
Instructions: Due Tuesday 04/3 At least 3 paragraphs long with 3 peer-reviewed references. Respond to the following using current literature: Your client was notified by the IRS that he owes $50,000 in back taxes. In an effort to resolve the dispute you helped him go through the IRS appeals process …. Unfortunately, you were not […]


Module 4 Why It Matters: Research Why learn traditional and online research methods? Business communication, done well, requires thoughtful planning and carefully crafted media. Research is a key component of building good communication, and research, while perhaps hard to wrap one’s mind around, is like any other project. Whether you present your communications over email, […]

finance problem

you have to solve the 7 questions in excel and there is also another file attached for hints to its answers HW Problems – Chapter 4 image1.png image2.png image3.png image4.png image5.png image6.png

A report that contains critical analysis of a real-world “red flag” situation

The case is: Enron Case! Please check the instructions in the uploaded file below and make sure to use Harvard style. 1 ACC3155 FINANCIAL STATEMENT ANALYSIS AND VALUATION ACADEMIC YEAR 2023-2024 Detailed requirements and marking criteria for Group Assignment You are required to work in a group of 2-3 members to identify a real-world “red […]

Creating a Process Map

Please create a process map using the information provided below. 6hrs.  Before Scenario: Information Flow Challenges In our organization, we’ve been grappling with significant issues related to information flow. These challenges are particularly pronounced due to missed emails, repetitive back-and-forth communication on the same issues, and a reluctance to fully embrace the capabilities of the […]

Strategic Management And Strategic Competitiveness

Learning Journal.  [YOUR NAME] Course Name [xxx] [Semester] 202? Learning Journal Use this template like a recipe to do your journal assignment. Review the Brightspace item “Learning How to Learn: Guidance on Learning Journal Assignments.” Be sure to read the PDFs (embedded links) and watch the short videos (embedded links). Then, follow the italicized instructions […]

Ethical Considerations Project week 6 HSM410

  Review the reading and lesson. Read Ethics Article: Smugar, S., Spina, B., & Merz, J. (2000, September). Informed Consent for Emergency Contraception: Variability in Hospital Care of Rape Victims. Links to an external site.Open this document with ReadSpeaker docReader American Journal of Public Health, 90(9), 1372-1376. Retrieved November 28, 2008, from Academic Search Premier […]


1- Why do we use market weights instead of book-value-based weights when computing WACC?  2- Would you ever adjust the cost of capital when analyzing a project?  Why or why not? 

for proven ster

Use the concepts and analyses learned in the course to conduct a strategic analysis of the company in the case and prepare a presentation of the results to the class.  Your presentation should be given as if you were addressing the CEO and/or Board of Directors of the company at the present time.  You should […]

What are the forces and factors.

What are the forces and factors in Greece and Israel that would affect the behavior and performance in the market in general? And in the market of the company TVH Belgium? Using also a PESTLE analysis The question is all related to “What type of customer segmentation does TVH employ in its transition from traditional […]

Famous entrepreneur

Make a power point slide(8) of an entrepreneur named “Oprah Winfrey” 1. Tell a story of their life before and after they became successful. who she is? where she’s from, family, education lifestyle? etc. 2. Tell a story of her career, how she became famous? and how/why she created her company/foundation? 3. Tell what leadership […]

finance problem

Please solve this problem using excel. there is an excel file attached for the hints to solve the problem HW – Chapter 5 – Problems 15, 19, 20 image1.png image2.png image3.png


just give summary  Strategic Marketing Management Task 1: Individual Assignment Learners must produce and submit a 4000 word essay covering learning outcomes A, B, and D and their related criteria. Learning Outcome C will be covered in task 2. Marketing management seeks to get the business to produce what the customer wants and align all […]


Discussion  The purpose of this exercise is to increase your understanding of the process that consumers go through when making a purchase decision.  Provide a   specific  example of a time when  YOU made an  actual  large purchase.  Then, in outline or paragraph format, explain and describe how you utilized each of the steps in the […]

Project Coordination

  PM/310 v1 Copyright 2022 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. Week 2 Summative Assessment: Project Coordination – Templates document Stakeholder Register Name Position or Role Contact (email, phone, etc.) Influence/ Power Interest How to Manage? Classifica tion Notes & Required Action and Engagem ent Week 2 Summative Assessment: Project Coordination – Templates document […]

