Edu week 8 discussion

Your text discusses four distinct forms of transfer related to learning. Discuss the four forms of transfer and discuss the importance of problem-solving and critical thinking related to these skills.

Week 2-Reading Difficulties

See Content Scenario: You are a member of a group of literacy coaches in your school district. As part of a district-wide reading initiative, you have been asked to create a brochure or infographic for district teachers on how to use assessments for the diagnosis and remediation of reading difficulties. Create a brochure or infographic in […]


 From this week’s reading reflection, select three quotes from Shulman’s “The Signature Pedagogies of the Professions” that resonate with you. For each quote, write 2-3 sentences reflecting on why the quote stood out to you.  Don’t forget to close with your main take-away. 


 From this week’s reading reflection, select three quotes from Shulman’s “The Signature Pedagogies of the Professions” that resonate with you. For each quote, write 2-3 sentences reflecting on why the quote stood out to you.  Don’t forget to close with your main take-away. 

How to balance between studying and relaxing?

 To study effectively, scientists recommend that young people should mix studying with relaxation. Today, there are many games created for this purpose. Besides the entertainment effect,  Connections Game will help players systematize basic English knowledge and vocabulary to serve their learning. 


  How and why can socio-emotional learning (SEL) and culturally relevant/responsive/sustaining pedagogy support the learning of all students? What are some of the challenges? Use some quotes from the readings (from the reading preps and/or others) Use some evidence from the other resources. Include ideas from class (the PowerPoint and your Google Form can help […]

How to balance between studying and relaxing?

To study effectively, scientists recommend that young people should mix studying with relaxation. Today, there are many games created for this purpose. Besides the entertainment effect, <a href=” game</a> will help players systematize basic English knowledge and vocabulary to serve their learning.

Simulated field unit 7

 You will analyze the three videos located in the Readings and Resources for this assignment to gain insight into best practices in early childhood education by responding to reflection questions. Watch the videos and respond to the reflection questions.  Video 1: Video 2: Video 3:

quay week 7

  create  an educational flyer for patients at a 10-physician outpatient clinic.  The information should explain the clinic’s patient portal. Be sure to  cover what it is, how to register for it, and the features of the  portal. List the benefits of using the portal. The goal is to convince  consumers of the value of […]

What do you know about power points?

fostering and adoption Top of Form Informative Demonstration Speech Purpose:  This assignment will help you develop essential public speaking skills that will prepare you for professional and social oral communication situations.  This will be accomplished by developing delivery, writing, and organization skills through a public speaking presentation.             Skills:  The Demonstration Speech will help you practice the […]

destini Mitchell Health concept

  Persuasive summary Write a persuasive summary on how we can use Love to combat one of the following issues. The main goal of a persuasive summary is to persuade your audience that your view is among the most compelling opinions on the topic. You should produce a clear thesis or controlling idea that establishes and sustains […]

neva summary

  Persuasive summary Write a persuasive summary on how we can use Love to combat one of the following issues. The main goal of a persuasive summary is to persuade your audience that your view is among the most compelling opinions on the topic. You should produce a clear thesis or controlling idea that establishes and sustains […]


    Overview For this Written Response Assessment, you will respond to a series of  prompts related to approaches and strategies that foster healthy infant  and toddler development through responsive and respectful relationships  with infants, toddlers and their families. Professional Skill: Written Communication is assessed in this Competency. Note: For this Written-Response Assessment, you are  required to draw […]


Outline of Goals After you have created the framework for your SWOT Analysis, you will next determine your goals and outline for your report which is the summative assessment for this competency. Your outline should include: ● A diagram/chart of the goals based on your SWOT framework ● Explanation of each goal ● Timeline with […]

SWOT Analysis

Framework for SWOT Analysis In the Learning Activity titled Conducting a SWOT Analysis, you were provided examples of various SWOT templates. Use one of these templates to complete this Formative Assessment. Preparing your SWOT is as important as actually conducting it. If you don’t prepare for it well, it may not provide the information you […]

Cultural Competence

Download and complete the Cultural Competence Self-Assessment Download Cultural Competence Self-Assessment and reflect on your results. ● How culturally competent are you in each area? ● What do you think about the results? ● What areas do you need to work on?

