Can you answer this question ?

By now you should be thinking ahead to how this course will be useful to you, whether that is in upcoming doctoral coursework, publishing articles, or using what you have learned to be better in your chosen field. Summarize the information you have learned in this course that you believe will be particularly useful for […]

Peer Responses needed WEEK 2

  I need someone to provide peer responses to these two attached posts.   You should respond to at least two peers by extending, refuting/correcting, or adding additional nuance to their posts. Must use in-text citation

Module 1

  A teacher can be a stronger influence in the achievement of students than poverty, language background, and minority status. Do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your response. 2. What is the culture you were brought up in? How does this influence what you believe today? How much experience have you had with […]

Greg powerpoint

please see attachment Your final project is a culmination of activities you have been working on during class. The main objective of this final assignment is to teach what you have learned about the Hospitality Management industry – specifically careers available, skills and knowledge necessary, and how to identify issues that are affecting the industry. […]

Edu 512 week 1 discussion

Discuss two ways that societal incidents of the past 10 years have impacted student acquisition of knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed to function in current home and school settings. Support your points with at least one piece of scholarly research.

Discussion W2

Discussion Assignment Two During this course, you will participate in six graded Discussions. Discussions give you an opportunity to reflect upon, process, and elaborate on the Learn section material. A thread addressing the discussion prompt (at least 400 words). Each thread must contain at least two peer-reviewed references, one Scripture reference, and must be at […]


EDUC 872 CURRICULUM PLAN CRITIQUE ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS OVERVIEW The purpose of this assignment is for you to critique a curriculum plan based upon what you have learned in this course by describing the strengths or weaknesses of the curriculum plan. You will evaluate and critique one curriculum plan three separate times using three different articles […]

Can you answer this question ?

The research topic is Incorporating Social Emotional Learning (SEL) and Biblical Worldview in Christian Schools and follow the advanced side of the grading rubric  

Discussion 8

EDUC 735 DISCUSSION ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS Discussions are collaborative learning experiences. Therefore, you must provide a thread in response to the provided topic for each forum. Each discussion thread must be at least 500 words and include a citation and reference in current APA format. Discussion Prompt: In the Bialka (2016) article from this week’s reading, […]

English Learners

Imagine you are on a district English learner (EL) committee tasked with creating materials for a session to provide teachers with background concerning laws or court decisions that have had a significant impact on the education of English learners. Research the following court decisions and laws: Court Decisions: Lau v. Nichols (1974) Castañeda v. Pickard (1981) Plyler v. […]


For The lower leg lab the category is “Turf Toe”. Group 1: Ankle Sprain Group 2: Turf Toe Group 3: Plantar Fasciitis Group 4: Achilles Tendonitis Group 5: Shin Splints 1. List 5 different physical therapy EXERCISES that can be done with an athlete with your injury. Include the name of the exercise, the sets […]

family life

Assignment 1 – 1 ½ pages Merriam-Webster offers the following definition of a Theory:  a plausible or scientifically acceptable general principle or body of principles offered to explain phenomena. 1. Reflect on this definition and then  define theory in your own words. Be sure to cite any source that inspired your definition. 2. Explain how […]

Early Intervention Project Part 1

One of the most important elements of providing Early Intervention (EI) services to young children and their families is doing so while maintaining professional and ethical integrity. In the interactive this week, you had the opportunity to delve deeper into the Initial Practice-Based Professional Preparation Standards for Early Interventionists/Early Childhood Special Educators 2020Links to an […]

week 2 discussion

Early Intervention (EI) focuses on the active participation of families in the EI process by engaging caregivers in the planning and implementation of services provided to the child. This requires a collaborative partnership between early childhood professionals and families where equal participation by all those involved is highly encouraged. Collaboration is ongoing among all the […]

Problem-Based Action

This is a two-part assignment. Read carefully and provide all the required elements of the assignment. Very important PowerPoint that the requires Doctoral skills.  Action Research Proposal Presentation – Develop a 10-12 slide PowerPoint presentation using the information below. Must include the following: The PowerPoint must have graphics, diagrams or illustrations for the information that’s […]


NEED A QUICK TURNAROUND. Discussion Question: MUST BE AT LEAST 250 WORDS. Now that we are in the final stages of the writing, list any questions you may have about the Look, Think, Act cycle process. How did the process help you develop your action research plan? Discussion Question: MUST BE AT LEAST 250 WORDS. […]