Management 7

 Imagine that you have been hired as an arbitrator in a legal dispute between the government of Tanzania, a U.S.-based petroleum company, and an environmental advocacy organization (e.g., Greenpeace, Earth System Governance Project, United Nations Environment Programme, and so on). A dispute is the financial and moral obligation of the petroleum company to terminate coastal […]

analy 524

Suppose you have collected the following sample data from twenty-six randomly selected Dallas area families regarding their Weekly Expenditures on Video Rentals and Weekly Expenditures on Dining Out: Observation Number Weekly Expenditures Video Rentals Dining Out 1 $12 $28 2 $12 $27 3 $6 $32 4 $13 $32 5 $7 $25 6 $10 $24 7 […]

Business report

PLEASE READ INSTRUCTION  PROPERLY  Table 1 Social Media Use Over Time (2013-2019)  Source: “Social Media Fact Sheet: Social Media use Over Time.” Pew Research Center, 12 June 2019, www.pewresearch.org/internet/fact-sheet/social-media/. Accessed 12 Jan. 2020.   Table 1 Source: “Tuition costs of colleges and universities.” Fast Facts, U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, 2019, nces.ed.gov/fastfacts/display.asp?id=76 Compiled from a variety […]

Financial Markets and Institutions – Financial Sector

Financial sector has been one of the largest investors and early adopters of new technologies. However, some argue that the newer technologies might pose big challenges to the traditional services and products that financial sector has been offering. Discuss how technological changes are affecting financial sector. Focus on newer technologies and products (e.g., Bitcoins, Block […]


 Then, respond to at least two other peers who have chosen topics different from yours. Include the following details in your response: Assume you are the revenue-cycle director for the team, and you are tasked with correcting the causes identified in your peer’s post for the claim denials. Describe how insurance participation may or may […]

Discussion 6

A claims payer (also known as an insurance company) may deny claims based on individual line-item claim data. This denial generally happens for several reasons: intake errors on the front end during patient registration, mismatch with diagnosis and procedure coding documented by the health system, or technology issues. If the claim is denied, health systems […]


4 Discussion( 250 words) Business communication, done well, requires thoughtful planning and carefully crafted media. Research is a key component of building good communication, and research, while perhaps hard to wrap one’s mind around, is like any other project. Secondary research plays a crucial role in the content of reports by providing valuable context, data, […]


Translation of Financial Statements Case Accounting 5140 (50 points) Blue Sky Corporation, a U.S.-based company, invested 11 million Polish zloty in Green Mountain Company in Lodz, Poland, on January 1, Year 2, when the exchange rate for the Polish zloty (PLN) was $0.255. $2.5 million of the $11M zloty was recorded in Common Stock and […]

Task 1.4: Data Analysis and Discussion

01/08/24 MC7P77 Business Consultancy Project | London Metropolitan University MC7P77 Business Consultancy Project (2023-24) View Online Collis, J. and Hussey, R. (2021) Business research: a practical guide for students. 5th edition. London: Macmillan Education UK. Available at: Conn, C. and McLean, R. (2019) Bulletproof problem solving. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Available […]


Now that you know what’s involved to create a schedule, what one thing do you think you will change to improve your own project schedules? Why do you think this will be beneficial to the way you work?


Start by thinking of a quality issue you’ve experienced on a recent project. Write up an evaluation of the key issues that arose during this project and identify the desired outcomes. Based on your evaluation, select a quality tool that you believe would be most suitable to address these issues.

discuss wk 2 thigns

  Chapter 4: How do you think planning in today’s organizations compares to planning in an organization 25 years ago? Do you think planning becomes more important or less important in a world where everything quickly changes and crises are a regular part of organizational life? Why? Chapter 4: Is changing the organization’s domain a […]


Project management methods vary depending on your industry, organization, and personal preferences. How do you capture and track project costs in your projects? 1 Paragraph

need tutoring

need tutoring ECON 203 Project Description (Term Paper) Due at the end of week 7 Select at least three news articles that discuss the economic concept that you chose as a topic for your term paper. At least one news article should be dated within the previous two months. Please note that the goal of […]

Need tutoring

Need help with a few discussion questions and weekly activity. Must use references provided CMST REFERNCES 21 eCommerce Trends To Watch For In 2019 Why online retailers, partners must focus on social commerce How Amazon Controls E-commerce: Amazon.com the Hidden empire (online slide show – 84 slides) BMGT 380 REFERENCES Introduction to Product Liability Chapter […]


THE TASK: Length:1700 words Your task is to analyse the life journey of Ronni Kahn (Founder of OzHarvest), using relevant sources of information (e.g., autobiographical, biographical, and other relevant secondary data) and unit of study content form Weeks 1-6. The purpose of this assignment is to provide insights into the entrepreneur’s journey by applying relevant […]


