Using the Sun Coast data set, perform a correlation analysis, simple regression analysis, and multiple regression analysis, and interpret the results. Please follow the Unit V Scholarly Activity temp

Using the Sun Coast data set, perform a correlation analysis, simple regression analysis, and multiple regression analysis, and interpret the results.  Please follow the Unit V Scholarly Activity template to complete your assignment.  You will utilize Microsoft Excel ToolPak for this assignment. Example:  Correlation Analysis  Restate the hypotheses.  Provide data output results from Excel ToolPak.  […]

Describe the Sun Coast data using the descriptive statistics tools discussed in the unit lesson. Establish whether assumptions are met to use parametric statistical procedures. Repeat the tasks below

Describe the Sun Coast data using the descriptive statistics tools discussed in the unit lesson. Establish whether assumptions are met to use parametric statistical procedures. Repeat the tasks below for each tab in the Sun Coast research study data set. Utilize the Unit IV Scholarly Activity template. You will utilize the Microsoft Excel ToolPak. The […]

SLP/BUS520 Business Analytics and Decision Making Business Analytics & Intelligence Reporting Assignment Overview Final Analysis We have been working with survey data throughout class. Create

SLP/BUS520 Business Analytics  and Decision Making   Business Analytics & Intelligence Reporting  Assignment Overview Final Analysis We have been working with survey data throughout class. Create a final report that can be used by industry leaders. Data analysis is transformed to business intelligence. This is where you make the tough decisions. What analysis should be […]

#1 Have you ever bought something, paid for it, and arranged to have it delivered to you at a later date? That is a fairly typical transaction, and, under the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC), a delivery

#1 Have you ever bought something, paid for it, and arranged to have it delivered to you at a later date? That is a fairly typical transaction, and, under the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC), a delivery contract is created. However, it is a little complicated to determine when you become the complete owner of the […]

SLP/BUS520 Business Analytics and Decision Making Business Analytics & Intelligence Reporting Assignment Overview Final Analysis We have been working with survey data throughout class. Create

SLP/BUS520 Business Analytics  and Decision Making   Business Analytics & Intelligence Reporting  Assignment Overview Final Analysis We have been working with survey data throughout class. Create a final report that can be used by industry leaders. Data analysis is transformed to business intelligence. This is where you make the tough decisions. What analysis should be […]

Delta Airlines – Finding and keeping the right people You will continue to write about the company you chose in Weeks 1 and 2. This week, you will write on the points below. Your submission should be

Delta Airlines – Finding and keeping the right people You will continue to write about the company you chose in Weeks 1 and 2. This week, you will write on the points below. Your submission should be approximately 2 pages long and use at least two credible resources. Research and review the website of the […]

SLP/BUS520 Business Analytics and Decision Making Business Analytics & Intelligence Reporting Assignment Overview Final Analysis We have been working with survey data throughout class. Creat

SLP/BUS520 Business Analytics  and Decision Making   Business Analytics & Intelligence Reporting  Assignment Overview Final Analysis We have been working with survey data throughout class. Create a final report that can be used by industry leaders. Data analysis is transformed to business intelligence. This is where you make the tough decisions. What analysis should be […]

Topic: Supply Chain and Pandemic 500 – 1,200 words with at least 4 sources; work cited page should be at the bottom. Topic: Supply Chain and Pandemic Your outline will look something like this: Resea

Topic: Supply Chain and Pandemic  500 – 1,200 words with at least 4 sources; work cited page should be at the bottom. Topic: Supply Chain and Pandemic Your outline will look something like this: Research Question: Thesis Statement: (a complex sentence that answers your Research Question) Topic sentence 1: (The first reason your thesis is […]

In Milestone One, you recommended an innovation option (incremental or discontinuous) to the organization from the course scenario. Now that senior management of the company has approved your recommen

In Milestone One, you recommended an innovation option (incremental or discontinuous) to the organization from the course scenario. Now that senior management of the company has approved your recommendation, your task is to find an efficient process for your cross-functional team to follow during the development of your innovation. Remember that your perspective is still […]

