military history (coco)

 The United States and the Soviet Union were allies during WWII. What led  to the immediate rise in tensions between the two Nations after the  fall of Nazi Germany? What were the causes of the friction? How did  these tensions lead to what is termed “The Cold War”? 


Topic: AI’s Effect on Mental Health Treatment  You will submit a draft of your research methods summary. It does not have  to be complete (but the more developed and polished it is, the better). 


Research Topic Proposal: Understanding the Impact of Nonverbal Communication on Interpersonal Relationships  draft of your research methods summary. It does not have to be complete (but the more developed and polished it is, the better). 


 Write an summary  based on the short videos on Climate Change in NC and on  your independent research. Make sure you include at least two effects of  Climate Change and two solutions being considered for those problems.  You should also include at least two references. 


  Review the two links below and respond to the following three items: 1) Discuss two things that surprised you the most about African presence in Asia. 2) Discuss two things that surprised you most about Black presence in early China? 3) How can this new knowledge increase Black Consciousness among all students studying in […]


  Describe the key stylistic characteristics of ragtime performance and composition. When and where did the earliest notions of ragtime develop. Describe the terms ” Rag’ or Ragging” What is Classic Ragtime?   What was Scott Joplin’s vision for ragtime, and what role did he play in its development. What social barriers did Joplin navigate in order to […]


  Chronic Absenteeism Is a Crisis. Do Parents Get It? (  Picture yourself as a leader of a large urban school district. How would you address this problem? What district resources would you use? 

Ongoing Professional Development

  Staff cohesiveness is an important part of the mentoring process. Mentoring programs help create a unified school culture by building positive relationships and common purpose. Building relationships with staff is an integral part of the leadership role of the instructional coach, and common purpose gives staff a direction and goals to work toward. For […]

Clinical Field Experience A: Teaching Practices with Technology

1 8 Understanding Adult Learning Theories Your Name Here Grand Canyon University Understanding Adult Learning Theories This first paragraph is your introduction. Begin with a strong grabber/intro statement go get the reader’s attention. Don’t forget your Purpose Statement. See this article for help with a Purpose Statement. 100-150 words. Summaruy of Malcom Knowles Principles In […]

Education Homework

 Discuss your reaction to gender issues. Provide a position statement in positive. (Provide your honest thoughts in such a way the reader understands your thoughts, stance, etc.)  


Learning for Early childhood education Age 3-5 This assignment serves as a compilation of influential works you have read/viewed over the thirteen week period.  A bibliography, personal summary and analysis of the chosen literature and readings that helped shaped your course learning is required.  The intention is to keep a running list of the books, […]


Please see attachment Q1 Describe your experience with Self Directed Learning.  Compare and contrast this to your online classwork.  Explain some challenges Q2 Compare and contrast the t hree basic types of evaluation in Family Life Education, and explain how you would use each of the three (not just one) to assess one program of […]


  Topic:    How do intelligence-sharing mechanisms contribute to enhancing homeland security preparedness and response?    Identify and explain at least two research methods that you considered for your thesis. Which method did you select? How and why did you make this decision? Please include your research question at the beginning of your post!


Module 7: Analyzing Students’ Work Activity 1. Watch the Analyzing Student Work video by Edutopia and jot down some key points. 2. 3. Review the Module 4 Materials –  Overview of Analysis of Student WorkLinks to an external site.  paying close attention to the protocol, 4. Read:  How to Give Effective Feedback to Your Students […]

united states

   The United States has a dual court system which is comprised of federal and state courts.  In your focus, compare the federal and state systems in terms of structure, selection of judges, and types of cases heard.