Education Assignment 4: Disability in Film

Please review the following website on Disability in Film From the entire list presented in this link, choose one film to watch for this assignment (the entire film, not just the trailer). The movies are not posted on this website (just the list is posted and you are not required to sign up for any […]

EEC 3204 (Assignment 6: Learning Standards Discussion)

You have been provided some basic information about learning standards and how they may affect early childhood education.  For this assignment you will choose one of the following statements: The risks of establishing learning standards outweigh the benefits in early childhood education. The benefits of establishing learning standards outweigh the risks in early childhood education. […]

Education Journal Analysis: Exercise and Activity Assignment

Support on an assignment? HLTH 330 HLTH 330 Journal Analysis: Exercise and Activity Assignment Instructions Overview The purpose of this assignment is to examine and analyze activity, exercise and calorie balance as they relate to adequacy, deficiency and health benefits. This fulfills Learning Outcomes 1 and 4. Instructions Details: For this assessment, you are analyzing […]

Dissertation Dvelopment

All information in attachment. Previous RES 815 document is included as well to build upon per directions.  Degree Program and emphasis: Doctor of Education in Organizational Leadership Emphasis K-12 Leadership Qualitative Research.  Research Focus My research topic is the male presence in education and its effect on student success academically, socially, and emotionally.

lesson plans

Virginia standards please EDLC 510 Lesson Plan Assignment Instructions Overview Lesson planning is a key aspect of effective instruction. Lesson planning ranges from long-term planning (such as yearly or unit planning) to short-term planning (such as weekly or daily planning). For this assignment, you will write a daily lesson plan for one grade level/subject. · […]

Strategic Planning

Assignment: TEXTBOOK INFO: 1. Chapter 9: Harvard’s Growing Power and Profile in  The innovative university: Changing the DNA of higher education from the inside out. 2. Chapter 10: Staying Rooted in  The innovative university: Changing the DNA of higher education from the inside out. White paper opportunity: The tension between explosive growth and traditional, faculty […]

Discussion Question

Read 1. Chapter 9: Harvard’s Growing Power and Profile in  the innovative university: Changing the DNA of higher education from the inside out. 2. Chapter 10: Staying Rooted in  the innovative university: Changing the DNA of higher education from the inside out. Discussion Question: Please provide at least a 250-word response, utilizing references from the […]

week 6 Videos

I want to know if I can get someone to help me analyze the video in the files.  CHS495V – Simulated Field Experience Capstone CHS495V Simulated Field Experience Reflections Template Video 1: Write the Name of the Video – Learning Walks: Structured Observation for Teachers a. Main Point and why it is an important topic. […]


Improvement in Healthcare   In the field of healthcare, quality improvement is a persistent and systematic effort that strives to enhance various aspects such as efficiency, effectiveness, performance, accountability, and outcomes, among other quality indicators, within healthcare services or processes. The central focus is on shaping healthcare to be safe, effective, centered around the patient, […]

tasha week 7

Please see attachemnt Complete a case essay on any United States Supreme Court case that involves an interpretation of the Constitution. (This encompasses most of the cases that come before the Supreme Court.) However, please choose a case that was heard by the Supreme Court within the past five years. Doing so will help ensure […]

Education Week 9 Signature Assignment: Profile of a Graduate

assignment is in PDF of week 9 Data/image1-31.png Data/image3-35.png Data/image2-33.png Data/image4-37.png Data/PresetImageFill3-27.jpg Data/PresetImageFill2-26.jpg Data/PresetImageFill1-25.jpg Data/PresetImageFill5-29.jpg Data/PresetImageFill4-28.jpg Data/PresetImageFill0-24.jpg Data/image3-small-36.png Data/image4-small-38.png Data/image2-small-34.png Data/image1-small-32.png Data/bullet_gbutton_gray-30.png preview.jpg

t jordan weejk 7

please see attachment Describe and explain the unique challenges associated with the increase in prisoners with ties to terrorism and other extremist groups. Develop a plausible approach that prison administrators could implement in tackling some of the most significant challenges.   The assignment is due on or before Sunday of week 7 at 11:59 pm […]

social medua and the courts

  The last week in our course covers legal and ethical issues in social media. Pick a court case that involves social media and research it.  Then answer the following questions: What was the case about? Write a brief overview of the court case. Which laws were considered broken? Describe which legal issues were brought […]

