The film analysis essay must have a clear introduction. The introduction should contain an attention-getter; a statement of topic (e.g. “This analysis is about The Waterboy.”); a statement of purpose

The film analysis essay must have a clear introduction. The introduction should contain an attention-getter; a statement of topic (e.g. “This analysis is about The Waterboy.”); a statement of purpose (e.g. to inform, to persuade, or to entertain); a thesis that makes a judgment about the value of the film for what it teaches us […]

For this assignment, you are being asked to read The book Atomic Habits.In this book summary, you have the obligation to show the perspective of the book, along with your personal take as it supports

For this assignment, you are being asked to read The book Atomic Habits.In this book summary, you have the obligation to show the perspective of the book, along with your personal take as it supports the point of the author.  I could, for example, disagree with the writer, and if I do, I need to […]

Turn in TWO topic ideas for your Cultural Research Presentation in this folder. Word your topic ideas in the form of SPECIFIC PURPOSE statements (“My specific purpose is to inform the audience about

Turn in TWO topic ideas for your Cultural Research Presentation in this folder.  Word your topic ideas in the form of SPECIFIC PURPOSE statements (“My specific purpose is to inform the audience about . . . “) .  Both statements need to focus on different cultural groups.  Both topic ideas need to address a DIFFERENT […]

Short Essay 1: Template Total word length of this completed document: approximately 1,200+ words Do double-space & do use the sub-headings, which are in bold. Do use bullet points as directed. P

Short Essay 1: Template Total word length of this completed document: approximately 1,200+ words Do double-space & do use the sub-headings, which are in bold. Do use bullet points as directed. Problem Statement and Reflection on Its Importance Then, write 1- 2 paragraphs answering:  “What are some ways to use dance therapy’s positive effects to help people of all […]

Next, answer these questions using information in the case study provided: 1. Why was government, at all levels, unsuccessful in responding to Hurricane Katrina? 2. Why was Wal-Mart successful in res

Next, answer these questions using information in the case study provided:  1. Why was government, at all levels, unsuccessful in responding to Hurricane Katrina? 2. Why was Wal-Mart successful in responding to Hurricane Katrina? 3. Identify three concepts/sentences from either the Sensemaking portion of our textbook (pgs. 94-98) and/or from my lecture/PowerPoint to explain the successes […]

Madonna’ s Erotica album Part I: Your task is to identify, describe and evaluate the significant rhetorical strategies from The list of Redding and Steele American values. These should be represente

Madonna’ s Erotica album Part I: Your task is to identify, describe and evaluate the significant rhetorical strategies from The list of Redding and Steele American values. These should be represented by the aural and/or visual elements of the artifact. For any strategy you identify, you should include specific examples of images /action / language, […]

For this assignment, you will write an Essay at least two full pages (600 words). Please follow basic essay writting guidelines (have an introduction with a thesis statement, clear paragraphs that ea

For this assignment, you will write an Essay at least two full pages (600 words).  Please follow basic essay writting guidelines (have an introduction with a thesis statement, clear paragraphs that each focus on a specific main points, and a summary conclusion).  You are not required to do outside research for the Essay, but it […]

ARTIFACT ANALYSIS (Madonna’s Erotica) For this third and final paper you are to analyze the artifact identified in your previous paper. The paper should be organized as follows: Part I: This part of

ARTIFACT ANALYSIS (Madonna’s Erotica) For this third and final paper you are to analyze the artifact identified in your previous paper. The paper should be organized as follows:  Part I: This part of your paper should present a brief introduction of the artifact under investigation. This introduction should not exceed one paragraph. A preview of […]

In order to illustrate Cultural Dimension concepts you will watch the film OUTSOURCED (2006). In the Midterm Exam, you will be asked to refer to details from the film and show how they display specif

In order to illustrate Cultural Dimension concepts you will watch the film OUTSOURCED (2006).  In the Midterm Exam, you will be asked to refer to details from the film and show how they display specific cultural dimensions of India and the U.S.   OUTSOURCED is about an American man whose job has been moved (or “outsourced”) […]