Signature Assignment: A Financial Statement Analysis – A Comparative Analysis of Apple, Inc. and Microsoft, Inc. Description This course contains a Course Project, where you will be required to submit one draft of the project at the end of Week 6, and the final completed project at the end of Week 8. Using the financial […]


Plant Assets, Intangibles, and Accounting for Liabilities Instructions Companies have a significant amount of investment in long-lived assets, which include property, plant, and equipment (commonly referred to as plant assets); and intangible assets. We will also discuss different types of liabilities and understand how to account for and report those liabilities. Let’s begin by talking […]

PMP course

Need this assigment completed ASAP A project manager works in a financial institution where data security is accorded the greatest importance. The head of the IT department has recently launched a project investigating all the organization’s workstations in order to remove any illegally installed software and buy legal versions instead. To successfully implement this project, […]


THIS IS URGENT NEEDED IN NO MORE THAN 4 HRS  The Course Project should focus on identifying a business problem or opportunity and proposing a technological solution.  You will need to identify a real-life business that you are familiar with or a fictitious business. The business must have a problem or an opportunity that can […]

Module 6-2

Hi all, I need some help with the attached file. Please see the file for full details. Thanks all! Instructions Judgment of others is abundant in the world of news and social media. In your assignment, answer the following questions: · What is the relationship between implicit bias and the cancel culture? · Why are […]

Module 6-1

Hi everyone, I need some help with the attached file. Also, the prompt below gives more details:    Making simplistic judgments can be harmful to stakeholders. Many organizations have implicit bias training programs. But often, these programs are not very effective. In your discussion, answer the following questions: How are you raising your awareness of […]

Business Finance – Economics BA 3120 Current Financial Services Article Assignment

Instructions attached Find a current investment article that relates to some aspect of client communication, ethics in investments, building trust in the client/portfolio relationship, compliance, global economic activity or any investment related topic.  · This is a two to three page summary (excluding title page and reference page) in APA format of a recent investment […]


5.4 Assignment: Journal – The Curiosity Conversation Getting Started This journal entry is an extension of the previous assignment in 5.3, where you summarized the findings of your curiosity conversation with a pastor or counselor. This assignment goes beyond just reporting the details of the conversation to a personal integration of that conversation and how […]

problem set 5

pfa Problem Set #5 Marvin industries Inc. operates as a diversified software company worldwide. Its Digital Media segment provides tools and solutions that enable individuals, teams, and organizations to create, publish, promote, and monetize their digital content. The company is forecasting operations to determine the additional financing that will be needed to support its operations […]

Respond to Thomas Post

The company I chose was WorldCom. WorldCom was one of the long-distance scandal accounting company in the country.  I truly believe the CEOs and other corporate officers involved were held responsible because they could lose their job. Stated on the WorldCom Scandal “Employees in the financial and accounting groups believed that forcefully objecting to conduct that […]

Respond to Justin Post

Enron was the largest corporate fraud case in history, the energy company collapsed in 2001 for fraud. They misled investors, misled the public, and hid their true debt as wealth. Their unethical practices that rose the company led to their downfall and prosecution of their CEO Jeffrey Skilling. They used methods like Off-balance- sheets and […]

5-1 Module Responses

Hello all, I need some help with the attached files.  I’d like some guidance on drafting responses to both, so 2 replies total.   The response guidance is:   Reply to at least two classmates outside of your own initial post thread. As you review other students’ posts, consider the following prompts: In what ways […]


Defining scope boundaries (inclusions and exclusions) can be challenging. What have you found is most helpful? Why? 1 paragraph

Nonprofit grant

For this assignment, you will be completing a request for proposal from a real granting agency. The real nonprofit organization: The Hunger Project 

Case Study on Volkswagen AG

Strategic Management (MGMT4701) Case Study on Volkswagen AG Volkswagen AG, known internationally as the Volkswagen Group, is a German public multinational conglomerate manufacturer of passenger and commercial vehicles, motorcycles, engines and turbomachinery, headquartered in Wolfsburg, Germany. Since the late 2000s Volkswagen became a publicly-traded family business owned by Porsche SE, which in turn is half-owned […]


Research two publicly traded companies and compare and contrast their methods of handling a significant change in their organizations. Analyze and write about images of change in those organizations in a Change Analysis Paper ‐ Images of Change (Milestone 1, include four references). Topic Selection Select your two companies that have undergone some type of […]


 Using Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs (1943), what specific qualitative and quantitative organizational metrics are cross-functional, providing business acumen growth between managers and the human resources department? What specifically identified resources will support the growth of the business while promoting strong business acumen to provide long-term strategic success for the organization?