Spring Flowers 2

See attached 1. Informational text is organized, or structured, in a specific way to guide the readers in identifying key information and making connections among ideas (Honig, et. al., 2018). Having the students understand how a text is organized helps with comprehension. Informational texts use a limited number of organizational structures, each having a set […]


Candidates engage in reflection on their own practice and lesson observations.   Reflective Journal  entries that focus on the insights and puzzling questions on their own teaching practice. The journal (350-500 words) should be a record of your journey in the classroom and plans for continual improvement. Remember, the point of the journal is to have […]

res883 dq 1 and 2

   Read EACH Students Response Provide THREE references to support your answer to the student I dont care of you use the same references to respond to all three students but each answer MUST have three PEER REVIEWED references to support your response on if you agree or dont agree with the students answer to […]

Developing Goals

From the SWOT, use the analysis to develop goals for the organization. Each goal will include an explanation and timeline with the projected steps to completion. Specific Assignment Details Your Goals document will include: 1. A diagram/chart of the goals 2. Explanation of each goal 3. Timeline with projected steps needed to complete each goal


Mind Map Developing employees is essential if you want to continue evolving your workforce. This development includes leadership skills. For this formative assessment, create a mind map or other visual artifact to assist you in determining where in the organization leadership development is needed the most. Look at the relationship/overlap between the organization’s current strategic […]

Program Logistics

the Exhibit 13.I: Sample Marketing Campaign Plans Example 1 Example 2 Name, type of program, date, and number of people expected to attend Preparing and Implementing Transfer of Learning Plans A one-day invitation only workshop for selected members of state-level health care professional associations and organizations November 1 40 participants Conducting Cost-Benefit Analysis Workshop sponsored […]

quick question

Should African American celebrate July 4th” NO references and only 1 paragraph…I NEED THIS NOW


Read 1. Chapter 13: Vulnerable Institutions in  the innovative university: Changing the DNA of higher education from the inside out. 2. Chapter 14: Disruptive Competition in  the innovative university: Changing the DNA of higher education from the inside out. Discussion Question: Please provide at least a 250-word response, utilizing references from the text and/or supplemental […]

Multicultural Education

Imagine you have completed research on culturally responsive teaching and how reflective practices can be used to meet the learning needs of all students. Your principal has asked you to create a presentation for your colleagues on this topic. Create an 18- to 20-slide PowerPoint presentation in which you provide tools and reflective practices your […]

Cultural Responsive Teaching

Imagine you are a teacher in an urban high school. You have been asked by your principal to prepare an infographic that lists benefits to becoming a culturally responsive teaching school, as well as threats that exist to accomplishing this within the institution. In addition, he asks you to include your own strengths and areas […]


please see attachment Please note I do not currently have a topic The name of the class is : Interdisciplinary Stud Research Methods A literature review is a descriptive summary of research on a topic that has previously been studied. The purpose of a literature review is to inform readers of the significant knowledge and […]


Please see attachment Please note I do not currently have a topic The name of the class is : Interdisciplinary Stud Research Methods A literature review is a descriptive summary of research on a topic that has previously been studied. The purpose of a literature review is to inform readers of the significant knowledge and […]

educational philosophy

I need help with this homework Imagine you have been asked by your school principal, along with your colleagues, to prepare a summary statement that represents your educational philosophy which you will share at the next in-service. Create a 325-word summary of your educational philosophy. Include the following in your summary: · 3 key elements of your educational […]

Education Impact of assignment helper on student learning

 In my experience, the impact of a dedicated <a href=”https://www.sweetstudy.com/questions/https://affordableassignments.co.uk/btec-assignments“>BTEC assignment helper</a> on student learning is profound. As a student who has sought assistance, I’ve witnessed how these professionals provide invaluable support in navigating complex assignments. A reliable BTEC assignment helper not only aids in understanding the subject matter but also guides students in developing […]


Assignment 1 – 4 pages In this module, you are asked to develop a reading center (real or imagined). Using the following guidelines, please develop a classroom reading area that is developmentally appropriate based on the age of the children. Write a reflection that describes your process, the changes/additions you made, and how your classroom […]

ET2002 Egoism vs Altruism(Written Communication)

I need the completed by Friday. Please follow all instructions and rubrics What Is Altruism? Altruism is when we act to promote someone else’s welfare, even at a risk or cost to ourselves. Though some believe that humans are fundamentally self-interested, recent research suggests otherwise: Studies have found that people’s first impulse is to cooperate […]


