Week 4 Discussion

  Discussion 4 Define merit-based pay and how it works in educational settings. What are the pros and cons of merit-based pay in education? Assignment 4   Please respond substantially to the questions below: What are some of the reasons given for the need to use this leadership technology? Describe briefly Benjamin’s 80/20 principle? How […]

quanna week 3

please see attachment CJUS 701 CJUS 701 Scenario Paper Assignment Instructions In this assignment you will find yourself in various countries as a criminal! In the scenario and analysis you create you will truly be an international criminal. The “crime” committed can be of your choosing is long as it is illegal in the country […]

Education Edu 512 week 10 assignment

You have been hired as the new Division Diversity and Inclusion Officer. One of your top priorities is ensuring that all curricula include measures to incorporate multicultural education in all core subject areas. This assignment is significant because as student populations become more diverse, all learners should be able to see their cultures represented in […]

english 101

Strong beginnings and endings have the ability to persuade readers to read through an essay and to believe the writer’s argument. Spend time crafting, revising, and editing your conclusion. The  Concluding Paragraph is a summary of the most interesting highlights, including the  hook. There is no new information. Remember like a bad ending to a pretty […]

Edu 512 week 10 discussion

Parents and other diverse community stakeholders have a significant impact not only on a school’s culture but on the academic performance of students within the school. Research and discuss two benefits that students would gain from the increased involvement of diverse parent and community groups in schools. Support your points with at least one piece […]


EDUC 775 CAREER INTEREST POWERPOINT ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS OVERVIEW Numerous professional and career opportunities are available in the field of educational psychology. After surveying job listings in educational psychology, you will construct a PowerPoint presentation portraying the landscape of the field. INSTRUCTIONS Compose a PowerPoint presentation on important components in the field of educational psychology. You […]


Analyze the application of nursing science and theory to the role of the advanced practice nurse. PC 5-1: Use language that is clear, concise, and organized. Introduction Theories are constructed and developed by nursing theorists to describe and explain phenomena in nursing. Nursing science and development of the profession of nursing relies on this process to […]

APUS questions

 Please respond to all questions in a complete paragraph. Do not repeat the question in the answer. All questions should be followed by a reference 

EC students

 Please respond to all questions in a complete paragraph. Do not repeat the question in the answer. All questions should be followed by a reference. 


  Assignment Overview: Power Point #1 – Historical Trends in Inclusive Education For this assignment, you will  create a PowerPoint presentation exploring the historical trends in  inclusive education. This project is designed to help you understand how  inclusive practices have evolved over time and their impact on current  educational approaches. Key Components: 10 slide presentation […]

Discussion post

Case Study #1 Regina Regina is a three and a half-year-old, Hispanic child. She is the first born of two children of professional parents. She was referred by her pediatrician due to uneven development and atypical behavior. According to her parents, Regina’s delivery was difficult and she needed oxygen at birth. Her physical appearance, motor […]


Students will select and view a film or documentary that depicts the life of an individual with a developmental disability. (Examples of films/documentaries have been provided below). The students will write a 3 to 4 page paper addressing all of the aspects of the film/documentary listed in the bullet points below. This paper should be double-spaced, with 12 size, […]


Review the article below. Discuss the influence of protective and risk factors on peer interactions among individuals with Down syndrome. Guralnick, M.J., Connor, R.T., & Johnson, L.C. (2011). Peer-related social competence of young children with Down syndrome. American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 116, 48-64.


Develop accountability for care delivery and self-care management. Background According to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ, 2020), “to provide effective self-management support (SMS), a team of clinicians and administrative staff need to coordinate closely with each other to provide care before, during, and after the patient visit. Successful teams are made up […]


Investigate statistical output for data analysis. Evidence-Based Clinical Question Search The purpose of this assessment is to move evidence toward creating and sustaining a culture for evidence-based practice. You will locate quantitative and qualitative research to determine the value of research evidence as it impacts the APN/APRN in a healthcare environment. 1. Introduce the reader […]

I need help with home work

Can someone help me with is homework assignment Requires Lopeswrite Assessment Description As educators, it is important to remember that parents/guardians may not have prior knowledge about learning disabilities, their risk factors, or early intervention strategies for exceptionalities in children of various ages. Additionally, parents/guardians may not understand how specific learning disabilities affect students in […]


Journal 1 After completing the weekly readings, provide a thorough response in  APA formatLinks to an external site. , to the questions provided below. Your responses should be reflective and analytical in nature and should have a minimum of 350 words and a maximum of 450 words double-spaced (for all questions). In what ways do […]


Discussion 5: Instructions 1. Read: ” How to Be the Black Employee” by Baratunde Thurston Download How to Be the Black Employee” by Baratunde Thurston 2. Respond to the following questions in 500+ words:  (4 Points) 1. What are the two jobs that The Black Employee is hired to do? Detail specific examples of the duties […]