The Ratio Analysis on Marriott is attached with the question. Write a 0.5-page, 12-font, double-space, financial assessment based on the ratio analysis. Base the write-up purely on the ratio analysis

The Ratio Analysis on Marriott is attached with the question.  Write a 0.5-page, 12-font, double-space, financial assessment based on the ratio analysis. Base the write-up purely on the ratio analysis provided. In the write-up, you will interpret the ratios and their trends that help you figure out the financial performance of the company. The goal […]

A ratio anaylsis on the template provided with a write up of 0.5 page of the analysis. 1. Do a ratio analysis of Marriott International for the years 2019, 2020, and 2021. The template for the Ratio

A ratio anaylsis on the template provided with a write up of 0.5 page of the analysis.  1. Do a ratio analysis of Marriott International for the years 2019, 2020, and 2021. The template for the Ratio Analysis is attached with the question. The annual financial reports of the above years are also attached.  2. […]

1. Create a ratio analysis of Marriott International for the years 2019, 2020, and 2021. The template for the Ratio Analysis is attached with the question. The annual financial reports of the above ye

1. Create a ratio analysis of Marriott International for the years 2019, 2020, and 2021. The template for the Ratio Analysis is attached with the question. The annual financial reports of the above years are also attached.  2. After filling out the template, make an overall assessment of the financial performance of the organization based […]

This lab will use the following Lab Resources. Virtual Lab Citrix (MS Word 2016 or 2019)You can use a personal copy of the software or access the Lab Resources located in the Course Resources page. St

This lab will use the following Lab Resources. Virtual Lab Citrix (MS Word 2016 or 2019) You can use a personal copy of the software or access the Lab Resources located in the Course Resources page. Step 1: Lab Preparation Please review the following video on how R is used to find a relationship using […]

To what extent does a rigorous Corporate Social Responsibility policy lead to a company being ethical? Support your answer with reference to two companies. There are two parts of the essay I need to p

To what extent does a rigorous Corporate Social Responsibility policy lead to a company being ethical? Support your answer with reference to two companies. There are two parts of the essay I need to provide Part1 : The writer need to show plan for overall structure of essay with list 5 sources which will be useful […]

Follow all Instructions for the Community Assessment Plan This is for the grant Transitional Living Program Grant for youths/adults ages 16-22. A need statement is an important part of a grant proposa

Follow all Instructions for the Community Assessment Plan This is for the grant Transitional Living Program Grant for youths/adults ages 16-22. A need statement is an important part of a grant proposal. It describes the reasons the grant is needed and makes a case for why support should be provided. The need is determined based […]

Research design refers to the specific type of study that you will conduct. Research design is normally consistent with the philosophical worldview and methodological approach of the researcher. In th

Research design refers to the specific type of study that you will conduct. Research design is normally consistent with the philosophical worldview and methodological approach of the researcher. In this case, you are using a quantitative methodology. As we have discussed in this course, quantitative research designs include experimental and non experimental. You will be […]

For this assignment, you will define the research objectives and develop the research questions and hypotheses to set the stage for the Sun Coast Remediation research project. Be sure to include the f

For this assignment, you will define the research objectives and develop the research questions and hypotheses to set the stage for the Sun Coast Remediation research project. Be sure to include the following sections in your submission, and remember to use APA-formatted section headings and subheadings. Introduction  Research problems  Research objectives: Refer to the Introduction […]

SLP3/BUS530 Managerial Economics Implications of Market Structures Assignment Overview Economics and Cryptocurrency Cryptocurrency has supporters and detractors. Is it a tool for transparency in digi

SLP3/BUS530 Managerial Economics Implications of Market Structures  Assignment Overview Economics and Cryptocurrency Cryptocurrency has supporters and detractors. Is it a tool for transparency in digital transactions? Is it a way to evade taxes or hide net worth? Session Long Project 3 ResourcesA beginner’s guide to cryptocurrency (2022)Biden orders government to study digital dollar, other cryptocurrency risks (2022) How […]