Instructions Complete the Universal Design for Learning IRIS Module: https://iris.peabody.vanderbilt.edu/module/udl/. Submit your responses for the following. Briefly describe Universal Design for Learning. Make sure to include the three principles of UDL. How does using Evidence Based Practices align with UDL? How would the concept of UDL fit into elementary, early childhood or special education? How do […]


Overview In this Performance Task, you will participate in a field experience  by observing and evaluating indoor and outdoor environments in an infant  and a toddler setting. You will create a narrated PowerPoint  presentation based on what you have learned from the resources in the  Competency, your observations, and reflective conversations with your  Host Teachers. […]

ICL 7659: Civics Chapter Review

Please complete a review of the chapter.. Use the guidelines provided in the attachment to write your review.  This file is too large to display.View in new window

human growth and development

human growth and development  Description This assignment focuses on Piaget’s theory of cognitive development, Vygotsky’s theory of sociocultural development, and language development. Instructions For this paper, think about a child you have had contact with (either your own, a relative or friend, or a child in a TV show or other media) and write a […]

Summative: Regulatory Agencies

 Health care organizations develop operational policies and procedures that not only meet the organization’s purpose and mission but that are also compliant with state and federal regulations. This week differences between a law and policy are investigated. We will investigate how a policy is developed from regulations, which are based on a specific law(s) designed to […]

march 3rd

The purpose of this activity is to engage in an interdisciplinary team meeting that is addressing a public health need within your community. Preparation 1. Read Schoon et al. (2019) Chapter 8 2. Identify an interdisciplinary team [or collaborative meeting] in your community that addresses a public health need in your community (i.e. smoking, alcohol, […]

Education I need help with homework

Need help with homework  Students learn in a variety of ways. It is important for teachers to be aware of the various learning theories and models mentioned in the text and topic materials related to the history of how students learn. This knowledge will provide a foundation to create learning experiences that promote student development […]


  From this week’s Empowered Educators reading, select three quotes that resonate with you. For each quote, write 2-3 sentences reflecting on why the quote stood out to you.  Don’t forget to include your main take-away.

Education I need help with homework

I need help with creating a pamphlet Students learn in a variety of ways. It is important for teachers to be aware of the various learning theories and models mentioned in the text and topic materials related to the history of how students learn. This knowledge will provide a foundation to create learning experiences that […]

Week 6 Discussion

While you are working on your Profile of a Graduate assignment, discuss why you chose your two characteristics. How do your chosen characteristics relate to the nobility of your chosen profession ( nursing) ?  view the pdf to see the chosen characteristics 

Children’s Literature

  Answer the following two part question and be descriptive in answering each component.  Make sure to answer in complete sentences and include references from the text for the first question. The book is  Norton, Donna E. “Through the Eyes of a Child: Reading Historical Fiction in the Middle School Classroom.” Middle School Journal, vol. […]

edu 501 Week 9 discussion

Identify the age group and/or content area you plan to teach. Discuss how you foresee using technology in your classroom to teach this particular age group and/or content area.

discussion post

The following list of scenarios comprise six different teachers and the marking system each employs. Choose any two of the scenarios and list the advantages and disadvantages of each. Also, identify the approximate weights that you believe should be placed on each part of each system. The 6 scenarios below are taken directly from the […]


 What challenges did President Abraham Lincoln face during the American  Civil War? What military disadvantages faced the Union Army? What  military advantages did the Army have?   


 What challenges did General Washington face during the American  Revolution? What military disadvantages faced the Continental Army? What  military advantages did the Continental Army have?  


 In behavior analysis, respondent conditioning and antecedent manipulations are still studied. Locate an article discussing one of those procedures and present a synopsis to the class.  


