Topic 2

Please view attachment!!   Lewis, W.E., & Strong, J.Z. (2021). Literacy instruction with disciplinary texts: Strategies for grades 6 –12. Guilford Press. ISBN 978-1-4625-4468-4 ISBN 9781462530083 

10-12 digital presentation

 Differentiation and engagement are hallmarks of brain-based learning. Individuals’ brains are unique and, consequently, have different needs and require different forms of engagement to learn best. By recognizing unique configurations of the brain, as well as how best to meet the needs of various individuals in your professional setting, you will create a richer and […]

Discussion 1

500 words Due 8/23/2024 Please view the 2 videos posted below in this discussion board and discuss what Action Research is and how Action Research can be beneficial. 

Reading in the Content Area

Please view attachment!! RED 585 Assignment #1 Reading in Content Areas Directions: Summarize and analyze the following articles. Address their relevance to today’s classrooms. (ILA Standard 2.1). All articles can be retrieved electronically at no cost from the Alvin Sherman Library. 1. Crisco, V., & Porterfield (Jan/Feb 2023). Embedding learning goals into secondary literacy curriculum: […]

GENE 420 Definition: What is Leadership

For this assignment, prepare a paragraph (4-5 sentences) that describes your personal definition of Christian leadership and why or why not Christian leadership is important. 

Discussion 1 MR

Discussion 1 Topic Respond to the following discussion item in 75-100 words.   Comment upon how this statement taken from pp. 5 –6 of the Tomlinson text featured this week relates to what does and/or should occur in your classroom and/or your school.  Please Respond… “Differentiated instruction is dynamic: Teachers monitor the match between learner and learning […]

Topic 1

Please view attachment RED 585 Topics for Week 1 Required Text Lewis, W.E., & Strong, J.Z. (2021). Literacy instruction with disciplinary texts: Strategies for grades 6 – 12. Guilford Press. ISBN 978-1-4625-4468-4 ISBN 9781462530083 Directions: Respond to the following topics: Lewis & Strong Ch. 1: 1. Should every content area teacher be a teacher of […]

Peer Responses needed

  You should respond to at least two of your peers by extending, refuting/correcting, or adding additional nuance to their posts. Your reply posts are worth 2 points (1 point per response.)  All replies must be constructive and use literature where possible. You must apply intext citation and use credible sources


 please see attachment. Each question should be answered in a complete paragraph followed by a reference 

quay wk 8

please see attachment 2 2   Effective Performance Management Appraisal Methods – Traditional vs. Modern Approaches For  the Week 8 Assignment, you are tasked with drafting a summary of content for an organization of at least  1,000 employees. The topic for this assignment is effective performance  appraisal methods. For this assignment, you are the corporate […]


REFLECTION EXERCISE EXAMPLE Note: the below paragraph is an example of reflective writing but is only an excerpt. Review the Reflection Exercise Assignment Instructions for details on the expectations for this assignment. What initially stood out to me in Cecil’s (2014) A Comprehensive Literacy Program for Grades 4-8 was the idea of the whole set […]


DISCUSSION ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS You will complete four Discussion assignments in this course. For each Discussion, you will post one thread of at least 300 words by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Thursday of the assigned Module: Week. You must then post two replies of at least 150 words by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Sunday of the […]

Edu 512 week 8 discussion

Increasingly, more students are receiving some form of special education services in public schools around the United States. Collaboration between special education and general education teachers is important for this population of students. Research and discuss two critical benefits of collaboration and team teaching for students with disabilities. Support your response with sound research.

Implementing a Health Program

Utilizing resources such as interviews of key staff and web searches, compile your observations about the program into a 5- to 8-slide presentation in Microsoft PowerPoint. Your presentation must include the following: The name of the program, where it is located (community health center, local health department, healthcare organization), and a detailed description of the […]