Discussion 5: Instructions 1. Read: ” How to Be the Black Employee” by Baratunde Thurston Download How to Be the Black Employee” by Baratunde Thurston 2. Respond to the following questions in 500+ words:  (4 Points) 1. What are the two jobs that The Black Employee is hired to do? Detail specific examples of the duties […]


Write a 2 page essay  outlining your initial philosophy of education. Reflect on your reasons for becoming an educator and what you hope to achieve through this course.  What do I mean by a philosophy of education statement? A philosophy of education statement articulates your core beliefs about teaching and learning. It typically outlines YOUR purpose […]

Mind map

This assignment requires you to create an annotated mind map that uses graphical tools to show the thinkers, concepts, and sources covered in the first five weeks of the course, in order to demonstrate your understanding of the key scholars, ideas, and contributions in the interdisciplinary field of digital culture. You must take one thinker […]


● Review the following case study, “Caught In Between ● Download Caught In Between ● ,” and analyze it based on your knowledge of strategic communication you’ve learned about in this competency. ● Your assessment must include: ○ A brief description of the situation in the case study. ○ Identification of one communication theory from […]


Criteria Ratings Points Content: Introduction 16 to >14 pts Advanced Accurately and concisely describes the individual interviewed; selection criteria and setting; and positionality to subject/participant. 14 to >12 pts Proficient Describes the individual interviewed; selection criteria and setting; and positionality to subject/participant. 12 to >0 pts Developing Description is inaccurate, vague, or wordy. 0 pts […]


EDUC776 DISCUSSION ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS You will complete four Discussion assignments in this course. For each Discussion, you will post one thread of at least 300 words. For each initial thread, you must support your assertions with at least two scholarly citations and one scriptural reference in current APA format. Any scholarly resource cited must have […]


EDUC 775 ELEVATOR SPEECH ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS OVERVIEW An elevator speech may be used as an effective tool to convey important information concisely and directly. In the field of Educational Psychology, there are varying opinions regarding brain- based research. Tommerdahl (2010) constructed a model to bridge the gap between neuroscience and education. For this assignment, you […]

thelma midterm

Please see attachment 413 Midterm This assignment is a take-home essay assignment of two questions to test your knowledge and assimilation of the course objectives. YOU WILL DRAFT AND SUBMIT TWO ESSAYS. Of the four essay options below please choose two to answer. In completing these essays you must make reference to the course readings […]

erica 3

 discuss  in detail the two primary historical schools of thought presented in  this week’s lesson pertaining to criminology i.e., the classical and  positivist schools of criminology. No direct quotes should be utilized in the response. 

erica 4

 discuss  in detail subcultural theory as it relates to delinquency and crime.  Further briefly without using quotes give an overview of this article  i.e., Nwalozie, C. J. (2015). Rethinking subculture and subcultural theory in the study of youth crime – A theoretical discourse. Journal of Theoretical & Philosophical Criminology, 7(1), 1-16. 

erica 4

 discuss  in detail subcultural theory as it relates to delinquency and crime.  Further briefly without using quotes give an overview of this article  i.e., Nwalozie, C. J. (2015). Rethinking subculture and subcultural theory in the study of youth crime – A theoretical discourse. Journal of Theoretical & Philosophical Criminology, 7(1), 1-16. 


  The  use of force by law enforcement officers is sometimes required when  dealing with suspects resisting arrest and/or individuals disobeying  direct orders. However, when the use of force becomes excessive or is  used unnecessarily, law enforcement officers are arguably engaging in  ethical, and in many cases, criminal offenses. Describe the different types of ethical […]

science experiment proposal

EDLC 634 Science Experiment Project: Proposal Assignment Instructions The purpose of this project is to allow you to utilize the process skills that you have learned to design and carry out a scientific investigation. By actually conducting an experiment, you have the opportunity to make observations, classify variables, measure changes, predict results, infer causes of […]

Technology and online

EDLC 510 Technology and Online Learning Paper Assignment Instructions Overview As the classroom environment expands and shifts to accommodate student and societal needs, online learning has become an increasingly important topic in education. Effective educators must be comfortable with this type of instruction to ensure the continuity of instruction when residential instruction is not possible […]


See attachment below Adopt-a-Country Opening Report about Ghana, which is your country, this report should include the following list: 1. a little historical information, 2. significant events/accomplishments of your country and its peoples, 3. a map of the country showing its location in relation to its neighbors and the world and discuss how it influences […]


 Complete the attached template   Download attached template which is intended to facilitate your research in helping you identify roles of interest post-graduation. 


