WK4 Discussion

Please review the attachment for instructions     WK4 Discussion Instructions: RDBMS vs OODBMS and Cursors and Embedded SQL    250 words total, answer the questions below with 4 evidence base scholarly articles. APA format, due 15 Nov 24.  1. What are the main differences between designing a relational database and an object database. Illustrate […]


Gurda Patricia Gurda A smart city installs sensors to collect data that people and systems use to manage resources and improve city services. For example, a smart city might use technology to reduce energy consumption and pollution, ease traffic congestion, and attract investment. The goal is to provide a higher quality of life for citizens. […]


Capstone 2408906454 Design and Analysis of a Simple Computer System Objective: Students will design, simulate, and analyze the architecture of a simplified computer system, applying concepts from Stephen D. Burd’s materials such as the CPU, memory hierarchy, I/O, and instruction set architecture (ISA). Components: 1. System Design: . CPU Design: Create a simple CPU model […]


To complete this assignment, review the prompt and grading rubric in the Final Project Milestone Guidelines and Rubric. When you have finished your work, submit the assignment here for grading and instructor feedback.


To begin this assignment, review the prompt and grading rubric in the Module Five Short Response Guidelines and Rubric. You will be working through Breach Analysis Simulation Scenario Two PPT, or its text-based alternative PDF, which is an interactive scenario that you will use to address questions in the prompt. When you have finished your […]


Instructions Authentication and authorization are two distinct services that go hand in hand. Each plays a major role in the CIA triad. In your journal, write about authentication and authorization and the role each plays in protecting or compromising data. Your journal entry should be at least two paragraphs long. Submit your assignment here. For […]

STATA analysis

simple task in stata anaysis  Homework 5: Non-Linear Regression (Due: 8:50am CST, Nov 29, 2024) Let’s suppose you are interested in how life satisfaction is associated with internet use, age, gender, and marital status (i.e., married vs. non-married) for older adults (or how older adults’ internet use, age, gender, and marital status influence life satisfaction). […]

NURS FPX 4900 Assessment 1

   Overview of NURS FPX 4900 Assessment The NURS FPX 4900 assessment are fundamental to your development as a nursing leader, challenging you to integrate knowledge to tackle complex healthcare challenges. Starting with NURS FPX 4900 Assessment 1, each assessment evaluates your preparedness to thrive in the fast-paced nursing environment. Need online assignment help or […]


Need help with a question. Exam Content Security threats can cause significant damage to the finances and reputation of an organization. Most organizations are implementing proper network infrastructure and IT governance procedures to safeguard themselves from security threats. As you have seen in this week’s discussion, the functioning of a security operations center is essential […]

hw 5

please review the info below  Write a program named bank.java that allows you to set up checking accounts and loan accounts.  This file should include 3 classes: Customer, CheckingAccount, LoanAccount.  The CheckingAccount and LoanAccount classes inherit from the Customer class.  Create an ArrayList of 5 Checking Account customers and an ArrayList of 5 Loan Account […]


excel work Homework 5 need to be worked. Provide me the excel file with calculation. Week5 load approve is the file need to add a new sheet and work.  Question. Using data in excel sheet “data” in the attached Excel file “Week5-Loan_Approval”. Banks have to assess risk before approving loans by looking at many factors […]

Computer Science WK3 Assignment

Please review attachment for assignment. Use the PDF book provided to answer the questions listed below. This is not an essay. Do not answer the questions in an essay format. Keep the format the same and answer the questions from each chapter below. CH 8: The Relational Algebra and Relational Calculus #8.7 – How are […]

Computer Science WK3 Assignment

please review the attachment for assignment Use the PDF book provided to answer the questions listed below. This is not an essay. Do not answer the questions in an essay format. Keep the format the same and answer the questions from each chapter below. CH 8: The Relational Algebra and Relational Calculus #8.7 – How […]

