Portfolio Assessment

Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to design a portfolio assessment.  Directions:  You will be creating a Portfolio that could be used in an early childhood setting on a make-believe child. The Portfolio should include the following: The age and grade level of the child. Information on the child’s overall performance. The 3 domains (see […]

TSL4081 (Instructional Activity: Concluding Report)

Please this is a 2-part assignment. This goes hand in hand with the Instructional Activity Unit Lesson Plans. Total Points: 15 Instructional Activity: Concluding Report Due Thursday by 11:59pm Points 15 Submitting a text entry box or a file upload Available Feb 28 at 8am – Mar 28 at 11:59pm Concluding Report Criteria Ratings Pts […]

EDP 4274 (Assignment 9: Social Competencies)

I will need the Turn It In report.  Please use the attached links as sources for some of the questions.  Read: NAEYC-Promoting Young Children’s Social and Emotional Health LINK: From the Zero to Three series: Read: Developing Social-Emotional Skills (12-24 months) LINK: Read: Developing Social-Emotional Skills (24-36 months) LINK:

Article Power Point

PLEASE read the instructions thoroughly This file is too large to display.View in new window

special education

Required readings Read about the PLOP, and what considerations to include here: Training & Technical Assistance Center, William & Mary College (2013).  The Heart of the IEP Considerations Packet (p.2-4). (PDF; an  accessible Word [doc.x] version is available) See this snapshot of what an IEP meeting entails: Advocates for Children of New York (2019).  Tip Sheet: Preparing […]

In files

In files  For more information, visit www.loveisrespect.org Repurposing is allowed and encouraged. Please contact loveisrespect for more information. Are you a good partner? Answer yes or no to the following questions to find out. Make sure to check the boxes to record your responses. At the end, you’ll find out how to score your answers. […]

Methods of educational Research

 Explain the three characteristics of case study research. Which one do you think is most widely used? Explain your answer. 

Des health

please see attachment Health Concepts HLTH185 Chapter 5 Developing Muscular Strength and Endurance and Chapter 6 Flexibility Name ___________________________________ Date _____________________________ For this activity, you will apply concepts from the chapters on “Developing Muscular Strength and Endurance” and “Flexibility”. You will develop a Muscular strength, endurance, and flexibility program for the following patients.  Type entries, […]

Education Excel PivotTables Assignment

Upload has all the information you need. Excel PivotTables Assignment (10 Points) An Excel PivotTable is used to present Excel information in a table format. The idea is that you can click drop down lists and change the data that is being displayed (hence, you may “pivot” information into and out of the table). For […]


Discussion Assignment Instructions Directions: For this discussion, you will post one thread of at least 350 words. For the thread, you must support your assertions with at least two scholarly citations in current APA format. After reading Chapter 2 choose one of the following prompts to discuss. 1. Re-read: Guidance on Constitutionally Protected Prayer and […]


Module 5: Pre-Observation Conference (PoP Cycle 2) · Instruction · Students Achievement Chart   Download Students Achievement Chart with pre-assessments results  · Unit of study (5 additional lessons on a template of your choice) · Completed  lesson plan  Lesson Plan Template Download Lesson Plan Template · Assessment sample (Example completed at proficiency level) and explain the criteria […]


INSTRUCTION: Module 4: Post-observation Conference with Field Supervisor (PoP Cycle 1) 1. Submit lesson plan with revisions based on what you and your students did during the lesson that you taught. 2. Please see video: (Add questions you asked, the classroom management strategies you applied, timing for each section, feedback you provided, and etc.) 3. […]

Theory of Change Model & Logic Model

   Create both a Theory of Change Logic Model and a Program Logic Model for assessing to quality healthcare for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.  Utilizing information gathered to produce assumptions, which will form the foundation of the logic model. Include key elements including resources, activities, outputs, short- and long-term outcomes, and impact. Describe […]

M4 WA#1

M4 WA#1 Choose  one  of the following options: Option One: Design a power point presentation for families in which you welcome them to your program and let them know the following things about your program: · Role of family-school partnership · Ways families can be involved in the school/your classroom · Ways in which you […]

