question assigment

1. Review the specific elements of the  Danielson Framework Links to an external site.  and the  HLPs  Download HLPs listed below. Danielson Domain 3 component D: Using Assessment in Instruction  HLP 19: Use assistive and instructional technologies. HLP 21: Teach students to maintain and generalize new learning across time and settings. HLP 22: Provide positive and […]


SEE ATTACHED INSTRUCTIONS DIRECTIONS: Complete a Tic-Tac-Toe by answering three questions in a row, horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. Then you must answer another two questions for a second tic-tac-toe. So, you have FIVE questions that you must answer . Each question is worth TWELVE points for a total of 60 points, so make sure you […]

Collaboration for all Learners – Unit Plan

Your assignment is a Unit Plan, which means that you must provide at least 5 lessons in plans.  As you have likely noticed, we are using some of the same scenarios that we used for our gradual release model lesson plan. IF you plan to use the same scenario, you CAN use the lesson that […]

Data Application

Help with microsoft access report project.. Two healthcare facilities: The William Breman Jewish Home Decatur Center for Nursing and Healing

Family Voice

Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to interpret and special considerations for families of children with special needs from their children’s birth through high school. Directions: Write a reflection discussing your thoughts on this weeks course content. Try to walk a mile in someone else’s shoes and think about the impact of having a […]

Parent/Family Video Analysis

Write an analysis paragraph for each part #4, #5, & #6. Three paragraphs in total   4. Views on family involvement (SEE ATTACHED- Hoover Dempsey and Sandler Family Systems Model) -Parent’s motivational beliefs -Parent’s perceptions of invitations for involvement from others -Parents perceived life context 5. Views of teacher/parent roles 6. Priority needs for educational/home […]

Financial Management

Assignment: Peer-Reviewed Corporate White Paper One of the most powerful tools a business leader can utilize today is the presentation of a white paper. In thoughtful learning organizations today, leaders will oftentimes present a white paper that may introduce a concept or an idea that helps those in the organization reflect on the current realities […]

extra credit des

please see attachment Extra Credit Opportunity Due: 4/24/24 Step 1: Find a Research Article on a Student Health Issue (Must be dated after 2022) The best place to find a reliable research article is in a peer-reviewed scholarly journal accessed from a research database or platform, such as ProQuest, OvidSP, or EBSCOhost. Check with your […]

Math and science Lesson plan

I need someone to complete 2 lesson plans one for science and the other for math. Do you understand my instructions? A. Lesson Plans (40 points) – FINAL Due: April 15 · A: Math Lesson Plan (20 points): Pick a topic which aligns with two or more domains in the GELDS or GaDoe Kindergarten (one […]

Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan  Chicago State University College of Education Education Studies Lesson Plan Template Teacher Candidate Name: Grade/Age Level: Subject/Content Area: *I ndicate if the lesson is integrated and include other subjects English Language Arts L esson Plan Section Guiding Questions Teacher Candidate Responses Lesson Title Big Idea/Outcome What is this lesson about? Standards Enter the […]

Evaluation Plan

   Create an evaluation plan to assess the effectiveness of assessing the quality of healthcare for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Define the problem, include specific indicators, and provide a plan for the implementation of both formative and summative evaluation strategies. Include specific research methodologies and related statistical and qualitative data analysis methods, where […]

Education M7 Homework

· M7 WA#1 Answer the following questions. Be sure to proofread and answer all parts of each question. Each question is worth 20 points. 1. Match the cognitive skill on the left with the correct activity on the right. Cognitive Skill Activity A.  Inquiry B. Physical world C. Social knowledge D. Classification E. Seriation F. Numbers […]


Position paper for your institution / organization that builds off the Change Management Plan you created in Assessment #3. Use the outline that you developed during your formative assessment to help your key stakeholders understand and accept the change management that you are implementing. 1. Introduction of your thesis statement 2. Include research to support […]


HELP WITH MY PROJECT CAREER MOVERS: PROFESSIONAL GROWTH AND LIFELONG LEARNING ACTION PLAN In a Microsoft Word document, write at least two double-spaced pages where you establish three professional and lifelong learning goals you plan to achieve once you’ve completed college (25 points for each goal). Explain your Action Plan for achieving three professional growth […]


In this assignment, you will create a comprehensive culmination presentation and portfolio that displays your understanding of the core academic activities, your personal experiences as it relates to core academic activity objectives, and your plans for professional development aligned with course learning objectives. Course Learning Objectives: 1. Apply knowledge about learning organization theory, process, and […]

Build a Moral Compass breezy

Please see attachment Build a Moral Compass  Choose one of the four templates, Markkula- APA or MLA, or Brown – APA or MLA, and follow directions. The information below offers an elaboration on these directions.  In a section titled “Theories” identify between 1 and 3 moral theories you will use to build your […]