WK 3 INFO620

Please review the attachment regarding the assignment.     WK3 Discussion Instructions: Relationships and Inheritance and EER Models   250 words total, answer the questions below with 4 evidence base scholarly articles. APA format, due 15 Nov 24.  1. Describe the mechanism of attribute/relationship inheritance. Why is it useful? 2. Discuss the options for mapping […]


Class work 1. Create Customers 1. Create the following table 2. Please ensure that any previous table is dropped first to prevent any conflicts 3. Submit a screenshot of the table created as evidence of the customers table. DROP TABLE CUSTOMERS; CREATE TABLE CUSTOMERS (    CST_NUM             CHAR(4),    CST_NME_LST VARCHAR2(20),    CST_NME_FST VARCHAR2(20),    CST_EML      VARCHAR2(25),    CST_ADR      VARCHAR2(25),    CST_CTY   VARCHAR2(20),    CST_ST    CHAR(2),    CST_ZIP   CHAR(5),    CST_REF   NUMBER(4),    CST_REG   CHAR(2)   […]

week5-Risk mgmt

  Homework5.doc need to answer and provide the excel file as well for each track. Prof need the excel file also. 


Shelly Cashman Excel 365/2021 | Module 1: SAM Project 1b Shelly Cashman Excel 365/2021 | Module 1: SAM Project 1b 2 Diaz Marketing COMPLETE A BUDGET SUMMARY WORKSHEET GETTING STARTED Save the file SC_EX365_2021_1b_ FirstLastName_1.xlsx as SC_EX365_2021_1b_ FirstLastName_2.xlsx Edit the file name by changing “1” to “2”. If you do not see the .xlsx file […]

lab 3

Shelly Cashman Excel 365/2021 | Module 2: SAM Project 1b Shelly Cashman Excel 365/2021 | Module 2: SAM Project 1b 2 Edgerton-Norris Format Worksheets GETTING STARTED Save the file SC_EX365_2021_2b_ FirstLastName_1.xlsx as SC_EX365_2021_2b_ FirstLastName_2.xlsx Edit the file name by changing “1” to “2”. If you do not see the .xlsx file extension, do not type […]

lab 2

Shelly Cashman Excel 365/2021 | Module 2: SAM Project 1a Shelly Cashman Excel 365/2021 | Module 2: SAM Project 1a 2 Roadrunner Online Format Worksheets GETTING STARTED Save the file SC_EX365_2021_2a_ FirstLastName_1.xlsx as SC_EX365_2021_2a_ FirstLastName_2.xlsx Edit the file name by changing “1” to “2”. If you do not see the .xlsx file extension, do not […]

financial acct

 For this discussion, describe your potential method of providing financial accountability for your consulting practice. What avenues are you likely to use to provide financials? Do you anticipate outside clients or vendors requiring your financial information? What ethical or legal issues may be present? 


Cybersecurity risk management plays a critical role in safeguarding organizations. Every organization is different, making it imperative that each identifies its own biggest risks and then quantifies and prioritizes these risks to make the biggest impact regarding protecting its assets. In your journal, write about cybersecurity risk management strategy. Your journal entry should be two […]

Stepping stone

To complete this assignment, review the prompt and grading rubric in the Module Four Stepping Stone Two Guidelines and Rubric. When you have finished your work, submit the assignment here for grading and instructor feedback.

Sales Rep

See attached from openpyxl import load_workbook # Open the SalesData spreadsheet workbook = load_workbook(“SalesData.xlsx”) sheet = workbook.active # Grab columns A (Date), C (Rep), and G (Total Sales), except title row gridData = sheet.iter_rows(min_row=2, min_col=1, max_col=7, values_only=True) # Convert that data into a list, filtering out non-numeric sales values salesList = [] salesDetails = [] […]

ethical standards

 INSTRUCTIONS!! Discuss ethical concerns you see in your project. How will you address or prevent them? IN THE FILE IS WEEK 5 ASSIGNMENT THE MAIN FOCUS IN PREVIOUS WORK WAS CYBERSECURITY GOVERNANCE 