4 Assignment Name Institution Course Tutor Date Template for Theoretical Models of Practice Assignment Lewin’s Change Management model, which psychologist Kurt Lewin created, offers an effective model for implementing organizational change. The model consists of three phases: unfreezing, changing, and refreezing. The model is chosen due to its applicability to medical facilities, where constant adaptation […]

DB 2

  Read the article titled “A Conversation on Bail Reform”.  If you last name begins with a letter between J-Q, post a 3-5 sentence summary of the position of Jeffrey Cohen on bail reform. If your last name begins with a letter between R-Z, post a 3-5 sentence summary of the position of Latrice Walker […]

Education Assignment 1

Directions: Submit a description of your topic by addressing the specific criteria listed below.  Begin by setting up your paper in  APA format. Be sure to use a  heading for each of the criteria in the assignment (i.e., context, community, school, topic, topic rationale and supporting data, and research ethics). Create a  title page using the format provided in […]


See attachment below Find a news article about your assigned country, always remember your country is “Ghana”. Search on Google or use ABZY News Links at   http://www.abyznewslinks.com/ (this link will list all the news outlets in your country and identify those that are in English for you to explore). Post will include: 1) a  news article about your country […]


EDUC 775 Discussion Assignment Instructions You must reply to both of the classmates post below with at least 200 words each. Any scholarly resource cited must have been published within the last five years. Acceptable sources include the course textbooks and articles from scholarly journals. Please avoid the use of websites. For your replies, note […]

Education Assignment 2 AM

ASSESSMENT SESSION FORM Session: ________ Date: Tutor: Student name and grade level: Goals for the session: Assessment(s) administered – (Name and bibliographic Information) and Assessment Results Observations: Summary of data analysis (based on THIS session and on grade level benchmarks and/or standards). Specific scores from assessment (s): What CAN the student do, based on this […]

Sped Teacher

What is the special education teachers’ role in supporting learning, improving, planning, and practice, upholding professional expectations and ethics, and collaboratively advancing the profession? What effect could personal biases have on expectations that teachers have for their students? How could these biases affect their relationships with students and their families?

Professional Teaching Standard

Compare the InTASC standards to the CEC standards to identify at least two common themes. Explain how these themes are represented in each standard set and how they relate to the knowledge, skills, and values of effective teachers. Describe how each set of standards addresses professional collaboration and student-driven, data-informed instructional decision-making. According to the […]

need by tomorrow

  complete the “SPD-581 Differentiating Literacy Instruction” template.  SPD-581 Differentiating Literacy Instruction Part 1: Planning Differentiated Instruction: Complete each of the steps below to complete the chart. · With your mentor, identify an upcoming lesson or activity in which you could work with the small group (3-5) of students. · With your mentor, identify and unwrap […]

DB 1

  Working together, come up with a list of behaviors that your group agrees is morally wrong (mala in se) although it is not illegal or criminal and explain in a sentence or two why the group believes each to be so. 

question 0829

Assignment # 1 Create a reflective and applied statement describing how the material from Weeks 1–4 has affected your thought processes, development, and professional disposition. This statement should articulate your personal learning process (challenges, moments of discovery, life experiences, and interactions). You may also include questions for your faculty member about material that may still be […]

source evalution comm120

Hide Assignment Information Turnitin™ This assignment will be submitted to Turnitin™. Instructions Goal: The goal of this assignment is to research your topic, evaluate selected sources, and organize your sources. Description: During the Week 3 Assignment, Project Plan, you chose a topic and created your project plan. In the Week 3 Lesson, you read about […]

Self Eval

Evaluate  SELF-EVALUATION GRADE SHEET: 20 pts. All public speakers, no matter how experienced, will have areas in which they can improve. The only way you can begin to make improvements is to first know your strengths and weaknesses as a public speaker. You will conduct a self-evaluation to examine your current public speaking skills. Along […]


Research response to intervention (RTI) at the elementary, middle, and high school levels on the  RTI Action Network  website. Create a response to intervention timeline for either the elementary, middle, or high school level, using a technology tool from the  Technology Resource Library , or another technology tool. You can also use Microsoft Word for this assignment. Review […]

teacher conference

Meet with the elementary, middle, or high school teacher you have arranged to complete your clinical experience with for this assignment. Discuss the following with the teacher: · The mini lesson you will be adapting and teaching (this can be a lesson developed by the cooperating teacher, or another lesson approved by the teacher)  · Who you […]

Topic 5

Please view attachment!!   Lewis, W.E., & Strong, J.Z. (2021). Literacy instruction with disciplinary texts: Strategies for grades 6 – 12. Guilford Press. ISBN 978-1-4625-4468-4 ISBN 9781462530083  American PsychologicalAssociation. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.).