
  To start understanding organizational behavior inside your company or institution, you first need to see the connections between the various parts of the organization including the people and teams. This activity will help you organize this information, so you can delve deeper into your organizational culture for the summative assessment. Using the Organizational Culture […]

Education edu 522 week 8 assignment

 upload two lessons to the Canvas learning management system. Your goal is to create an interactive and engaging learning environment for students by providing well-structured lessons with additional resources and opportunities for interaction and discussion.    Use the how-to document linked above and the foundational concepts you developed in the Week 6 activity to complete […]

Culturally Responsive Instruction

All information is in attachments. Please follow closely.  5/20/24, 11:13 AM Page 1 of 3about:srcdoc Culturally Responsive Instruction – Rubric Total 255 points Criterion 1. Unsatisfactory 2. Less Than Satisfactory 3. Satisfactory 4. Good 5. Excellent Explanation of How You Will Integrate Culturally Responsive Instruction Into Your Teaching Practice An Explanation of How You Will […]

EDU 522 week 8 discussion

As eLearning continues to grow, it becomes increasingly important to determine whether classes or training are effective. How can we determine if eLearning classes are meeting their goals and have a positive return on investment (ROI)? Describe how you would develop an analytical approach to assess the class you are designing and ensure it is […]


Provide a response to each post below: Each response must be at 150 words. 1. Action research is a methodology that places a strong emphasis on working together to identify issues, create solutions, and carry out changes with participants (What Is Action Research, 2024). This image illustrates the iterative process of action research. It divides […]

week 3 discussion

Prepare: Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum: Read:  In Laubacher et al.’s (2023) An Introduction to Social Science: Individuals, Society, and Culture Chapter 5: Sociology Chapter 6: Anthropology and Human Geography Chapter 7: Psychology and the Behavioral Sciences

week 3 discussion

Prepare: Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum: Read:  In Laubacher et al.’s (2023) An Introduction to Social Science: Individuals, Society, and Culture Chapter 5: Sociology Chapter 6: Anthropology and Human Geography Chapter 7: Psychology and the Behavioral Sciences

Education Bibliography Assignment

ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS OVERVIEW For this assignment, you will create an annotated list of at least 10 resources (both Christian and secular) that you plan to use for your Research Paper Assignment later in the course. The resources must have been published within the last five years. These sources will also serve as the […]


please see attachment This assignment has two parts: 1. Identify and discuss the quality management objectives in a healthcare organization, including at least four (4) definitions of introductory quality management terms. 2. Identify and discuss how to apply systems thinking strategies to healthcare quality control and management processes. This is to be an APA paper […]


please see attachment please review the following list of potential problem/situations and choose one for your final assignment, Strategic HR Plan. You can write your paper as if you were employed at a Fortune 500 company, a current organization that is in the news, or a past or present employer. Below is the list of […]


please see atachment a) demonstrates proficiency in setting up an ethnographic research project; b) describes a strategic site for ethnographic research; and c) conducts ethnographic research (via observation only) and presents some preliminary findings. Your paper should utilize sound critical thought, refer to course materials, and be written in APA-format (to include a title page, […]

Research Outline

RESEARCH PAPER OUTLINE ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS OVERVIEW For this assignment, you will create a short, working, informal outline of how you plan to formulate your Research Paper Assignment. The outline should be a working outline meaning that it is a beginning point for your research paper. INSTRUCTIONS Access Jerry Falwell Library and search databases such as […]

quita week 2

please see attachment This assignment addresses course learning objective 1 – Identify the various segments of the hospitality industry, along with institutional learning objectives related to information literacy. For this assignment, you will be preparing an annotated bibliography that lists four different academic sources from the Trefry online library. The purpose of an annotated bibliography […]

Education Problem-Based Assignment

ASSIGNMENT Textbook: Stringer, E. T., & Aragón, O. A. (2020).  Action research (5th ed.). SAGE Publications, Inc. ISBN: 9781544355948. Read chapters 3, 4, & 5 Look, Think, Act Essay Write a 2000- word essay addressing each of the following points/questions. Be sure to completely answer all the questions for each bullet point. Separate each section in your paper […]

