
Thank you for submitting your application for the position of Assistant Recreation Center Supervisor.  You have been selected to participate in the initial round of FCPR’s interview process.  As a requirement to continue through the interview process, please complete the assignment below.  Candidates will then be selected for an in-person interview based upon the work […]

education social

Writing Assignment 1 Ash Technology in Education: If you learned about integrating  technology into teaching, you might talk about how you plan to use online tools or digital resources to enhance learning, like using educational apps, flipped classrooms, or collaborative tools like Google Classroom. Finally, conclude a full 2-page paper by reflecting on the knowledge […]

assitant needed s

please see attachment Please post your response to the question below in the appropriate Discussion Forum by the due date listed in your Course Schedule. Then, interact by replying to the posts of your classmates throughout the week. Ensure your initial post and replies demonstrate your understanding of the assigned material, reflect significant thought, and […]


networking Overview: Networking is an essential skill for professional development, and building a strong network takes time and strategic effort. For this assignment, you will create a detailed, personalized networking plan for the next 6 months. This plan will outline how you intend to connect with professionals in your field, grow and maintain those relationships, […]

Assessment for Young Children

Competency Discussion Answer: Identifying the application of observation and assessment in early childhood education is vital in helping every child develop and enhance at his or her own rate. As it is not an equalized learning, educators must adopt effective modes of assessment and screening to determine the strengths of the children, development, and where […]

week 5 discussion

  Quality Rating and Improvement Systems  We all agree that educational programs need to adhere to standards. Because state standards are so diverse across the United States, the early childhood field is moving towards developing state-specific rating systems. These systems, known as quality rating and improvement systems (QRIS) will monitor quality across all the early […]

week 5 discussion

  Quality Rating and Improvement Systems  We all agree that educational programs need to adhere to standards. Because state standards are so diverse across the United States, the early childhood field is moving towards developing state-specific rating systems. These systems, known as quality rating and improvement systems (QRIS) will monitor quality across all the early […]


please see attachment Unit Scaffolding Outline (100 Points) Develop a unit outline for a standard based instructional UNIT that scaffolds and builds on complexity according to Blooms Taxonomy. Be sure to select an applicable North Carolina Essential Standard or Common Core Standard that is representative of a “Unit” and has subsequent subsections or clarifying standards […]


 Choose  a specific grade level k-6 and answer the following questions. What  should be the criteria for organizing students into groups? How long  should an established group remain intact? What information should be  used to determine reorganizing groups? When groups are reorganized, how  extensive should that reorganization be? At what level within the  organization should […]


Skeletal or ready to run? You have contemplated in your Learning Journal how reflection, professional development, and feedback are provided in your setting, and how you could help provide that type of support. The next step is to assess and analyze how many of the processes you’ve read about are already in place in your […]

Discussion 8 movie

 Discuss the similarities and differences between Parasite and the film you selected in Discussion one, utilizing the skills and knowledge you have learned throughout this course.   one should be able  to: Demonstrate new skills at analyzing films.  Summarize the moving parts of a film: the screenplay, sound design, editing, acting, and directing all play unique […]

Discussion 7 movie

Follow the attach instruction to complete this work. Discussion, you will need to watch two films:  Lady Bird (Greta Gerwig. 2017) and a film of your choice from the provided list.   Film One Lady Bird (Greta Gerwig. 2017)  Greta Gerwig’s  Lady Bird is a coming-of-age story superbly directed and edited.  Gerwig’s debut as a director shows […]

Discussion 6 movie

Follow the attach instruction to complete this work. Discussion, you will need to watch two films:  Nomadland (Chloé Zhao.  2020) and a film of your choice from the provided list. Film One Nomadland (Chloé Zhao.  2020)  Frances McDormand is one of America’s most acclaimed actors.  Over a 4-decade career, she has created numerous characters, mainly in independent […]

Discussion 5 movie

Follow the attach instruction to complete this work. Discussion, you will need to watch two films:  The Grand Budapest Hotel and a film of your choice from the provided list. Film One The Grand Budapest Hotel (Wes Anderson. 2014)  Wes Anderson is known for his unique style and look.  His compositions and mise-en-scene set him apart and […]

Discussion movie

Follow the attach instructions to complete this work. Discussion, you will need to watch two films:  Baby Driver (Edgar Wright. 2017) and a film of your choice from the provided list. Film One: Baby Driver (Edgar Wright. 2017) Edgar Wright’s film is a romantic musical disguised as a heist film. The plot is reminiscent of the film […]

Discussion 3 movie

Follow the attach instructions to complete this work.  Discussion, you will need to watch two films:  Pan’s Labyrinth (Guillermo del Toro. 2006) and a film of your choice from the provided list. Film One: Pan’s Labyrinth (Guillermo del Toro. 2006) Pan’s Labyrinth concerns a young girl coming of age during the Spanish Civil War. It is a dark […]