See attached document for details.  EDAS 645 PHILOSOPHY OF LEADERSHIP PAPER ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS OVERVIEW This paper is a statement of your personal philosophy of educational leadership, which should focus on the purpose of leadership, which is why leadership is carried out and not so much how it is carried out. Your purpose of leadership is […]


Intersect every colors without crossing each other Red to red…green to green…violet to violet…but no line should block and cross each others path

Sequential ART

What Do You Know About Sequential Art? Instructions Sequential Art is one of the most ubiquitous and accessible forms of art, today. Form comics to graphic novels, from movies to videos, to video games. Through what media do you experience sequential art? How is it artistic? What have you learned, in this class, that would […]


find attached  Review the NCLEX-PN® or NCLEX-RN® Test Plan client needs categories and activity statements (based on your degree plan.) Each test plan can be accessed in these library resources: · Toolkit for NCLEX-PN® Success · Toolkit for NCLEX-RN® Success In a Word document: · Describe three activity statements related to content you have learned […]

Low-Inference Transcript

check file 1 Low-Inference Transcript Student Name: Valentina Fedonyuk Course Number: SEDN 683 Date 2/7/2024 2 Low-Inference Transcript School: M.S. Sunshine Date: 2/7/2024 Teacher: Mrs. Maria Class/ Grade: 2th Grade ICT Type: Math Focus for the visit: Comprehension Strategies in Math Focus Domain: Danielson Domain 3 – A Time Teacher Students 00:00- 02:30 Mrs. Maria […]

Foundation of educator

Exam Content 1. Top of Form Continuing in your role as a student at a local university,  imagine you have been asked by your professor to explain how past and current issues of American education impact teaching and learning to the Future Teachers of America club at a local high school. Create an 18- to 20-slide PowerPoint presentation […]


  Please answer each question in complete paragraph. Do not repeat the questions. All answers should be followed by a reference     

Education LEP Assignment

 For this assignment, you will create a Learning Experience Plan (LEP) that could be used in your practicum classroom working with toddlers, preschool, or kindergarten-age children. View the sample LEP and use the provided template to develop your own original lesson. Study the rubric to see how your work will be graded. 

Understanding Aggressive Behavior

Need help to revise my work James is a two year old boy that arrived at school in the middle of the year. James is a very cute and friendly little boy that integrated school very smoothly and seems quite at ease with his peer group. The only problem is that he has a tendency […]

Education Evolution of Education Timeline Homework

Evolution homework Imagine you are a student at a local university. You have been asked by your professor to explain the evolution of education to the Future Teachers of America club at a local high school next week. You decide to create a timeline handout for distribution to the club before your presentation. Create a […]

Unit 7 Video

I need someone to help me analyze three videos in the files. CHS495V – Simulated Field Experience Capstone CHS495V Simulated Field Experience Reflections Template Video 1: Write the Name of the Video – Learning Walks: Structured Observation for Teachers a. Main Point and why it is an important topic. The main point of the video […]

DY3002 Leading Change Effectively(Written Communication)

I need this done by Tuesday 2/27/24. Please follow all rubrics and instructions. I have attached all files Academic Writing Expectations Checklist The faculty will use this checklist to evaluate whether your written responses adhere to the conventions of scholarly writing. Review this checklist prior to submitting your Assessment to ensure your writing follows academic […]

Jay final

Please see attachment Reflective Essay On Stress Reflection offers you the opportunity to consider how your personal experiences and observations shape your thinking and your acceptance of new ideas.   High-stress levels can negatively affect health. Recall a time when you were under stress and how it impacted your physical and mental health.  The purpose of […]

tasha week 8

   Please review the following cases:  Roe v. Wade, 410 US 113 (1973) and Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, 142 S. Ct. 2228 (2022).  Create a 2-4 minute oral argument, using the “Record Audio” tool (a little longer if need be). Along with your audio file, you should have a document that outlines your […]

Strategic Planning PowerPoint

Assignment: Provide doctoral work. Anticipating scholarly concerns Your consulting efforts have gone well thus far. You have been asked however to prepare a PowerPoint presentation for an upcoming university leadership meeting. The university president will preside over the meeting and all the major school leaders will be in attendance. Because the alumni association and a […]

Erca week2

Please see attachment Goal:  The goal of this assignment is to choose a topic and create a research plan Description:  In the Week 1 and Week 2 Lessons, we have read about two steps of the BIG6 model: task definition and information seeking strategies (CO1 & 2). As you consider the Week 7 Final Project, […]

sam week 8

 Is it possible to create a voice only project no video Assignment Sites/Videos:  Project Presentation Tips: How to Present a Project Plan (9 min Video)  How to Deliver a Great Presentation: Project Management (15 min video)  Earned Value Analysis – Key Concepts from the PMOK Guide (4 min video)  Earned Value Management (6 min video)  […]