Athletics and the Law

After reading the attachment.  Name your firm and create a brief introduction to it which would appear in the About Us section of your company website. Create a SWOT analysis of the Dolphins’ athletic department. Prepare an assessment for presentation to the board of directors that covers the following laws: ADA Title VII Title IX […]

respond to discussion 2MR

Jennifer Cohen Module 2 Respond to each one Situation             Many years ago, I had a group of students who were predicted to fail, and they needed intervention. They were group of first graders that were on a beginning kindergarten level. The whole group was the lowest of the first-grade classes. I decided to come in […]

Discussion Question

TEXTBOOK: Stringer, E. T., & Aragón, O. A. (2020). Action research (5th ed.). SAGE Publications, Inc. ISBN: 9781544355948. Read chapters 3, 4, & 5. Discussion Question: Must be at least 250 words. Review various visuals describing the Action Research models and select one that best exhibits your own understanding of the AR process. Copy and paste your selected […]


 Fully describe and identify the significance of the Neolithic Revolution. 


I need this done in two days. Who can help me? This file is too large to display.View in new window

Developmental disabilities

  Review the article below. Discuss the influence of protective and risk factors on peer interactions among individuals with Down syndrome. You must reference the reference within the narrative response as well as at the bottom of the response.  Guralnick, M.J., Connor, R.T., & Johnson, L.C. (2011). Peer-related social competence of young children with Down […]

EDLC 571

  Interdisciplinary Instructional Planning Project Elizabeth G. Smoak School of Education, Liberty Universi

Brain Attention

I need help Imagine you have been asked by your school principal to develop a video on your research on healthy brain development in school-aged children that can be used by your colleagues at your school. Develop a 3-minute video that explains healthy brain development for your peers. Include the following in your video: · […]


  Please answer each question in complete paragraph. Do not repeat the questions. All answers should be followed by a reference    


  This week, we will be analyzing social media posts. For those of you who do not typically use social media feel free to view videos on YouTube that are entertaining and informative. One of each. Everyone else, please use your favorite forms of social media to find intriguing videos. One of them must be […]


  It is often stated that HR deals with the problem not the cause of the problem – please explain why this may or may not be true. 1. What  is the difference between a person doing the daily operations of a  human resource function versus the role of a strategic human resource  partner? At what […]

Education need help with homework

Need help with homework Requires Lopeswrite Assessment Description A student notifies you that she has been subjected to bullying through a classmate’s Facebook page. Write an essay of 500-750 words in which you address the following: 1. Provide the steps you are required to take that are consistent with state statutes, your district’s school board […]

research checkpoint

  Week 2 Research Checkpoint [WLOs: 1, 2, 3, and 4] [CLOs: 2, 3, 4, and 5] As was laid out in the Week 1 and Week 2 lessons and the Week 1 Discussion, you will be working on your final assignment throughout the course. In Weeks 2 and 4, you will keep your instructor […]

Standards of Quality

Who finish this in 2 days? This file is too large to display.View in new window

Education assignment 1 trend edu

The topic must be related to trends/current events impacting education or human services organizations. Submit a problem for your topic by addressing the specific criteria listed below. · Begin by setting up your paper in  APA format. Be sure to use a  heading for each of the sections in the assignment. Your submission should include: (Part A) […]

Education Individual Human Development Theories homework

I need help eview the following videos from the University Library Resources: · “Child Development Theorists: Freud to Erikson to Spock…and Beyond” · “Early Childhood Education” Consider the progression of the major human developmental theories and theorists. Imagine you have been asked by the principal in your school to share the research you completed during […]

Education Assignment 2MR

Assignment 2 – Leadership Styles and Ethics (15%) (Objective 2) Research and review scholarly sources, using the NSU online library system to identify leadership styles and leadership models. Complete your review by selecting one leadership style and one leadership model that considers Covey’s (1991) characteristics of a Principle-Centered Leader. Objectives 1. Summarize the description of a […]


DISCUSSION ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS Directions: Discussions are collaborative learning experiences. Therefore, you must provide a thread in response to the provided topic for each forum. Each thread must be at least 500 words and include a citation and reference in current APA format. Please address the discussion below: Souto-Manning and Martell (2017) write, “There is a […]

HP111 Healthcare

  There are different answers to the question of what makes a healthcare system good. It likely depends upon one’s point of view. However, the World Health Organization (WHO), one of the major organizations in the world has established a well-accepted list of six major areas, so let’s begin here. U. S. Health Care System […]