Bad classroom habits

instructions attached below.  Data/PresetImageFill1-25.jpg Data/PresetImageFill5-29.jpg Data/PresetImageFill3-27.jpg Data/PresetImageFill4-28.jpg Data/PresetImageFill0-24.jpg Data/PresetImageFill2-26.jpg Data/bullet_gbutton_gray-30.png preview.jpg

Education homework

  In this Assignment, you will import the same Excel file that you used in Module 2 into SPSS and perform three data transformations. To complete the Assignment, follow the steps outlined below:  Download the Data Transformation Worksheet and follow the indicated steps to perform data transformations on the provided data set. Split the file. […]


what’s communication This final cumulative essay exam offers the opportunity for you to reflect critically on the works we have read so far this semester and their connections and relevance to the present moment.  Directions For this essay exam, choose  AT LEAST ONE  of the works we have read so far in class. You may […]


Please provide a 150-word response to each discussion response below: 1. One key stakeholder in the project of improving employee engagement scores would be middle managers. Middle managers play a crucial role in the day-to-day operations at my current organization and are directly responsible for managing teams and implementing policies. Their buy-in is essential for […]

Education ‘Look, Think, Act Assignment

Assignment: Revision Essay Write a 1000- word essay addressing each of the following points/questions. Be sure to completely answer all the questions for each bullet point. Separate each section in your paper with a clear heading that allows your professor to know which bullet you are addressing in that section of your paper. Support your […]

thelma powerpoint

 week1-Intro to work processing week2-Intro to Excel week 3-Intro to powerpoint Instructions Applying  what you learned in weeks 1, 2, and 3, create a PowerPoint presentation  introducing yourself to a potential employer.  Include concise bullets  on each slide, an image on at least 2 slides, and transitions between  slides. Provide details explaining the content on […]


Discussion Assignment One During this course, you will participate in six graded Discussions. Discussions give you an opportunity to reflect upon, process, and elaborate on the Learn section material. A thread addressing the discussion prompt (at least 400 words). Each thread must contain at least two peer-reviewed references, one Scripture reference, and must be at […]


Early Intervention Tool Exploration [WLO: 4] [CLOs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] For your assignment in this course, you will create a project that demonstrates your understanding of early intervention. You will choose any format you would like such as a assignment, presentation, video, digital poster, website, etc. to showcase your knowledge of early intervention. […]

Can you answer this question ?

 The research topic is Incorporating Social Emotional Learning (SEL) and Biblical Worldview in Christian Schools and use the template and follow the advanced side of the grading rubric 

Family Training Activity

Prepare a training module for families on one of the topics listed below. The training module should include a PowerPoint presentation and other handouts appropriate to the training, notes on the information that will be shared beyond the PowerPoint slides, and a resource list for families of where they can find further information on the […]

Education Assignment 4 AM

New Field Experience Assignment (Best Practices/Summer) This is a reflective essay! This assignment or essay requires you to reflect on practice by comparing the strategies employed by the two ‘observed’ teachers. Step 1: Locate/select at least 2 videos showing best mathematics practices in elementary school. Step 2: Watch the videos and observe two elementary teachers […]

Problem-Based Discussion

Discussion responses must be at least 250 words. Discussion Question: List any stakeholder provided from Week 7 and explain how you will get their buy-in for your proposed action project. Discussion Question: How does your proposed action research plan benefit each of the stakeholders? Be specific for each.


Write a personal philosophy statement about working with diverse families (the statement should tell what you believe about developing strong, reciprocal relationships with diverse families).  Then, tell how your philosophy shows in your work with your children and families.

Education Assignment 708

This paper should be a synthesis of the assignments for this course. This paper will have two sections – First will be a collection of the documents produced for other assignments, and second will be a one page reflection on the case study.  See attached rubrics for explanation and guidance. Design Plan Feedback Thank you […]

Professional Development Design

  Analyzing needs assessment information and integrating each persons’ requests can be challenging. However, such analysis is necessary to create job-embedded professional development that meets the needs of the school or district. Part 1 Compile results from the needs assessment administered in Topic 1 to determine school or district needs . Create a graph to visually […]

Education assignment

Management of Psychiatric Conditions in Primary Care Assignment Purpose The purpose of this assignment is to promote prudent and safe care of behavioral health conditions in the primary care setting. This assignment allows students to explore the various influencers of treating behavioral health concerns in the primary care setting while providing ethical care and safeguarding […]

clinical experience

Exam Content · Refer to your Observation Analysis document, which you completed during your two clinical experience observations. Write a 700-word comparison of your observations. Include the following in your comparison: · Identify differences as well as similarities. · Consider how the physical, cognitive, and social-emotional theories are implemented in each setting. · Address the […]