Stephen Johnsons “the Sleeper Curve” Watching TV Makes You Smarter – The New York Times ( After reading about Stephen Johnson’s idea of “the Sleeper Curve,” please answer the following que

Stephen Johnsons “the Sleeper Curve” Watching TV Makes You Smarter – The New York Times ( After reading about Stephen Johnson’s idea of “the Sleeper Curve,” please answer the following questions in 2-3 paragraphs:1.) Do you accept or reject Johnson’s Sleeper Curve argument that certain TV programs are intellectually demanding and are actually making us smarter? 2.) […]

Madonna For this paper, you are asked to conduct preliminary research into the “art” created by “the artist” you profiled in your first paper. You must focus your attention on a single artifact, the a

Madonna For this paper, you are asked to conduct preliminary research into the “art” created by “the artist” you profiled in your first paper. You must focus your attention on a single artifact, the artifact you plan to analyze in your third paper. You must select one film / book / recording (song or album) […]

Read the case study below. Identify all of the stakeholders that got involved in the Washington Football Team’s decision to ultimately change their mascot and name. For each stakeholder, discuss how m

Read the case study below. Identify all of the stakeholders that got involved in the Washington Football Team’s decision to ultimately change their mascot and name. For each stakeholder, discuss how much the stakeholder possesses power, legitimacy, and urgency. Please do this from the perspective of the football team not how you felt about them. Think of it […]

Read the book”Talking to Strangers” By Malcolm Gladwell In this book summary, you have the obligation to show the perspective of the book, along with your personal take as it supports the point of t

Read the book”Talking to Strangers” By Malcolm Gladwell In this book summary, you have the obligation to show the perspective of the book, along with your personal take as it supports the point of the author.  I could, for example, disagree with the writer, and if I do, I need to explain why along with […]

Presentation Requirements: 150 points possible.Due by February 16.6-10 Minutes LongAt least 4 outside sources (beyond the book and in addition to online sources provided) required. Textbook and resou

Presentation Requirements: 150 points possible. Due by February 16. 6-10 Minutes Long At least 4 outside sources (beyond the book and in addition to online sources provided) required.  Textbook and resources provided on Canvas DO NOT COUNT TOWARD YOUR 4 REQUIRED SOURCES Sources must be cited throughout the presentation For speech delivery, can use Note […]

Critical Writing Assignment: Write a 300-400 word analysis of one (only one) media-specific concept (not a theory/an account of things that makes use of particular concepts) from Chapters 1 to 3 of th

Critical Writing Assignment: Write a 300-400 word analysis of one (only one) media-specific concept (not a theory/an account of things that makes use of particular concepts) from Chapters 1 to 3 of the course textbook. Your submission needs to be written in standard essay form (no point form, use paragraphs, structure should be: thesis; development/body; […]

Critical Writing Assignment: Write a 300-400 word analysis of one (only one) media-specific concept (not a theory/an account of things that makes use of particular concepts) from Chapters 1 to 3 of th

Critical Writing Assignment: Write a 300-400 word analysis of one (only one) media-specific concept (not a theory/an account of things that makes use of particular concepts) from Chapters 1 to 3 of the course textbook. Your submission needs to be written in standard essay form (no point form, use paragraphs, structure should be: thesis; development/body; […]

· It should be 3 to 3 ½ pages, double-spaced, in Times New Roman font, following APA format for a paper (NO headers or footers). · It should include a list of sources cited in APA format. ·

·      It should be 3 to 3 ½ pages, double-spaced, in Times New Roman font, following APA format for a paper (NO headers or footers). ·      It should include a list of sources cited in APA format.  ·      This paper is worth 50 point of your final grade.  Choose a news story from any reputable English language newspaper, […]

For this assignment, you are being asked to read one book from the following 4 options: 1.- How to think like a Roman Emperor. By Donald J. Robertson 2.- Atomic Habits. By James Clear 3.- Outliers. By

For this assignment, you are being asked to read one book from the following 4 options: 1.- How to think like a Roman Emperor. By Donald J. Robertson 2.- Atomic Habits. By James Clear 3.- Outliers. By Malcolm Gladwell 4.- Talking to Strangers. By Malcolm Gladwell In this book summary, you have the obligation to […]