Discussion 2 movie

Follow the attach instruction to complete the work.  Discussion, you will need to watch two films:  Moonlight (Barry Jenkins. 2016)  and a film of your choice from the provided list. Film One: Moonlight (Barry Jenkins. 2016) Moonlight is a classic example of a character study. In  Moonlight, Barry Jenkins and Tarell Alvin McCraney (based on McCraney’s unpublished play), […]

Discussion 1 movie

follow the attach instructions to complete this work. Discussion, you will need to watch two films:  BlackKklansman (Spike Lee. 2018) and a film of your choice from the provided list. Film One: BlackKklansman (Spike Lee. 2018) Certain filmmakers have managed to make films both entertaining and thoughtful. Many of these films have become classic cinema and their […]

509-S1- Leadership vs Management and reframing organization

  Why do people tend to view the world from a single perspective? How does viewing the world from a single perspective limit our understanding of situations? What are the benefits of reframing? Bolman, L. G., & Deal, T. E. (2017). Chapter 1: Making sense of organizations. Reframing organizations: Artistry, choice, and leadership (6 ed.). […]


Essay application · Doctorate of Education Concentration in Curriculum and Instruction program · Copy of Statement of Purpose – Describe the steps you will take to ensure successful completion in the Doctorate program. (500-1000 words)  Instructions for Statement of Purpose · Be sure to include your applied program ( Doctorate of Education Concentration in Curriculum and […]

Education edu 510 week 10 assignment

refer to attached document  Overview For this assignment, you will improve the content of the Part 2 assessment (part 2 assessment attached) plan by adding details to the formative and summative assessments: adding two more assessment techniques that can be applied to the unit or module: and adding 10 assessment questions that incorporate five techniques […]

OSH Journal

Please view attachment Choose an operation for a workplace where you once worked or with which you are familiar where either chemical hazards or noise exposures were present. If you have never worked in a location where chemical hazards or noise are present, read about some examples on OSHA’s website, and choose one that interests […]

human services

APA – 5 pages Required text book Rothman, J. C. (2011). From the front lines: Student cases in social work ethics. Boston: Allyn & Bacon. (please let me know if you can access this book) The purpose of this assignment is your you to carefully think about and write about the ethical considerations of a […]


Lesson_2/Section_1/reading_assignment_core_1.html Microsoft Word Graded Project Your project must be submitted as a Word document (.docx, .doc). Your project will be individually graded by your instructor and therefore may take up to seven days to grade. To submit your graded project, proceed to the Graded Assignment page in the course. Follow the instructions provided to upload […]


EDUC 730 Instructional Video Project Template Value of Instruction For this assignment, you were to create an instructional video you will USE, and that will make the time spent valuable for you and your learners now and in the future. In this section, describe in a single paragraph the instructional video and your choice to […]


  Please answer each question in complete paragraph. Do not repeat the questions. All answers should be followed by a reference    


  Topic.    The Impact of Social Media on Adolescent Mental Health   A literature review is a descriptive summary of research on a topic  that has previously been studied. The purpose of a literature review is  to inform readers of the significant knowledge and ideas that have been  established on a topic. Its purpose […]

u edwards

  In  this discussion forum, you are going to research current topics related  to international business and one of the following disciplines:  marketing, finance, accounting, or management. You will utilize one of these journals to conduct your search: Journal of International Marketing Journal of International Management International Finance  The International Journal of Accounting  The video […]


  Topic.   The Mental Health Crisis in Public Education    A literature review is a descriptive summary of research on a topic  that has previously been studied. The purpose of a literature review is  to inform readers of the significant knowledge and ideas that have been  established on a topic. Its purpose is to […]


 Money,  power, and respect are traits that many in US society work towards  obtaining. Social mobility is the movement of individuals from one  social position to another.   describes  what traits are required for you to obtain social mobility in your  life. Explain the roles of your education, the status of your family,  and the amount […]


Tpoic.  The Impact of AI on Mental Health Treatment A literature review is a descriptive summary of research on a topic  that has previously been studied. The purpose of a literature review is  to inform readers of the significant knowledge and ideas that have been  established on a topic. Its purpose is to compare, contrast […]

des midterm

please see attachment First paper 3=4 pages and if it is 3pages it must be 3 full pages. The paper must be about Home Topics Southern Gothic characteristics How the past impacts the present Black veteran Depictions of racism Black women and the medical community Facing the truth Community Trauma You must use one outside […]