Reflection on Ms. Soliz and Ms. Avila

Im working on project I need to proof read Name: Click or tap here to enter text. Date: Click or tap here to enter text. Differentiation – Solis & Avila 1. Compare how Ms. Solis works with small groups at the beginning and ending of classes with the one-on-one work she does with students in […]

Event Management Plan

  After the successful marketing and public relations campaigns your company created, the local Little League baseball organization has contacted the athletic director about using the University’s facilities for the opening day ceremonies. This is a first for the school, so they have again contracted your company to help them manage the event. The opening […]

Differentiation – Christensen -Dunlap

I need assistance with proof reading for grammar. Name: Click or tap here to enter text. Date: Click or tap here to enter text. Differentiation – Dunlap & Christensen 1. Ms. Dunlap uses technology as a tool for learning. In the video, she explains how the mix of technology and small group instruction helps her […]

Final Project

FINAL PROJECT/Essay questions: Debrief CIMA-0705 Today’s Educational Leaders For this final project/paper for this course, please write up a formal debrief from this course. We will use the reflective questioning model, “What, So what, and Now what?” This is a common debrief framework we use in healthcare simulation, and you may have encountered it before. Using the […]


Student loan debts should be canceled and the failure to do so in this administration. Females in the position of power within the US and barricades they face. Same sex couples and adoptions and obstacles they face.  

Discussion 4

 Discuss your thoughts about African Americans being killed by police officers. Compare your thoughts to African Americans (black on black killings) being killed by other African Americans. Should there be a stipulation in determining the sentencing based on those two scenarios? Always be respectful and remember that anyone can have his/her own opinion regarding the […]


 Please answer each question in complete paragraph. Do not repeat the questions. All answers should be followed by a reference  

Action Plan

EDUC 735 ACTION PLAN ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS OVERVIEW The purpose of this assignment is to help you gain experience with a realistic topic/issue in your current position or in a future position you hope to obtain. Use the same topic as your Research Paper Assignment and identify how you will address the problem in your current […]


EDUC 735 PRESENTATION ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS OVERVIEW The purpose of this assignment is to help you gain experience with a realistic topic/issue in your current position or in a future position you hope to obtain. Once you have created your action plan for the Action Plan Assignment, you will create a presentation in PowerPoint or Prezi […]

Transition plan

  Part 1: Creating a Transition Plan Read “Case Scenario: Alex.” Create an IDEA-compliant transition plan for Alex using a template of your choice. The plan should address the following. Identify Alex’s strengths, preferences, and interests. Measurable postsecondary goals for education/vocational training, jobs and employment, and independent living. Support for IEP goals and services including […]

discussion 7

Discussion 7 As part of this course, you have reviewed a great number of resources. The Discussion Board this week is a chance to share a resource, website, textbook, Ted Talk, or video that has had an impact on your perspective in educational leadership. You do NOT need to respond to a classmate unless you […]

Do you know any useful converters?

I’ve been using <a href=>OneConvert</a> for quite a long time, but it doesn’t convert all docs and PDF formats I need. Is there any “all in one” document converter?

observation reflection

use doc titled “directions ” for guidelines to complete assigment Watch each of the videos in each section: · Section One: · Watch the Following Videos · Kdg. Math · Conversations · 2nd Social Studies · 1st Social Studies · PreK Autisum · Section Two: · Watch the Following Videos · Laney Elem. Answer the […]

dee sceincde final

  This is the intial table that you did these are the follow up questions 1. Name 2. Type of Terrarium – Include a brief description and Before pictures of your control and experimental terrariums. 3. Explain in detail what you did to amend or change your experimental terrarium, and compare with what you did […]


Purpose: The goal in this assignment is to write a literature review paper on your topic from assignment one. This assignment will also help you further refine the research problem used in assignment one. It is important to note that the purpose of this assignment is to review the current literature on a selected topic. You […]


Purpose: The trend analysis requires you to further investigate a topic and organizational problem identified in assignment one. You will examine the alternative solutions, and propose the most effective solution using supporting evidence. The trend analysis is based on a specific topic and the problem(s) that surround it from the previous assignments. OBJECTIVE: The trend […]