d mitchell

  There are several laws that help organizations and communities maintain their safety from accidental and deliberate releases of harmful chemicals.One of the important laws to accomplish this is the right to know law. Google a chemical in your area either at a plant or traveling through by truck or railway and how does the […]

neva 2

  “Evolving Images” reply to the following. 1. Date and place of birth for Marion Anderson 2. Describe her musical training 3. How would you describe her voice. 4. How did music critics respond to her singing 5. Provide the name of the song Marion Anderson performed at the Lincoln Memorial 6. Date and place of birth for […]

Education Journal Analysis: Macronutrients Assignment

Anyone can help out with a health assignment?  HLTH 330 Journal Analysis Macronutrients Example Nourishing the body is very important. After tracking my food and fluid for three days, I now have an increased understanding of how I am taking care of my body. Looking at the Macronutrient Distribution Report, I see that my percentages […]

Healthcare ethics powerpoint

   Choose an issue that interests you. Be sure to include related healthcare ethics and laws involved. Assignment should be a minimum of 10 PowerPoint slides (not including the title slide and reference slides) and provide an overview of the following: Define the ethical dilemma (selected health issue) History of ethics behind the issue Overview […]

social media and marketing(jay)

  Pick a  company that uses social media as a marketing and branding tool. Review  at least three social media accounts your company of choice uses and  assess the following: Based on their social media, how would you describe the company? How is the company trying to portray itself on social media? Are users interacting […]

week 5 sam

  Assignment Sites/Videos:  How to create Gantt Chart in Microsoft Project (for Beginners) (10 min video)  How to Create Project Gantt Chart in MS Project (15 min video)  Required:  Watch the 2 videos above prior to starting your assignment. Create task: for each of the high-level tasks normally called the summary task, include at least […]

week 5 greg

please see attachment 6 For this assignment you must research a company that has moved its location from the U.S. to a foreign country or from a foreign county to the U.S. You may also use a company that has recently expanded operations so that they have a plant in the U.S. and in a […]

Do you like the art gallery?

How familiar are you with the Frist Museum? Instructions The Gallery Paper [100 points toward final Grade] enables the individual student to gather information, of particular information to them, from various sources. The student will collect information; digest and interpret it, report the findings and conclusions in a meaningful and scholarly way, thus opening their […]


 The initiative and the referendum are at the heart of direct democracy in Arizona.  Provide the basic definitions of an initiative and a referendum. Explain how initiatives and referendums are created  Compare and contrast an initiative and a referendum Discuss the pros and cons of each  Explain how initiatives and referendums support the idea of direct […]

Unit 4 videos

Can I get someone to help me analyze the videos in the files. CHS495V – Simulated Field Experience Capstone CHS495V Simulated Field Experience Reflections Template Video 1: Write the Name of the Video – a. Main Point and why it is an important topic. b. How has the content of this video changed, confirmed, or […]

Response 2 706

2 100 word response 1 reference/intext citation Due 2/3/2024 Williams Respond to Shared Accountability NSBA Framework The three listed area chosen were vision, continuous improvement and shared accountability from the NSBA framework.  Vision is for the mentoring program; the vision was clear.  It helped to improve student engagement and academic performance.  the vision guided the change process […]

Response 1 706

2 100 word response 1 reference/intext citation Due 2/3/2024 Wilson Respond to the Professional Capacity Change Initiative: Comprehensive Digital Learning Program Internal Stakeholders are considered to be the school leadership (Principal, Assistant-Principal) and they will be responsible for the overall vision, securing funding, and ensuring policy alignment. The teachers will be responsible for the implementation […]


 Locate litigation of violations of IDEA. Select one one litigation case dealing with  (mild cognitive challenges, ADHD, hearing impaired, visually impaired, or gifted) and provide a summary and finding of the claim.  Include in your discussion specific techniques for engaging families in their child’s IDEA education.  What are the implications for teaching and learning? 

School Take Over

List the school that has been taking over in the last six years , What have been the outcomes of these schools? you will research the impact of school takeovers on school districts in the United States. Be sure to include outcomes of this process as it relates to student achievement. Then determine how many […]

joe biden 2015 Washington Post

Research a quote from the person in the year, and from the source. Write out a verbal citation with the quote that you can use in a presentation

module 4 rebecca powerpoint

  Objective: To plan the arrangement of the indoor learning environment and the management of the learning centers. Scenario: You are a preschool teacher setting up a classroom for four- and five-year-olds before the school year begins. Focus Assignment: In a minimum of a 3 slide PowerPoint presentation, you will sketch  out a preschool classroom […]

joe biden 2015 Washington Post

research a quote from the person, in the year, and from the source. Write out a verbal citation with the quote that you can use in a presentation.

unit 3 simulated field

 You will analyze the three videos located in the Readings and Resources for this assignment to gain insight into best practices in early childhood education by responding to reflection questions. Watch the videos and respond to the reflection questions.  **It doesn’t have to be answered long

Education EEC 3204 (Assignment 4: Cultivating a More Equitable Early Childhood Classroom)

Turn It In Report required. Assignment 4: Cultivating a More Equitable Early Childhood Classroom Due Sunday by 11:59pm Points 10 Submitting a text entry box, a website url, a media recording, or a file upload Weekly Assignment Rubric Start Assignment Cultivating a More Equitable Early Childhood Classroom Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to […]