Computer science

Hi, who can solve this four points (a, b, c, d) should come with separate answers and their respective truth tables and karnaugh maps 🙂 The DigitalWorks program is really basic, but it is necessary to use it


  it is clear that “Attitude” is a choice. Be creative in your answer!  What responsibility do we have to ourselves and others in the workplace to ensure that our attitude and values have a positive and empowering effect in our personal and professional lives? 

computer architecture

Hello,  anyone able to resolve these issues? Work the to develop Implementation of one System of Recognition Facial in Digital Works The aim is to implement a simplified digital facial recognition system, with basis in standards binaries of features facial, divided in 4 paragraphs, each one worth 1 value. The digital facial recognition system works […]


Need help with a question. Risk mitigation strategies will provide the backdrop for cybersecurity execution processes. You have analyzed how vulnerability management programs protect organizations. Create a 2- to 3-page Risk Analysis Report using Microsoft® Word detailing the following: · Summarize incident response plans for 2 attack scenarios. · Assess the ethical implications of these […]


PLEASE REVIEW THE INFO BELOW  Upload the .java source code file AND DON’T ZIP FILES AS I HAVE SEEN MANY STUDENT DID IT IN THEIR PREVIOUS ASSIGNMENT. In a single file named game.java, create an Enemy class, Player class, and gameObject class.  The Enemy and Player (sub) classes should inherit from the gameObject (super) class.  […]

Project 2

Follow the attach instructions and complete the work. Very Important: make sure it Align with the Rubric demand Project #2: Security Strategy for Sifers-Grayson Top of Form Instructions Download the attached  detailed assignment description for this project. You should also review the rubric shown below for additional information about the requirements for the project and how […]

Discussion 7 Why does Sifers – Grayson Need an interprise

  Nofsinger Consulting has recommended that Sifers-Grayson invest in an Enterprise Architecture tool to help it document the assets, processes, and network infrastructure that comprise its information enterprise. Based upon past experience with such recommendations, the Nofsinger team knows that it must be prepared for debate amongst the client’s managers and executives as to the […]

computer org

Review Questions: 1-14 Problems and Exercises: 1-3 Research Problems: 2

Computer Science INFO620 WK 2 ASSIGNMENT

Please review attachments for instructions. Use the PDF book provided to answer the questions listed below. This is not an essay. Do not answer the questions in an essay format. Keep the format the same and use the exact template below to answer the questions. CH 5: The Relational Data Model and Relational Database Concepts: […]

INFO620 WK 2 Discussion

please reveiw the attachment for instructions.     W1 Discussion Instructions: SQL and Join   In 250 word, answer the questions below with 4 evidence base scholarly articles. APA format, due 15 Nov 24.  1. Describe conceptually how an SQL retrieval query will be executed by specifying the conceptual order of executing each of the […]

Stepping stone

To complete this assignment, review the prompt and grading rubric in the Module Three Stepping Stone One Guidelines and Rubric. When you have finished your work, submit the assignment here for grading and instructor feedback.


Cryptography is a key component of cybersecurity. Encryption supports cybersecurity by concealing data to prevent unauthorized access. In your journal, write about the foundational components of encryption and concepts of plain and cipher text. Explain what a secret key is, and describe how many of these symmetric keys are used in encryption. Then compare and […]

wk 6 lit review

  CHOOSE ONE OF THESE TO DISCUSS, IN THE FILES BELOW IS THE LITERATURE REVIEW ACTION PLAN TO HELP WITH THIS ASSIGNMENT. This week you looked at how to conduct an effective literature review and created an action plan to help you begin that work. Choose one of the following for your initial post: Share how […]