EDAS 647 Page 1 of 2 LEGAL ENTANGLEMENT PROJECT: PART 1 – PRELIMINARY COMMUNICATION AND ADVOCACY PLAN ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS OVERVIEW The purpose of this assignment is to present the existing or created policy (identified in the Legal Entanglement Project: Part 1 – Topic Selection and Ethical Analysis Assignment) to select families, caregivers, colleagues, special/general education […]

I need help with this power point

I need help with this PowerPoint Requires Lopeswrite Assessment Description Educators have the responsibility of fostering caring classroom environments that promote acceptance and understanding for all students regardless of their culture, cultural heritage, ethnicity, language, religion, socioeconomic status, gender identity/expression, sexual orientation, or abilities/disabilities. Additionally, teachers need to be prepared when students or communities experience […]

Side notes NEEDED.

AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDER MARY CARTER UNDERSTANDING AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDER (ASD) • Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) encompasses a range of neurodevelopmental disorders marked by difficulties in social interaction, communication challenges, and a tendency for restricted, repetitive patterns of behavior. • Spectrum Nature: Emphasizes the variability in the severity and combination of symptoms among individuals, making ASD […]

Education assignment 3

Assignment #3 Virtual Field Experience (20 points)   The purpose of this assignment is to develop a better understanding of the teaching, learning and assessment processes as well as teacher effectiveness through observation, reflection, and teaching of a physical education or health education lesson. The field experience activity focuses on best practices in the elementary […]


   Course Project: Create an Outline Assignment Instructions Criteria Ratings Points Outline Content 21 to >18 pts Advanced Information is placed under the 8 required headings showing the planning ideas. 18 to >17 pts Proficient Information is placed under 6-7 headings showing the planning ideas 17 to >0 pts Developing Information is placed under 5 […]

Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological System Theory

Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological System Theory Top of Form Bottom of Form Assignment Content 1. Top of Form Introduction:  American psychologist Urie Bronfenbrenner formulated the Ecological Systems Theory to explain how social environments affect children’s development. This theory emphasizes the importance of studying children in multiple environments, known as ecological systems, in the attempt to understand their […]


 For the assignment this  week, tell me why Budgeting, Accounting and workplace conflict would be  important to understand as an executive of a publicly traded company.   (Make sure that you look at rubric and follow the rubric and see the  comments below). This assignment will be used as a DRAFT that will be  used in […]


 q1 define the stakeholders involved in emergency management  q2  explain the difference between an emergency and a disaster.  q3  discuss the difference between a tactical planning and operational planning.  q4  discuss the typical definition of risk.  q5  describe the basic contents of a hazard-specific annex or incident-specific annex to an EOP. 

week 4 chichi

 What are  some of the special communication issues facing single parents?  How  can these issues be handled most constructively?  Use the  readings/lessons plus 2 other sources to support your response. 

quita week 4

 Select  one of the learning theory ( Undertsanding Bloom’s Taxonomy  ). Explain how  you will apply the theory to an original content or instructional  activity in an adult education context. Include explanations about how  the theory and application helps adults learn better. Use the rubric  below to grade your own work. Your instructor will grade […]

Needs Assessment Plan

  Create a needs assessment plan for a proposed program, including approaches to measurement and methods of data collection and analysis. Discuss your approach within the context of the Access to Quality Healthcare for People with Intellectual and Developmental Justify why the methods you selected are the most appropriate to assess the need for your […]

unique 2

please see attachment 4 Part 1: Research and Analysis (40 Points) 1. Research Component (20 Points): · Select two theories of learning (e.g., Behaviorism, Constructivism) and two theories of intelligence (e.g., Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences, Spearman’s g Factor). · Summarize each theory in your own words, focusing on key concepts and theorists (approx. 200 words per […]


  Objective: To create a Play Activity Plan. Scenario: You  are a teacher at a childcare center for toddlers. Your class will soon  be starting a “My Community” topic. The children in your care come from  diverse cultural backgrounds, and several of them speak languages other  than English at home. Create an activity plan for […]


Please see attachment to complete  Methodology Rubric (100 Points) This section situates the study in a particular methodological tradition, provides a rationale for that approach, describes the research setting and sample, and describes data collection and analysis methods. IS THE SECTION INCLUDED? YES/ NO DOES IT DO THIS? EXAMPLES Introduction Restates research questions, hypotheses, and […]


  The Single Most Effective Thing Administrators Can Do: Shut Up and Listen (Opinion) ( Please read the link attached to the article above. What are the main points? How will you use this information to support your career (middle school PE teacher and head high school football coach)?