5-1 Discussion: Going Beyond Conflict by Applying Restorative Practices Effective conflict management often includes using restorative practices. In this discussion, you will explore how to take confl

5-1 Discussion: Going Beyond Conflict by Applying Restorative PracticesEffective conflict management often includes using restorative practices. In this discussion, you will explore how to take conflict management to the next level by applying restorative practices. Discussing challenges that face our world often means investigating opinions and ideas different from your own. Remember to remain thoughtful […]

Ethical Lens Paper 6-8 pages For this task, you will respond to an ethical situation as well as analyze the results of the Ethical Lens Inventory (ELI), which should be completed in the course. This t

Ethical Lens Paper 6-8 pages For this task, you will respond to an ethical situation as well as analyze the results of the Ethical Lens Inventory (ELI), which should be completed in the course. This task focuses on you as a leader by helping you to define, refine, and test your ethical boundaries through self-reflection […]

Ethical Paper 2: 6-8 pages As a leader in your organization, it is vital that you are familiar with the laws that regulate your industry. Sparked by the dramatic corporate and accounting scandals of

Ethical Paper 2: 6-8 pages  As a leader in your organization, it is vital that you are familiar with the laws that regulate your industry. Sparked by the dramatic corporate and accounting scandals of Enron, Arthur Andersen, Adelphia, and WorldCom, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act was implemented in 2002 in an effort to restore confidence in the […]

Discussion Find an article using the APUS Library or the internet regarding one of the terms found in Chapter 1 or 2 readings. For example: Articles of Incorporation, S-Corporation, Limited Liability

Discussion Find an article using the APUS Library or the internet regarding one of the terms found in Chapter 1 or 2 readings. For example: Articles of Incorporation, S-Corporation, Limited Liability Company Sarbanes-Oxley Act Dodd-Frank Act Time Value of Money Insider Trading Income Statement: Earnings per Share, Price-earnings Ratio Balance Sheet: Liquidity, Net worth (Book value) Statement […]

Ethical Paper 1 6-7 pages As an organizational leader, one of your primary roles is establishing programs and policies that ensure the organization operates under ethical considerations and legal mand

Ethical Paper 1 6-7 pagesAs an organizational leader, one of your primary roles is establishing programs and policies that ensure the organization operates under ethical considerations and legal mandates. This responsibility includes informing employees of the organization’s code of ethics, communicating the code of ethics, providing training, and ensuring that operational aspects are administered in […]

MAKE SURE THE ASSIGNMENT IS DONE IN A SINGLE PAGE. What are the values and assumptions of business? Why does neoclassical economics rely so heavily on underlying assumptions of human behavior and

MAKE SURE THE ASSIGNMENT IS DONE IN A SINGLE PAGE. What are the values and assumptions of business? Why does neoclassical economics rely so heavily on underlying assumptions of human behavior and how have those assumptions been refuted by the emerging field of behavioral economics? Give an example from your personal experience of how you […]

BUSCase 3 Managerial Economics Implications of Marketing Structures Assignment Overview Market Structure Analysis Monopolistic, Oligopolistic, and Competitive are designations used to describe compl

BUS/Case 3 BUS530 Managerial Economics  Implications of Marketing Structures  Assignment Overview Market Structure Analysis Monopolistic, Oligopolistic, and Competitive are designations used to describe complex economic market structures. These represent three of the categories which are further broken down. Keep in mind, perfect markets are a theoretical construct. Case 3 ResourcesMarket Structures (2022)Perfect Competition and Why It […]

You work as a middle manager for one of the top U.S. producers of luxury and mass-market automobiles and trucks. The chief technology officer (CTO) of the company from the course scenario has been mon