Problem Space and Problem Statement

All requirements in attachments 8/19/24, 10:28 PM Page 1 of 3about:srcdoc Problem Space and Problem Statement – Rubric Total 200 points Criterion 1. Unsatisfactory 2. Less Than Satisfactory 3. Satisfactory 4. Good 5. Excellent Problem Emergence Discussion of How Recent Studies Illustrate the Existence of the Problem and the Need for Additional Research 0 points […]

art 2

please see attachment ARTH 209- Instructions for writing the Introduction Art Historical Critique Essay The Art History Critique (AHC) process takes a deep look into an individual work of art. Each Critique begins with a work of art, which will be assigned by the instructor. The Art History Critique process involves analyzing different aspects of […]

art 1

Please see attachment ARTH 209- Instructions for writing the Introduction Art Historical Critique Essay The Art History Critique (AHC) process takes a deep look into an individual work of art. Each Critique begins with a work of art, which will be assigned by the instructor. The Art History Critique process involves analyzing different aspects of […]


Assignment 1 – 1 page A well-designed internship can be an opportunity for you to develop practical skills, explore various settings of family service, and a chance to apply theoretical knowledge. Students can shape their intern experiences to align with their academic degree plan and future career goals. · Thoroughly explore positions that are specific […]

Learner rights hw

Imagine you are a special education teacher. You have been asked by your principal to prepare a presentation for the general education teachers in your school on learner rights and teacher responsibilities related to special education. Research the following topics related to special education: Federal and State laws Issues Policies Learner rights Teacher responsibilities Codes […]

Student teaching

 How would you address a wide range of skills and abilities in your classroom? (Middle/High School)

project plan

This assignment will be submitted to Turnitin™. Instructions Goal: The goal of this assignment is to choose a topic and create a research plan that will contribute to the Week 7 Final Project. Description: In the Week 1 and Week 2 Lessons, we have read about two steps of the BIG6 model: task definition and […]

Question 081924

Assignment #1 This is a fairly straightforward assignment. You will need to review 2 articles, one by Zimmerman and the other by Porr. These articles can be found by going to the Week 2 folder, then go to the Learning Activities folder, then University Library Resources. You MUST use Source Comparison Matrix. Remember to save the document with […]

Tips for Communicating in My Field of Study

This assignment will be submitted to Turnitin™. Instructions Item 1 of the Portfolio: Tips for Communicating in My Field of Study (due in week 3) For Item 1 of the Portfolio, you simply look at the portion of your initial post in the week 2 discussion in which you reflected about the AI-generated observations about […]

Creating a thesis statement

This assignment will be submitted to Turnitin™. Instructions It is time to use what you have learned about thesis statements and topic sentences. • Begin with the topic you wrote about in the Week 2 Discussion. “The Long Term Effect On Stress” • Use the topic to write a thesis statement. Make sure you include: […]

quanna weeek 1

please se attachment CJUS 701 CJUS 701 Scenario Paper Assignment Instructions In this assignment you will find yourself in various countries as a criminal! In the scenario and analysis you create you will truly be an international criminal. The “crime” committed can be of your choosing is long as it is illegal in the country […]

Education Supervision and Research Assignment

Assignment: Prepare a comprehensive description of your approach to supervision. Write it as though it were part of a vision for current and prospective educators at your university.  Follow the below outline and be sure to include ample research to support your ideas. · What is your philosophy of supervision? · What are the qualities […]


  Students  must select one of the topics below to research and write on. The topic  choice is up to the learner, but the top selection must come from this  list. The United States Criminal Justice System    Criminal Law in the United States   The History of US Law Enforcement   Compare different police […]


please see attachment 2 2 Instructions: Before starting this assignment, please read the following directions carefully. 1. Read the Orientation statement thoroughly before going to the Assignment Requirement. 2. Do not simply copy your answers from the readings or any other resource. I am not interested in what someone else had to say about these […]


3 Examine the key elements of evidence-based practice. Descriptive Statistics Overview The purpose of this assessment is to critically appraise knowledge for clinical decision making. You will identify the study findings to determine the worth of the research to nursing practice. 1. Introduce the reader to the content of this paper with an introductory paragraph. […]

Aspen Falls 1

Please see attached Aspen Falls #1 Instructions Write two full paragraphs.   See Attached Reading Resource Why is assessing a child’s reading attitude important? What is one key take away from the article Affective Factors that relates to a student past or present? Stahl et al. (2020) Affective Factors.pdf Write two full paragraphs. #2 Deep-dive […]