Negotiation Lesson

r39 Chapter Six Decision-Maldng Episodes Requiring the Negotiation Decision Strategy egotiation decision-making episodes stress the weighing of options and.the criteria used as the basis for selecting options. Its basic function is to help students develop ways to make decisions where they must surrender one group ofoptions in order to obtain a group of options they […]


Brand Assessment Guidelines: 1. Up to three people to a group 2. Printed report – 3,200 words minimum. 3. In class Presentation – 15-16 minutes. 4. Include pictures, charts, graphs, videos and/or as necessary. 5. The report should be generated from, but not limited to the below outline. 6. The in-class presentation will be graded […]


   The objective of this homework assignment is to help students deepen  their understanding of Gestalt principles of perception and how they  apply to real-world scenarios. 


   Please answer each question in complete full  paragraph. Do not repeat the questions. All answers should be followed by a reference  

jaybweek 3

  Description:  In  the Week 1 and Week 2 Lessons, we have read about two steps of the BIG6  model: task definition and information seeking strategies (CO1 & 2).  As you consider the Week 7 Final Project, you will complete a project  plan to help you focus your energies and generate ideas to help you […]

Building moral compass

  Please see attachment · In  a section titled “Theories” identify between 1 and 3 moral theories you  will use to build your compass (deontological, utilitarian, common  good, virtue, etc.) along with a short, documented definition for each  theory. The definition should be in your own words. As citations are NOT  just for quotations, be […]

quita week 2

 This  week you learned about sociocultural theory and the importance of adults  having control of their learning. This assignment provides you complete  control! You are to show your understanding of andragogy. How you show  your understanding is completely up to you. This could take the form of a  PowerPoint presentation, narrative, short story about your […]


 In what area of imagination and the arts do you have personal interest  and skills? How would you share that with children? How would you plan  lessons for children to help them discover their own interests in  Imagination and The Arts? 


  To focus on the enjoyment one can gain from participation in art,  supply a variety of art materials to an individual group of school-age  children. Tell student/students to choose whatever materials they wish  to create or more original pieces of art.  Allow time to discuss the experience. Then write a detailed reflection of the […]


EDAS 647 Legal Entanglement Project: Part 1 – Topic Selection and Ethical Analysis Assignment Instructions Overview The first step in selecting a topic is for you to evaluate school strategies, policies, programs, and practices regarding their ethical and/or legal implications. The purpose of the analysis is for you to select a meaningful and relevant topic […]

READ READ READ citation and references

Hide Assignment InformationTurnitin™This assignment will be submitted to Turnitin™.Instructions The purpose of this assignment is for candidates to develop a lesson plan using the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) framework. Choose one of the following options for the UDL lesson plan assignment. Revise any existing lesson plan to include the 3 principles of UDL (Engagement, […]

Education EM Assignment

Assignment: The First Meeting of the Budget & Student Enrollment Manager You are approximately three days away from your first meeting with the management team of your new company. As the budget manager, you know you play an important role in helping the entire team serve the organization and ensure institutional success. You are excited […]


Music Appreciation Part 1 150 words Please watch the embedded YouTube videos entitled “John Cage about silence” and “John Cage – Branches” before completing this discussion board. In your opinion, what characteristics differentiate sounds from music? Does music have to be pleasing? Is an element of human organization necessary for something to be called music? […]

Education Accesibility Assignment

Accessibility Assignment: (30 points) Due: March 24th, 2024 11:59 PM EST  This assignment addresses your Global Awareness Outcome, Students will be able to conduct a multi-perspective analysis (locally and internationally) of physical and programmatic accessibility for people with disabilities within the context of recreation, leisure, and sport facilities. The purpose of this project is to […]


INSTRUCTION TCAP Component #3: Instructional Unit You are responsible for working with the cooperating/mentor teacher to complete the unit with the students.  It is important to keep the lessons from this unit of study.  The Instructional Unit plan is a complete area of study that you and the cooperating/mentor teacher facilitated in class. You will […]

Education EM Assignment

Assignment: The First Meeting of the Budget & Student Enrollment Manager You are approximately three days away from your first meeting with the management team of your new company. As the budget manager, you know you play an important role in helping the entire team serve the organization and ensure institutional success. You are excited […]