You work as a middle manager for one of the top U.S. producers of luxury and mass-market automobiles and trucks. The chief technology officer (CTO) of the company from the course scenario has been monitoring new technology developments that the company could integrate into its vehicles to enhance the usefulness of and improve access to […]

In business, power, and politics greatly influence an organization’s culture and may hinder organizational productivity. As you continue to explore ways to increase productivity in your department, yo

In business, power, and politics greatly influence an organization’s culture and may hinder organizational productivity. As you continue to explore ways to increase productivity in your department, you observed how power and politics influence the corporate culture and the need to address the overall challenges within the organization. Based on your research, you will develop […]

Unit I Literature Review Within this course you will submit parts of a research paper in each unit that will come together in Unit VII as the complete project. Review the Course Project Guidance docum

Unit I Literature Review Within this course you will submit parts of a research paper in each unit that will come together in Unit VII as the complete project. Review the Course Project Guidance document, which outlines all of the work you will submit for the course and provides a template for the final paper. […]

In business, power, and politics greatly influence an organization’s culture and may hinder organizational productivity. As you continue to explore ways to increase productivity in your department, yo

In business, power, and politics greatly influence an organization’s culture and may hinder organizational productivity. As you continue to explore ways to increase productivity in your department, you observed how power and politics influence the corporate culture and the need to address the overall challenges within the organization. Based on your research, you will develop […]

CASE3/BUS520 Business Analytics and Decision Making Correlation Regression Analysis Assignment Overview Regression Analysis This is your final data analysis project in class. You have become very fam

CASE3/BUS520 Business Analytics and Decision Making  Correlation Regression Analysis Assignment Overview Regression Analysis This is your final data analysis project in class. You have become very familiar with the data and have a number of findings that may assist in managerial decision-making. The goal is to find what type of relationship exists between variables. Case […]

In this course, you will experience the first segment of a multi-year integrated case study that offers you the opportunity to apply the knowledge gained in the course to a real-world situation. The c

In this course, you will experience the first segment of a multi-year integrated case study that offers you the opportunity to apply the knowledge gained in the course to a real-world situation. The case study weaves together practical application with doctoral research by requiring that the business decisions made regarding the case study be supported […]

In this course, you will experience the first segment of a multi-year integrated case study that offers you the opportunity to apply the knowledge gained in the course to a real-world situation. The c

In this course, you will experience the first segment of a multi-year integrated case study that offers you the opportunity to apply the knowledge gained in the course to a real-world situation. The case study weaves together practical application with doctoral research by requiring that the business decisions made regarding the case study be supported […]

In this course, you will experience the first segment of a multi-year integrated case study that offers you the opportunity to apply the knowledge gained in the course to a real-world situation. The c

In this course, you will experience the first segment of a multi-year integrated case study that offers you the opportunity to apply the knowledge gained in the course to a real-world situation. The case study weaves together practical application with doctoral research by requiring that the business decisions made regarding the case study be supported […]

In this course, you will experience the first segment of a multi-year integrated case study that offers you the opportunity to apply the knowledge gained in the course to a real-world situation. The c

In this course, you will experience the first segment of a multi-year integrated case study that offers you the opportunity to apply the knowledge gained in the course to a real-world situation. The case study weaves together practical application with doctoral research by requiring that the business decisions made regarding the case study be supported […]

Directions: Review the information in “DBA-820 Integrated Case Study” located in the Class Resources for this course. This includes narrative information as well as financial and supporting documentat

Directions: Review the information in “DBA-820 Integrated Case Study” located in the Class Resources for this course. This includes narrative information as well as financial and supporting documentation. Write a paper (750-1,000 words total) that suggests resolutions to the business case presented in “DBA-820 Integrated Business Case.” Include the following in your paper: A one- or […]

SLP3/BUS520 Business Analytics And Decision Making Correlation Regression Analysis Assignment Overview Correlation and Scatterplots **Complete Module 3 SLP before Module 3 Case** Let us delve into Or