Education EDA 608 Week 1 Assignment

  Please respond substantially to the questions below: Which primary stakeholders do ALEC appeal to in its push for privatization of schools? What is the primary purpose of the bills introduced by ALEC? In what ways does ALEC introduce market factors into schools and the teaching profession? What would be the impact on those with […]

Design Plain

Creat a design plan for photography business that teaches high school students about photography and videography


Assessment for early childhood education. I need these 2 assessments template done by Wednesday. Who can help me? This file is too large to display.View in new window

Education Institutional Effectiveness and Management of Assessment Assignment

 1. Analyze how institutional effectiveness and accreditation differ and the requirements of one regional accreditation agency to carry out Institutional Effectiveness processes. 2. Defend the importance of institutional mission, vision, and core values. 3. Compare how local and national direct and indirect assessment results should be gathered, analyzed, visualized, reported to stakeholders, stored, and published. 


Please provide a 250-word response to each discussion below: 1. Discuss your experiences with being supervised while teaching. How did the experience impact you? 2. What is your opinion about the best way to supervise educators in different roles? 3. If you were king or queen for the day, what are three things you would […]

case study

Assessment 5 Designing a Way Forward Complete your Problems of Practice Template that you have been working on throughout the course, adding an introduction, recommendations supported by evidence, and a logic model representing the way forward. In this assessment you will complete the Problem of Practice Template by pulling all of the pieces together and […]

Town House Meeting

Using a video recording device or application, create a virtual town hall presentation. Your presentation will include: 1. Development of a presentation that provides a cohesive message to the stakeholders while explaining to internal / external stakeholders the benefit from the change 2. A summary of the organization and incorporate the organizational culture into the […]


You will write a policy that addresses the issue identified in Assessment 4. Your policy will include: 1. Purpose of the policy 2. Explain the background issue triggering development of policy 3. List the team responsible for implementing the policy 4. List of stakeholders impacted by the policy 5. Specify what is acceptable or unacceptable […]


 Please answer each question in complete paragraph. Do not repeat the questions. All answers should be followed by a reference     

Edu 512 week 7 discussion

as indicated that the nonracist, color-blind perspective is one in which a person’s race does not matter. In the modern, diverse society, it is important to acknowledge and celebrate differences that exist among cultures and ethnicities. Analyze whether the color-blind perspective can be applied to other areas of diversity such as gender, sexual orientation, social […]

Education Edu 512 week 7 assignment

Diversity issues extend beyond those of race and ethnicity. As educators, you must be able to address issues such as age and gender. As the societal definition of gender changes, so must the instructional strategies you incorporate in lessons. you will design a lesson plan that focuses on promoting equity and diversity by addressing issues […]

Education homework

Finding things out is what leaders do. They are curious about why things are done a certain way, what is actually going on, why processes and services are or are not producing desired results. If results are good, curious individuals wonder how they might be better! Curiosity produces questions, and questions, particularly “why” and “what […]

Education Collaborative and Competitive Assignment

Assignment: FIRST: Sign up to establish a team.  How you choose to work as a team is up to the team, so please discuss and decide accordingly who will do what and by what date.  Make sure you are communicating and collaborating regularly.  The entire team will earn the same grade, and the project is […]

exxon mobile greg

   EXXONMOBIL ExxonMobil  (XOM) is one of the half-dozen major oil companies in the world. The  firm has four primary operating divisions (upstream, downstream,  chemical, and global services) as well as a number of operating  companies that it has acquired over the years. A recent major  acquisition was XTO Energy, which was acquired in 2009 […]


make a critical study using the Student Outcomes Survey dataset or the Kaggle education dataset 

Eligibility Reference Booklet

Imagine you are a student teacher focusing your teaching in a special education classroom. You have been asked by your supervising teacher to prepare a booklet containing pages for your reference regarding eligibility for special education services. Create an Eligibility Reference Booklet. Include pages for each of the following areas of disability: Learning Disabilities Autism […]

leadership characteristics

LEADERSHIP AND EDUCATION How do you, as a leader, establish character, competence, cadence, and capacity at your workplace? It is not an easy task, but one we are preparing you to do. One you are capable of being prepared for. And remember, Christians have an advantage, because we do not fight this battle on our […]