readings: Chapter 7. Ethical Issues in the Global Arena Chapter 8. Business Ethics and Technology: The Digital Enterprise Chapter 9. Corporate Governance: Foundational Issues Initial Postings:  Read and reflect on the assigned […]


  Instructions Answer the following questions on a separate document. Explain how you reached the answer or show your work if a mathematical calculation is needed, or both. Submit your assignment using the assignment link. Briefly explain the securitization process and include at least one reason why a bank would consider using this. Briefly compare […]

Implementing Responsible Gambling Practices

 Crownbet.fun is committed to promoting responsible gambling practices to ensure that all players have a safe and enjoyable gaming experience. We understand the importance of creating a responsible gaming environment and take proactive measures to prevent gambling-related harm. 1. Ensuring Responsible Gambling Practices at Crownbet.fun Our dedicated team works tirelessly to provide resources and support […]

Managing in the Global Environment juLY 19

The FINAL INTEGRATED COURSE PROJECT must demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of all the skills and knowledge acquired throughout the course – to analyze, design, and implement integrative strategies to improve the effectiveness of a company’s global competitive position. The following are the case studies assigned to teams: · Ethical Leadership: Ratan Tata and India’s Tata Group · IKEA’s […]