Management Change

You will develop a change management plan based on the research data you obtained from your organization. With this information, you will determine 2-3 issues around the goal or goals chosen that need to be addressed immediately. Specific Assignment Details Your change management plan will include the following: 1. Overview of organization systems 2. Overview […]


You will develop an infographic to explain the change management plan to the organization’s key stakeholders. Specific Assignment Details Your infographic will include the following: 1. The issues being addressed 2. Timeframe of the plan 3. Key milestones (steps to complete the plan) 4. What office is responsible for each step of the plan 5. […]


In this assignment, you will create a comprehensive culmination presentation and portfolio that displays your understanding of the core academic activities, your personal experiences as it relates to core academic activity objectives, and your plans for professional development aligned with course learning objectives. Course Learning Objectives: 1. Apply knowledge about learning organization theory, process, and […]

critical issues in education

 Being Pro-Active with Critical Issues & Understanding the Larger Context It is important to understand both sides of an issue in order to engage in effective discussion, relationship building, and resolution.


see attachment Unit VII Essay HCL For this assignment, research a medical care system that is provided within a foreign country (not in the United States). For example, you can conduct an Internet search by looking up phrases such as “health care in Germany.” Once you have examined the medical care system in that country, […]


Readings and Viewings · Helping young children learn language and literacy: Birth through kindergarten. Chapter 9 · Next Generation English Language Arts Standards · Assessment as a guide: New Generation Standards · NYS Early LearningGuidelines · Reading Rockets – Assessment and Evaluation · Reading Rockets – Early Reading Assessment Guiding Tool Instruction · Robert Pianta: […]

please read citation and refrances

IEP Analysis Project: The purpose of this assignment is for candidates to research and explain the purpose and importance of some of the key terms and components related to the IEP process.   Using the IEP Key Term & Components: Purpose and Importance chart, explain the purpose and importance of each IEP component or key term.  […]

Child Development 144

Part A Observation and Assessment Play allows children to use their creativity while developing their imagination, dexterity, and physical, cognitive, and emotional strength. Play is important to healthy brain development. It is through play that children at a very early age engage and interact in the world around them. This assignment allows students to observe and assess children at play by using three forms of observation/assessment tools. The […]

Child Development

Child Development Movement  And Infants And Toddlers This file is too large to display.View in new window

Questions 0328

  Choose a topic within the group/team communication research realm that interests you. *I’d suggest also related to your planned Convocation paper topic. YOU MUST HAVE THE TOPIC APPROVED BY ME BEFORE BEGINNING. This should be secondary research. You are not writing a proposal to conduct, nor conducting methodical, primary research for this paper. Requirements: […]

harmful social media exposure

Imagine you are beginning your class, and you hear students having side conversations about a student on campus and something that has been shared on social media regarding this student. You can sense the conversation is not appropriate, and you do not want your students to be engaged in or sharing information about another student […]

IEP lesson plan

I have a case study lesson, I need to know if someone can rewrite this IEP lesson plan. IEP Information: Parental concerns regarding their child’s education: 1:1 and 2:1 instruction be differentiated for his needs. We do not want him to be watching youtube videos during school We want him to be engaged in active […]


  Evaluate your marketing strategy to include advertising, social media, etc Develop your final business plan Submit your complete marketing budget, to include the distribution of marketing funds to directional, creative, and call-to-action advertising, and marketing platforms for each type of advertising. Include a brief narrative explaining your purpose and reasoning of the distribution of […]

Fluency Article Questions

What caused Kenya’s difficulties with fluency? (1-2 sentences) Why was Response to Intervention (RTI) not helpful in Kenya’s situation?  (1-2 sentences) What strategy did the author use to improve vocabulary knowledge? Why is this strategy effective?  (1-2 sentences) Why is there a stigma about rereading texts aloud and how does Reader’s Theater reduce this stigma?  […]