Jordan week 2

  This  week’s assignment is a fun one. You will create your very own Online  Sports Entrepreneurship Magazine. It is a lot easier than it sounds. You  will do this using By  doing this you will create your own Online Sports Entrepreneurship  Magazine and learn current issues in this area. This will help you […]

Teacher Turnover

Module 3: Proposal Revision and Formatting the Paper Overview (Read First) This module will require intense focus on your proposal.  It is important to pay close attention to the guidelines set forth by the Graduate School and your respective department within the School of Education.   Please review the APA guidelines for formatting your paper. In […]

Education I need help with homework

need help with homework This program of study leads to becoming a certified professional educator. It is important to understand the professional certification requirements in your state as well as the continuing education requirements to maintain your certification. Education is constantly changing so educators must be prepared to adapt and grow as the profession evolves. […]

refine powerpoint and the summary

Please look at the attachment for directions. Need this back by tomorrow ASAP! Assignment 2 PowerPoint is finished just add Graphics/visual aids – good pictures, tables, and/or graphs. References formatted in current APA style, including a reference slide at the end. Action Items 1. In the first week of class, you will sign up for […]

lesson plan

please do elementary……virginia standards EDLC 510 Teaching Strategies for Diverse Learners Essay Assignment Instructions Overview Classrooms are filled with students from diverse backgrounds with various ability levels. Educators need to embrace the diversity among their students through the examination of instructional strategies. This assignment will allow you to investigate strategies for teaching students with specific […]

What do you know about Cassil?

Please consider the various approaches to art, identity, and society. How does Cassils use identity to speak of larger social issues? What Social Justice issues does the artist confront?

What do you know about fostering/adoption.

I have fostered for 9 years. They were placed with me when they were 4 and 15m.  After a 4 year roller coaster I finally was able to adopt. There are highs and lows and I would love to express that in my speech. 

RES DQ questions week 1

   Read EACH Students Response Provide THREE references to support your answer to the student I dont care of you use the same references to respond to all three students but each answer MUST have three PEER REVIEWED references to support your response on if you agree or dont agree with the students answer to […]

The brochure feedback

 For this discussion, share the School-to-Home Literacy Brochure you created before. Review the brochure and provide supportive feedback.

tina module 6

 To develop a plan for integrating technology as a teaching strategy. Complete attachment   Scenario: You  are an NC Pre-K teacher (4 to 5-year-olds) who wants to integrate developmentally appropriate technology as a teaching strategy  including the involvement of families in children’s learning. The  children in your class come from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds […]


   Part 1 (20 Points) Read the case study below and answer the 3  questions thoughtfully. Use at least 1 scholarly source to support your  answers. Joaquin is a caregiver for a group of eight-year-olds. He would like to change the way some children react when there are problems among them. Danisha, the youngest boy […]

How to join Online Shia Quran Academy?

 Our Online Shia Quran Academy Has now Students from all around the world whose basic concern was to learn about religion by having a strong bond with the sector. Our Shia Online Quran Center believes in strengthening the bases first and then going upward step by step. 

How to join Online Shia Quran Academy?

Our <a href=” Shia Quran Academy</a>  Has now Students from all around the world whose basic concern was to learn  about religion by having a strong bond with the sector. 

Unit 33 Simulate

 You will analyze the three videos located in the Readings and Resources for this assignment to gain insight into best practices in early childhood education by responding to reflection questions. Watch the videos and respond to the reflection questions.  Videos:         

Asperger’s Syndrome

What is your experience in working with or associating with people who are classified as being “on the spectrum” with respect to Asperger’s Syndrome? How can you help students in your class who are on the spectrum become well assimilated into your class’s community? 

comp and lit Neva

   Select: A Historical Event Read: Medgar Evers Choose: Historical event to research and create presentation    This week, you will begin exploring the relevance of an event that impacted history. This event should be something that changed the world, made an impact on humanity, altered the planet, the way we think, and civilization. There […]

Neva history

 make an argument for or against the central thesis presented by Charles Blow in “South to Black Power.” 

culture communication

culture communication Description: In this assignment, you will analyze how culture affects communication. This assignment will help you connect the communication principles you are learning to the real world. You can use as a starting point your Week 1 Discussion Main Post. Instructions: 1. Consider a conversation or interaction between two (or more) people who […]