 Please see attachment a) details about the ethical considerations in embarking upon a qualitative research project;  b)  proposes a qualitative project via two well-written research questions  (RQ) and 2-3 semi-structured interview questions for each (RQ); and  c)  identifies the target populations, as well as any ethical challenges  you might expect to encounter where completing such […]


  After reading  the Comprehensive Preparedness Guide, write an ESF13 “Public Safety & Security” coordination annex on how Bobsville will coordinate with Federal Agencies in the case of a large scale disaster. Here are some supplemental materials on the Emergency Support Functions.  FEMA – ESF and Support Annexes Overview FEMA – ESF Support Function Annexes […]

qutia final

please see attachment Design a Proposal for a Family Life Education Experience The 10 Family Life Education content areas can be found here . PART A Choose one of the 10 FLE content areas, and design an educational program that addresses that area. Provide a description of program, including these topics: · What FLE content […]


 I have attached the assignment sheet and you can use the attached plan to fill in as needed Objective: To create a large motor lesson plan for preschoolers. Scenario: You are a teacher at a preschool with  students that range in age from 3 to 5. Your class will soon be starting  a topic called […]


   Communication in Families.  focusing on a major concept in relational communication supported by research from varied authoritative resources. Critical thinking is expected to  demonstrate acquired knowledge. A well-planned and organized summary  demonstrating scholarship, formal and academic expression, a effective delivery of ideas and connections to major concepts through solid written expression.


Create a PowerPoint presentation with Presenter Notes detailing your plan. Telehealth. This should consist of 10-12 slides. Include the following: A title slide depicting your name and the title of your project Include 1-2 slides each on: an overview of the technology, benefits of this technology, an overview of ethical, legal, safety, and privacy issues […]

Education Assignment 13- Special Considerations

Assignment 13 – Special Considerations: Birth through High School  Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to analyze and understand special considerations for families of children with special needs from their children’s birth through high school. Directions: For this assignment, you may create an account for on your iPad or use a similar application of your […]

Discussion Question

Discussion Question: Please provide at least a 250-word response, utilizing references from the text and/or supplemental reading. Please also be sure to respond to at least two of your peers on the forum. One of the purposes of this learning module is to develop the capacity to anticipate problems and pitfalls associated with the budget […]

Education Major Assignment #2 – Individual Project

Major Assignment #2 – Individual Project Assessment Tool Analysis Purpose: This assignment aims to research and analyze two well-known assessment tools used to assess young children. Directions: For this assignment, you are required to: Research the Battelle Developmental Inventory 2nd Edition (also known as BDI2). You will find information online, and you may also contact […]


ATTACHED Chapter 1: What If Scenario Instructions: Please answer the following two questions base on how you would handle a certain situation or circumstance. Please make sure that your response is 150 words . 1. You are the mayor, and your city is suffering from severe economic hardship due to a decrease in the amount of property taxes received […]

Db help

See attached. Lab 9 Learning Activities Please complete the following: 1. Read chapter 10 – Transaction management, concurrency control & database recovery. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the various types of controls. You are not responsible for learning the new code, but you need to understand the concepts. Lab 9 Instructions Answer the questions below. Please provide the questions […]


Project 3 instructions– Assess and revise recipes (File upload) Note: This Assessment flows from information obtained as a result of Role Play 2 and the recipes developed for Project 2. General learner instructions You are required to provide a written report with evidence attached that proves you have assessed one (1) recipe from each of […]

school community relations plan

visions and goal SCR Plan Woods 2 School Community Relations Plan Example 2 In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements of EDAD 5313: School and Community Relations Dr. Jerry Stout Southeastern Oklahoma State University Spring I 2022 School Community Relations Plan Vision Statement: At Antlers Public Schools we believe we have the responsibility to effectively communicate […]


 Please answer each question in complete paragraph. Do not repeat the questions. All answers should be followed by a reference 

FINAL PROJECT: Deaf Awareness Resource

  OVERVIEW: As a teacher of the deaf, it is quite likely you will have peers that will not have a background in what it means to be D/deaf, nor an understanding of the policies and trends affecting K-12 students who are deaf/hard of hearing. As the classroom teacher or the campus expert, you may […]


EdU Child, Family, and Community Part A Understanding Stress and Resilience in Young ChildrenTop of FormBottom of FormTop of Form Introduction: Teachers encounter families who are or have encountered adversity in the form of high level stress. High levels of stress can impact a child’s lifelong health and well-being. As an educator, there are many ways […]

Education I need help with homework

I have to do a presentation on the initiative and the referendum process in Arizona can someone help me? 11.85 points Video presentation adequately describes an initiative and a referendum, but description is limited. Video presentation demonstrates a basic understanding of the topic. 13.05 points Video presentation clearly describes an initiative and a referendum, and description is […]

Final Jay (powerpoint)