  1. What was so revolutionary about the Industrial Revolution? 2. In what ways did the Industrial Revolution shape and indeed transform British society? 3. How did industrialization differ in the United States and Russia?  (which one was more advanced industrially–how and why?) 4. How was Latin America linked to the global economy of the […]

SOP Rewrite

Please help me with the sop As per Instructions document, please rewrite Statementofpurpose document Instructions: · I need my Statement of Purpose (SOP) for a dental school application to be refined while keeping the highlighted text intact. The SOP should feel like a realistic life story that flows naturally, incorporating all the key points mentioned. […]

ICL 7503: Reading Response 3

 Readings: Brahier (pp. 230-244); Progressions (The Number System, 6-8; High School, Number) – located in module content  Reading Response 3:  Respond to the following questions.  1. Which of the Number Sense activities on pp. 239-243 would you use in instruction? Why? 2. From “The Common Core State Standards in mathematics were built on progressions: narrative documents […]



week 4 discussion

  Immigrant Children and Families [WLO: 1] [CLO: 4] Supporting the various backgrounds, personalities, strengths, values, and experiences of the families and children we work with is one of the most important responsibilities as early childhood professionals. One of the diverse backgrounds that you will likely encounter in our work is with immigrant children and […]


Competency In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competencies: · Craft a communication strategy for internal and external audiences · Leverage internal and external intelligence to inform decision making · Develop an adaptable leadership mindset and skill set Scenario You work as a director of leadership and learning for an organization […]

Social Identities help

IDS 105 Module One Journal Guidelines and Rubric Overview Every person has their own personal identity, which is a combination of one’s social identities. In this module, you and your peers explored your own identities. In this assignment, you will explore your identities further and examine how implicit or unconscious bias shows up in your […]


Overview of Summative: Reflecting on the recommendations provided in the text and other resources you have reviewed thus far, consider what actions you would take to both support the teacher’s improvement and encourage self-motivation. You should have at least two potential plans for supporting their improvement and self-motivation, so four potential plans in total. After […]

Edu week 9 activity

refer to attached document  The journal entry is a place for you to reflect on your experience in the class as you continue to not only learn but also apply your understanding of creating and writing an effective Assessment Plan. For your second journal entry, consider the following: · After reading Chapter 16 (chapter 16 […]

Industrial Hygiene

Please view attachment Outside sources are not required; however, when directly quoted or paraphrased works of others are used in any manner, the writer is obligated to properly cite the source of the original narrative. Question 1 25 Points A plant has an operation that produces automotive headliners in a press. The process uses a […]

Edu week 9 discussion

refers to attached document  Review the assessment plan you created for the Week 6 assignment (refer to the attached document) and create six assessment questions that demonstrate the use of three assessment techniques. There should be two questions for each technique (Example: 2 multiple choice questions, 2 True or False, 2 Fill in the Blanks, […]

Environmental Technology

Please view attachments This assignment measures your mastery of CLOs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7. It may be beneficial to review the Unit VIII lesson before completing this assignment. In this unit, we summarized all of the concepts you learned throughout the course, tying everything together. For this assignment, you will write […]


  q1  Students will identify the cultures and societies (plural) of East Asia  q2  Students will assess the role of foreign intervention in the making of modern Haiti Students will evaluate the role of creolization/hybridity in the making of Haitian society and culture q3  Students will assess the relationship between Europe and the world  q4  Students will assess the […]


  q1  Natadecha-Sponsel  talks about, in “Individualism as an American Cultural Value,” the role  of communalism (e.g. focus on the group/community) as opposed to  individualism. What do you see as the role of these two values in East  Asia? And how do they compare to at least one of the other societies  that we’ve talked […]

child development

Assignment 1 ( 1page) In your essay, please be sure to respond to the following guiding questions: 1. Which tutorial did you complete? ( I completed Workshop 4 Cite sources with APA – Transcript attached) 2. What did you learn from this tutorial that you can apply in your coursework? 3. What personal academic goals […]

Powerpoint portfolio

Hello! I need help finishing this assignment.  Early Childhood Content Portfolio Use the Early Childhood Content Portfolio Template to create a PowerPoint Presentation consisting of about 30–36 slides. For each content area, include the following: Key Professional Organization (1–2 slides as needed) Describe one key organization that supports P-12 educators in teaching the content area. […]


q1  Define and discuss the term “ethics” from your own perspective but while also using literature to inform your view.  q2  How would you best explain the role of leadership within criminal justice organizations as it relates to misconduct?   q3  Given the reading and your research, what are the main concerns with police use […]

question assigment

640 Module 2 Reflection State standards provide a common framework for educators to align their instructional goals, while High-Leverage Practices (HLPs) emphasize collaboration as a critical component for effective special education Links to an external site. Links to an external site.. By working together to unpack and interpret state standards, teachers can leverage their collective expertise […]