Strategic Discussion

Textbook: Chapter 6: Struggling College in  the innovative university: Changing the DNA of higher education from the inside out. Discussion Question: Please provide at least a 250-word response, utilizing references from the text and/or supplemental reading. Please also be sure to respond to at least two of your peers on the forum. One of the […]

Discussion 5 706

Week 5 Discussion: Roles and Responsibilities for Change 300 word response 2 references/intext citation Due 2/2/2024 1. Review pages 434 to 445 in Senge et. al. (2012).      a. This section provides a case study that recounts events that transpired from 1991 to 2007 in the Kentwood Public School District in Michigan.      b. […]


Scenario A surgeon completed an operation despite being informed by a nurse and the anesthesiologist that the suction catheter tip was missing. The tip was subsequently found inside the patient, requiring reoperation. Assignment Rubric Criterion/Requirement Possible Points Earned Points Notes · Organized & Clear · Well-organized  · Easy to follow · RCA Method identified/Explained 2 […]

Conflict Styles

Chapter 8 Conflict Styles Assessment Assignment Turnitin™ This assignment will be submitted to Turnitin™. Instructions In Chapter 8, we learned about conflict. Knowing how we commonly engage in conflict can help us to enhance our conflict resolution skills.  In this assignment, you will… · take the  Conflict Styles Assessment  to learn more about your conflict […]


Chapter 7 Attraction, Relationship Model, and Maintenance Strategies This assignment will be submitted to Turnitin™. Instructions In this chapter, we have learned about the relationship model and relationship theory of attraction.  In this assignment, we are going to dig deeper into attraction theory and apply the theory to our own relationships. In this assignment, you […]

Do you know Cynthia Sheppard art style?

  Using a descriptive vocabulary, describe the work of Cynthia Sheppard Summarize her painting process and Fantasy Art style Provide a brief analysis using terminology form the book.

Education Assignment 5

Scenario Conflict and Template to use for the Assignment Scenario 2 – Personal It’s the time of year when you gather with friends and family. Recent events in the news that impact different cultures have caused differences of opinion related to issues of justice and fairness, creating conflict with those you care about. You are […]

Week 4-Fine Arts

See content Imagine that your elementary school principal has requested to observe you teach a class focused around effectively using an arts concept to help students understand a topic in a core subject.   Create a 1- to 2-page lesson plan that addresses the following: · Central focus · Age group and content standards · Learning goals […]

edu 602 behavior plan

  Review how to create behavior plans (you created one in EDU506).  You may NOT re-use the behavior plan from EDU506 for this assignment (this assignment will be checked with Turnitin), but you may use it to refresh your memory on the various elements of an effective plan. Describe a hypothetical class of your own […]

ICL 7172 Module 3 SPEC MTHDS

 Discussion Question #1: After reading the Dilemma of a Divided City, which two options would you believe are most beneficial to help the “Eastern side” of the city? Furthermore, what would be your top two choices’ potential strengths and weaknesses? Discussion Question #2: After reading the Wilen article, which do you believe is the biggest […]

ICL 7659: Module 3

 Discussion Question 1: After reading chapter four, it appeared that many liberals turned to the idea of communist teaching in the classroom. Why do you believe this was the case? Were Hooks and Meiklejohn’s arguments supportive of such efforts? Discussion Question 2: How does the fictional video illustrate the fears (actual or perceived) about communist […]


500-750 with References History and Perception of Inclusion Reference List and Reflection – Rubric Part 1: Research 34 points Criteria Description Part 1: Research 5. Target 34 points All sources are compelling, proficiently relate to the research topic, and are from within the last five years. Includes substantial variety of resource types. 4. Acceptable 29.58 […]

OSH 3305 Unit 3

View attachments As a facility safety specialist, you have been asked by upper management to evaluate current ergonomic behavior. You have been asked to evaluate one specific area of a colleague’s office environment to evaluate (e.g., chair, keyboard, desk). Discuss how the evaluation/measurement process works and what measurements you would take. What are some common […]

Walking-Working Surfaces: Fall Protection System Training (OSHA)

Please view attachment  Walking-Working Surfaces: Fall Protection System Training Presentation The 2017 revision to the Walking-Working Surfaces Standard requires that employers ensure workers who use personal fall protection and work in other specified high hazard situations are trained and retrained as necessary regarding fall and equipment hazards and fall protection systems. Using Subpart D as […]

edu 602 unit 5 dicussion

  View the video below on Rosa’s Law. Discuss various laws relating to treatment of the disabled and their intent. Early laws were permissive but now they are mandatory. Discuss similarities and differences of recent laws. What are some of the ramifications (both positive and negative) of these laws now becoming mandatory? 

I need help

I need help  Reading Prep- Week 4    From the article you are reading (depending on what section you are in) this week, select three quotes that resonate with you. For each quote, write 2-3 sentences (or questions) reflecting on why the quote stood out to you.  Don’t forget to close with a short and […]


  From the article you are reading (depending on what section you are in) this week, select three quotes that resonate with you. For each quote, write 2-3 sentences (or questions) reflecting on why the quote stood out to you.  Don’t forget to close with a short and general “take-away” from the reading!