Structured Lit Lesson Plan

Help!!! CityUniversity of Seattle Teacher Certification Programs Lesson Plan Teacher Candidate: Date Taught: Grade/Subject:: Lesson Focus Standard(s) Addressed: Learning Target for this Lesson: Common Errors/Anticipated Misconceptions/Learning Progressions (What are common errors that students make? What are common misunderstandings? What might you need to consider in terms of setting students up for success with future skills […]

Cyberbullying and Sexting in schools

Help with homework Assignment Outline: Cyberbullying and Sexting in Schools Court Cases and Research Summarize (with citation) Describe Impact Rights and Responsibilities of Stakeholders Student/ Family 1. Right 2. Responsibility *Make sure you connect to a specific law or policy and cite Teacher/ Staff Student/ Family 1. Right 2. Responsibility *Make sure you connect to […]

question assigment

Portfolio: Upon completion of your Practicum course, you will submit a Portfolio as a final course project.  The Touro Culminating Achievements Portfolio (TCAP) is  an outcomes-based assessment  designed for Touro University teacher candidates to demonstrate their effectiveness as  professional educators. The Candidate Learning Outcomes (CLO) rubric guides the TCAP,  and as such, candidates are required […]

Creating Effective Presentations for Adult Learners

  Creating and delivering effective presentations for adult learners means providing engaging and relevant instruction for the context. When planning effective professional development sessions, facilitators must consider best practices, andragogical principles, and biases held by themselves and their audience. Include the following: Overview of andragogy, including Malcolm Knowles’ five assumptions about the characteristics of adult […]

Edu 522 week 7 discussion

In evaluations of online classes, learners often cite a lack of support as a significant deficiency. Outline your ideal support system for ensuring that learners who need extra help or have questions receive the assistance they deserve as they progress through the material.

Education Assignment 1 AM

Week 1: Identify articles & use APA referencing Identify and cite 3 articles that you will be using in Assignment 1. Need this ASAP · Remember to use APA formatting. · Provide an overview of each reference cited. Example: # 1 Van de Walle, J., Lovin, L., Karp, K., & Bay-Williams, J. (2018).  Teaching Student-Centered […]


Due 5/14/2024 (1 reference/intext citation) This is an initial writing assignment. For this assignment you will state and support your personal philosophy of instructional design that is based on your understanding of learning, instruction and design models and theories. This paper will be one page, single spaced and will be the foundation of your future […]

Field Project 1: School as a Social System

 evidence that your school is a social system, using the eleven assumptions as a framework.  Then, describe how viewing a school as a social system helps inform the work of a principal. Be sure to address the following areas: decision making, communicating, and leadership (e.g., curricular, instruction, strategic). 

discussion 2 CIMA

Module 2 Discussion: Self-Reporting Leadership Assessment Instructions  · Choose 1 of 3 Self-Reporting Leadership Assessments (e.g., Ethical Leadership, Authentic Leadership, General Leadership) that are provided in the Module 2: Self-Reporting Instrument Folder. · Complete the Assessment. · Use the results or insights obtained from your assessment activity to respond to the Module 2 Discussion questions (see […]

Research in Action

Assignment: Problem-Based Action Research Model  Essay Write a 2250-essay addressing each of the following points/questions. Be sure to completely answer all the questions for each bullet point. Separate each section in your paper with a clear heading that allows your professor to know which bullet you are addressing in that section of your paper. Support […]


Provide a response to each post below: Each response must be at 150 words. 1. As a counselor in the Midwest, I encountered a troubling situation involving a student who confided in me about inappropriate contact with the basketball coach. The student, who appeared mature for her age, disclosed specific incidents, and mentioned her mother’s […]

question assigment

INSTRUCTION : TCAP #5: Reflection on Professional Feedback & #6: Professional Development and Ethical Leadership Plan This assessment is specifically designed to further your reflexive praxis on the impact your coursework is having on your professional practice; and to help you establish measurable learning and professional development goals for your future growth as a teacher. In addition, […]


CLASSMATE 1 BAYCAT’s Hybrid Nonprofit Model and Future Sustainability Hybrid nonprofits can be proactive and transparent in story-telling by communicating their positive social impact through their work, successes, and measured effects. They can use different communication channels, including annual reports, social media campaigns, case studies, and multimedia content, to show the hybrid model with which […]

Interdiscplinary Approaches

What strategies for integration (redefinition, organization, theory extension, transformation) can you use to strengthen your work?