  Topic:  Renewable Energy Engineering  Goal: Demonstrate the ability to create a final project that uses both research-based and personal content while using presentation software to communicate with an intended audience.  Please consider the following: · Presentation will include an introduction, body, conclusion, and properly formatted reference/work cited slide in the citation style of your degree […]

infogrphic powerpoint (felton)

  Throughout  the course, you encountered a number of different moral theories. While  you had enough exposure in the first few weeks to build a moral  compass, you have had more time to get to know the theories better and  may be morally motivated by a different primary theory or set of  theories than you […]


major- Criminal Justice digital forensics Item 1 of the Portfolio:  Report on the Communication in My Field of Study (due in week 2)   For this assignment you will complete a form, providing information about 4 things: 1. The program (discipline) you are studying (examples: Intelligence Studies or Criminal Justice). 2. Some ways you learned about […]


  Part I:  Briefly summarize for us the proposed qualitative project you intend to  write about. Include the research questions (RQ) under consideration  and a list of 3-4 semi-structured interview questions for each. Do you  need any help narrowing your list of questions? What, if any, challenges  are you facing where conceptualizing your project is […]


After finishing reading Mary Shelley’s  Frankenstein, or The Modern Prometheus, write a roughly  two-page informal discussion of the novel. Specifically, think of an aspect of the novel that struck you as different from other representations you may have seen in other media. What surprised you? What issues raised by the novel did you find remain relevant […]

final reflection tina

  Read the brief: “What is ‘Curriculum’ in Early Childhood Education?” You will also discuss the quality components of the curriculum as they relate to Early Childhood Education.


final please see attachment EDU 259 RESEARCH PRESENTATION & ESSAY FINAL EXAM INSTRUCTIONS Introduction As an accomplished educator, you may be called on to explain the importance of evidence-based curricula. In this final exam, you will provide a professional development presentation of three educational approaches/curriculum models used in early childhood programs chosen from the list […]

To create a large motor lesson plan for preschoolers.

  Scenario: You are a teacher at a preschool with  students that range in age from 3 to 5. Your class will soon be starting  a topic called “Friendship.” The children in your care come from  diverse cultural backgrounds, and several of them speak languages other  than English at home. \ Create an outdoor large […]


  Choose one of the  following general categories of psychological disorders: Anxiety  Disorders, Mood Disorders, or Dissociative Disorders. Research and  briefly describe two different treatment approaches or therapies for  managing disorders within the chosen category. Focus on the rationale  behind each treatment and any evidence supporting its effectiveness. Be  sure to use scholarly resources, NOT […]

coco military history

Please see attchment ) Battle Analysis Revision Date: MAY 2018 MH303 Battle Analysis 2 A method used by historians to provide a systematic approach to the study of battles, campaigns, and other operations. What is Battle Analysis? Revision Date: MAY 2018 MH303 Battle Analysis 3 Step 1: Define the Subject. Step 2: Review the Setting […]

interpersonal communications (dee)

  1Measuring Love and Commitment Make sure you elaborate on your answers; the answers should not be just “yes” or “no.”  Think of a current or past romance to answer these questions about love and commitment: Do you think your relationship will be permanent? Can you confide in your partner about almost anything? Are you […]

destini Mitchell Health concept

 Read the article: “Well-Being of students in higher education and submit  using instructions in the Article Critique Submission document. 

week 5 discussion

  Dispositions and Learning Environments [WLOs: 1, 2] [CLOs: 3, 4] Throughout this course, you have learned about various strategies supporting delays, disabilities, and disorders across various domains of development. Along with understanding these strategies, in order to truly support the needs of children developing atypically, you must also reflect on who you are as […]

des Emergency Service Law & Ethics

 this week we are putting our knowledge together o legal and ethical  issues. Do a search for a law suit that involves some form of emergency  response. It could be from a disaster, law enforcement, fire, EMS etc  Tell us the basis of the law suit and then tell us if you think it is  legitimate […]

allan reflection

please see attachment 2 Reflections on:    assignment: Write a 700 word Reflection Writing a reflection based on the article “18 Pieces of Advice for Doing Teacher Observations the Right Way” from Education Week requires critical thinking, personal insights, and a connection to your own experiences or studies in education. Here’s a structured guide to […]

allan final

please see attachment Final Exam/Assignment: “Transformational Leadership in Education: Advancing Equitable Curriculum and Instruction” Assignment: 2500 – 3000 words addressing the following Final Exam/Assignment: “Transformational Leadership in Education: Advancing Equitable Curriculum and Instruction” Assignment; 2500 – 3000 words adressing the below objectives Objective: The final exam aims to evaluate your comprehensive understanding of curriculum and […]


Pitch Presentation – apply what you’ve learned to a full pitch for your business directed at your chosen funding audience. Your pitch should be no longer than 20 minutes and it must include your pitch deck. You have the following options to create this: Video with an accompanying PowerPoint to include your narration Prezi created […]