Accessibility Assignment: (30 points) Due: March 24th, 2024 11:59 PM EST  This assignment addresses your Global Awareness Outcome, Students will be able to conduct a multi-perspective analysis (locally and internationally) of physical and programmatic accessibility for people with disabilities within the context of recreation, leisure, and sport facilities. The purpose of this project is to […]


Yulia Gutsul T00434432 Module 5 Pre-observation interview The subject of this lesson is “Alphabet”. · At the end of the class, most students may: · Recognize words that are relevant to the letters of the specific alphabet. · Read the various letters of the alphabet. · Determine has given objects relating to particular letters of […]

Education I need help with homework

I need help with my homework assignment  ELM-500 Case Study Scenario: You are a third-grade general education teacher at Oak Street Elementary School and have the following students in your third-grade class. Name: Alicia Hernandez Alicia has attended Oak Street Elementary School since first grade. She is a native English speaker. She is a very […]

PEA#2:Play Categories

Observe (at least an hour) an early childhood setting or other setting (such as a park or playground) where children are at  free play .  Look for examples of each of Parten’s six play categories as described in the  Beginnings and Beyond text. Write a one to two page paper where you describe what the children […]

DB2: Article Review

DB2: Article Review Use the CCCC library tool  Summon  (which you learned about in Module 2 and can access on the CCCC home page) to search for a  brief article related to working with children with special needs. After reading the article, tell the rest of the class the following: · The name of the article · […]

child development

Child Development Speak with two parents of young children who are of distinctly different cultural groups in your class or in your neighborhood.  I encourage you to ask questions about what children are like and how they should be educated. The following questions might be considered: What learning and behaviors should be expected of children ages birth […]


Select any TEN (10) concepts and define or describe each one in 1 paragraph or less. Each response is worth 1 point: a total of 10 points for this section


1 PAGE search for pictures that are different from the ones included in the text. (PLEASE REFER TO PREVIOUS LITERACY ASSIGNMENT) Write about what you observed, the differences you see, and why it is important to understand child development when assessing emergent writing skills.  Here is a link to  Zero-to-Three to support understanding of the development […]

Chld Development

Discussion Board Module 1 – Importance of Community Use the attached NAEYC documents to complete this discussion board . The NAEYC guidance underscores the importance of early childhood educators having a strong understanding of communities and the resources they have to support families. Find one quote in those documents about the importance of community. Share […]

google cloud platform

  Google Cloud Platform (GCP) is a suite of cloud computing services offered by Google. It provides various infrastructure and platform services that enable users to build, deploy, and scale applications and services on Google’s infrastructure. Some key services offered by Google Cloud Platform include: Compute Engine: Virtual machines (VMs) running on Google’s infrastructure, allowing […]

Rebecca Module 11

  Objective: To create a Music activity plan for pre-kindergarten. Scenario: You are a teacher in a pre-kindergarten classroom. Your class will soon be starting a theme on insects. The children in your class come from diverse cultural backgrounds, and several of them speak languages other than English at home. Focus Assignment:  Create an activity […]

The fall of the Berlin Wall powerpoint

 Please submit the first four slides of your Historical Impact assignment  here this should include the title slide and the introduction slide.    title slide and an introduction slide here. Your introduction slide  should share the topic you’re covering, what you plan to discuss in the  presentation and why you selected the topic. 

Changing Management Plan

Change Management Plan Outline Put together a document to outline your change management plan. Make sure you include all the sections of the plan and the steps you will need to take to complete the plan. Now, it is time to verify that you are ready to do your final assessment for this competency. In […]

Leadership Plan

You will develop a Leadership Development Plan for your position or one similar to yours. This will build on the Leadership Development Plan outline you developed for your formative assessment. You will now develop an actual plan for a position at your organization. Specific Assignment Details Your Leadership Development Plan will include the following: 1. […]

Applying Theories and Research-Based Best Practices

Assessment Description Applying Theories and Research-Based Best Practices The underlying principles of English language teaching and learning are grounded in current and historical theories and research. Teachers of ELLs are expected to apply theories and research on language acquisition/learning to the classroom, possess a proficient knowledge of linguistic concepts and the English language, and employ […]


  Please answer each question in complete full  paragraph. Do not repeat the questions. All answers should be followed by a reference