SLP3/BUS520 Business Analytics And Decision Making  Correlation Regression Analysis Assignment Overview Correlation and Scatterplots **Complete Module 3 SLP before Module 3 Case** Let us delve into Organizational Commitment. In your earlier research, you discovered how important this is to a company. Now, we will investigate what types of correlations exist between Organizational Commitment and the […]

SLP/BUS520 Business Analytics And Decision Making Correlation Regression Analysis Assignment Overview Correlation and Scatterplots **Complete Module 3 SLP before Module 3 Case** Let us delve into Org

SLP/BUS520 Business Analytics And Decision Making  Correlation Regression Analysis Assignment Overview Correlation and Scatterplots **Complete Module 3 SLP before Module 3 Case** Let us delve into Organizational Commitment. In your earlier research, you discovered how important this is to a company. Now, we will investigate what types of correlations exist between Organizational Commitment and the […]

In this case study, you have been provided with a spreadsheet with a large amount of sales data for a company. The data is not well organized. You have been tasked with figuring out the answers to a n

In this case study, you have been provided with a spreadsheet with a large amount of sales data for a company. The data is not well organized. You have been tasked with figuring out the answers to a number of questions your manager needs to know based on this large dataset of sales data. Please […]

In this case study, you have been provided with a spreadsheet with a large amount of sales data for a company. The data is not well organized. You have been tasked with figuring out the answers to a n

In this case study, you have been provided with a spreadsheet with a large amount of sales data for a company. The data is not well organized. You have been tasked with figuring out the answers to a number of questions your manager needs to know based on this large dataset of sales data. Please […]

What is the social responsibility of business? In 1970 Milton Friedman claimed that the only social responsibility of business was to increase profits. Compare and contrast the evidence presented by F

What is the social responsibility of business? In 1970 Milton Friedman claimed that the only social responsibility of business was to increase profits. Compare and contrast the evidence presented by Friedman with that provided in the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report summary videos. In light of the available evidence, discuss whether you believe Friedman’s claim is […]

You work as a middle manager for one of the top U.S. producers of luxury and mass-market automobiles and trucks. The company from the course scenario has decided to incorporate internet of things (IoT

You work as a middle manager for one of the top U.S. producers of luxury and mass-market automobiles and trucks. The company from the course scenario has decided to incorporate internet of things (IoT) technology in its vehicles (also called connected cars). Often organizations have to choose from multiple innovative implementation options. The choice is usually […]

Start on cell K3 on the Dice worksheet.Enter the following formula: =COUNTIF($C$3:$H$8,J3).In cell L3, enter the following formula: =K3/36.Complete the similar formulas for the range K4:L13. (Hint: Yo

Start on cell K3 on the Dice worksheet. Enter the following formula: =COUNTIF($C$3:$H$8,J3). In cell L3, enter the following formula: =K3/36. Complete the similar formulas for the range K4:L13. (Hint: You could use the drop and drag feature in Excel.) In cell E16, enter the appropriate formula to calculate the probability of either rolling a […]

InstructionsPrompt: You are the Information Security Director for a medium sized company. You recently experienced a ransom-ware attack that cost the company $500,000.00. After the attack your CEO h

InstructionsPrompt:  You are the Information Security Director for a medium sized company. You recently experienced a ransom-ware attack that cost the company $500,000.00. After the attack your CEO held a meeting and informed you and the other IT professionals that it “WILL” not happen again. Write a Directive to the employees of the company summarizing […]

BUS/CASE 2 BUS520 Business Analytics and Decision Making Hypothesis Testing: T-Testing and Anovas Assignment Overview Hypothesis Tests & ANOVA **Complete Module 2 SLP before Module 2 Case** One

BUS/CASE 2  BUS520 Business Analytics and Decision Making  Hypothesis Testing: T-Testing and Anovas  Assignment Overview Hypothesis Tests & ANOVA **Complete Module 2 SLP before Module 2 Case** One-Way ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) tests if there are statistical differences between the means of three or more independent groups. Case 2 Resources Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)Single factor […]