Part B

Follow the attach instructions to complete this work. Completion of Part A Make sure it aligns with the rubric.  Section 1: Contact Information Name: John Doe Role: Incident Response Manager Organizational Unit and affiliation: Cybersecurity Department, Sifers-Grayson Email address: [email protected] Phone Number: (123) 456-7890 Location: 1234 Security Blvd, Cyber City, CA 90210 Section 2: Incident […]

LP math help

Need some help with Linear programming questions EN [email protected] ( Sign out) MNS407 Management Science, Fall 2024 407 Week 3: Quiz#3 (Quiz) INSTRUCTOR Vahid Keyhani National University, La Jolla CA Current Score QUESTION POINTS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 TOTAL SCORE –/10 0.0% SUN, NOV 17, 2024 11:59 PM […]

Linear Program help

Need help with this linear programming class im taking EN [email protected] ( Sign out) MNS407 Management Science, Fall 2024 407 Week 3: Homework#3 (Homework) INSTRUCTOR Vahid Keyhani National University, La Jolla CA Current Score QUESTION POINTS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 TOTAL SCORE –/8 0.0% SAT, NOV 16, 2024 11:59 PM PST Request […]

What is an addiction

2 Goodbye Letter to my Behavior: Caffeine Goodbye Letter to my Behavior: Caffeine Dear caffeine, I have relied on you for far too long. For the past 20 years, you were there for me in the morning, afternoon and evening. I thought I needed you to stay energized and alert. You were there to help […]

HW 3

PLEASE REVIEW THE INFORMATION BELOW  Submit the source code .java files on Ecampus under the “Submit Homework” menu option. 1. In a single file named shapes.java, write class definitions for a square based  Pyramid and a  Cone.  These classes should have a constructor to pass values for the class variables. Pyramid class variables:   Width,  Height Pyramid class […]


PLEASE REVIEW THE INFORMATION BELOW  HOMEWORK 1 Submit the source code .java file(s) on Ecampus under the “Submit Homework” menu option.  It’s o.k. to combine the three questions into one compilable java file.  Please do not zip the file(s) – you can upload multiple files in a single submission.   1. Create a program that prints […]

Mobile Planning App and Design

Create a PowerPoint presentation (10-15 slides) that includes the following: 1. Business requirements, including mobile app objectives and product vision statement. 2. Target audience and user journey. 3. List of features. 4. Monetization model. 5. Product and technical specification. 6. Platforms the app is being developed for. 7. Maintenance and upgrade requirements. 8. Dependencies, assumptions, […]


Capstone 2408906454 Design and Analysis of a Simple Computer System Objective: Students will design, simulate, and analyze the architecture of a simplified computer system, applying concepts from Stephen D. Burd’s materials such as the CPU, memory hierarchy, I/O, and instruction set architecture (ISA). Components: 1. System Design: . CPU Design: Create a simple CPU model […]


CPTR 494 final Project Part 1: Setting Up Wireshark and Initial Capture 1. Install Wireshark (if not already installed): Download and install Wireshark from Ensure that the user has appropriate privileges to capture network traffic (admin/root access may be required). 2. Start Wireshark: Open Wireshark. Select the network interface that you will capture from (e.g., […]


n this discussion, you will reflect on your course experience and think about industry certifications and what they can do for you. In your initial post, make sure that you address at least one reflection question, as well as the certification question. Course Reflection Questions: What is your the biggest course takeaway? What do you […]

How to get Net Beam services?

Netbeam offers a range of web development services tailored to boost online presence and brand recognition. They provide custom web development, front-end and back-end services, e-commerce platforms, and mobile-optimized solutions. Their expertise spans full-stack development, performance optimization, UX design, API development, and more. Netbeam also emphasizes ongoing customer support and cost-effective packages to suit various […]


See attachment below Write a Python program to calculate pay for multiple employees for an entire week.  First, ask the user to enter the number of employees. Then for each of those employees, ask how many hours he/she worked each of the last five days.  The pay rate is $15 for the first 40 hours worked […]